Saturday, October 7, 2017

PSNW Board Meeting Minutes, April 4, 2017

Public Speaking Northwest
Board Meeting Minutes
April 4, 2017

In Attendance: Julie Hutton VP of PR, Jean Tracy VP of Education, Jung Kim VP of Membership, Nancy Carpenter Secretary, Jim Tracy Treasurer, Lynne Dauenhauer Sargent at Arms, and Randy Barber President.

Meeting was called to order by Randy at 10:40 a.m.
MOTION 1: Minutes from our February 14th meeting were approved as written.

President: Randy received an email indicating that, due to our high achievement, our members would pay $35 each to attend that after party at the upcoming district conference on May 20th. Jean thought that our admission should be free. Randy will investigate.

MOTION 2: Randy also proposed that the club sponsor the registration fee for a member who has never attended a district conference. A drawing would be held at the April 25th meeting of interested persons. A secondary drawing would be made for a backup attendee. A motion was made to this effect by Nancy and seconded by Jean. The motion passed. Randy is checking any registration restrictions that may impact this strategy.

Table Topics Extravaganza feedback was solicited. Nancy noted that the attendees who did not have assigned jobs were all newbees. It was posited that possibly regular members were not interested in attending and newbees attended because they didn’t know what was expected. More feedback will be solicited. Table Topics Extravaganzas are planned for the last Tuesday of each quarter. The next one will be at the end of June.

Randy wants to remind mentors to stress to their mentees that PSNW is a safe place to experiment and grow.

Public Relations: Julie made a new slideshow/video. Jean asked Julie to post the video to the header of our website and the header of our FaceBook page, so it will not be pushed down the page by new posts. Julie is working on this.

Julie is coordinating that Open House, a promotional event, which will take place on April 18th.  She has been posting about our group on FaceBook, LinkedIn, NextDoorNeighbors, and DIOS. Randy suggested posting with the Chamber of Commerce of Woodinville and Bothell. Julie will investigate this. If it must be done by a member to be done for free, Randy will post with Bothell Chamber, where he is a member. Jung will coordinate the food for the Open House. Nancy will make a flier using Barb’s Table Topics Extravaganza flier as a basis. Julie wants help with PR and we need a decorator. Randy will announce this need at the meeting.

Education:  Jean reports that we have 8 Distinguished Club Points (DCPs) and need 9 to move to the next level. To earn that next point, we either need 2 more completed Competent Communicators or Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB), Advanced Communicator Silver (ACS) or Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG). Nancy has one more speech after today to complete her CC. Jung is close and may have it done by the June 30th deadline.  Speeches can be done at other clubs, during board meetings, or before/after regular meetings.

Membership: Jung reports that in March we had 6 guests, of whom 2 joined, Deepa and Peter. Per the website, we had 28 members and now, with the newbees, we have 30. There are 4 or 5 potentials. Jung will be absent on the 25th of April and the board will step in to greet guests.

Secretary: Nancy will be absent on April 25th and needs someone to do the minutes. Randy will announce at the meeting.  

Treasurer: Jim reports that we have 24 paid members. His tenacity paid off and he was able to have the $10 erroneous charge by the bank reversed. We have $806.24 in the bank as of 03/21/2017. We have 7 members who have not paid their dues.

MOTION 3: Jim proposed that we raise the club fee to $12 from $10 and that it be prorated, as the TI fee is. A motion was made to this effect by Nancy. It was seconded by Julie. The motion passed. Jim will make a spreadsheet for the new member packet so the actual amount due can be easily deduced.

Sargent at Arms: All is good.

MOTION 4: Motion to adjourn was made at 11:35 a.m. by Jim and seconded by Julie. Motion was passed.

Respectfully submitted by Nancy Hovan Carpenter, PSNW Secretary

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