Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters




Today, our new member induction ceremony was performed by Nancy for Jessica Smail.


Look forward to a Zoom (holiday) dress up meeting on October 26, 2021.


Members in Attendance (in alphabetical order): Jessica, Kate, Kelly, Lynn C., Lynne D., Mara, Nancy, Nguyet, Robert, Warren


Guests in Attendance: None


Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened our meeting at 12:00 p.m.


Opening Comments by our President, Lynn C.


Our Toastmaster was Nancy


The meeting theme was: Celebrating October!


The word of the day was “scrumptious”


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Nguyet

Ah Counter – Jessica

Timer – Lynn C

General Evaluator Mara


Speaker #1 was Kelly with her speech, “Get Your Zoom On.” This was her Presentation Mastery path, Level 1-2: Evaluation and Feedback.  5-7 minutes

In her speech, which took 6:42 minutes, Kelly demonstrated using virtual background PowerPoint slides, how to create virtual background PowerPoint slides .


Speaker #2 was Warren speaking about, “Make Your Mentor A Winner.” This was his Visionary Communication path, Introduction To Mentoring.  5-7 minutes

In his speech, which took 8:09 minutes, Warren disclosed the two-way contributions between mentors and proteges and the distinction between mentors and coaches. He kept us on the edge of our chairs as his internet connection became intermittent.


Evaluator #1 was Kate with a very complete evaluation, recognizing Kelly’s innovation and warmth of presentation and suggesting adjusting her Zoom settings to uncheck “mirror my video” to properly point to a location behind her.


Evaluator #2 was Nancy with an admiring evaluation, recognizing Warren’s clarity of thought and storytelling and suggesting adjusting his monitor/camera, so that his entire head could fit into the screen rectangle, rather than leaving the top of his head to our imagination.


Our Table Topics Master was Robert with unthematic random questions. 

Lynne D. told of her favorite ancestor – her Grandmother as her namesake.

Nguyet talked decisively about not being willing to change places with anyone for a month, thank you very much.

Jessica looks forward 10 years from now to seeing her kids grown and her house remodeled.

Kate confessed that her favorite phone apps involve scheduling, personal and team.


The General Evaluator was Mara who commented on Nancy’s adroit self-fulfillment as Evaluator #2 and Toastmaster. She also liked the Table Topic speakers, the Evaluators, and the Gate Team reporters. 


Meeting adjourned at 12:59 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Robert Katz, On behalf of

Barbara Katz, Secretary


Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters




Today, our new member induction ceremony was performed by Nancy for Nguyet Ly and Nevin Kalaf


Look forward to a Zoom (holiday) dress up meeting on October 26, 2021.


Members in Attendance (in alphabetical order): Jessica, Jinxin, Kate, Kelly, Lynn C., Lynne D., Nancy, Nevin, Nguyet, Robert, Warren


Guests in Attendance: None


Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened our meeting at 12:00 p.m.


Opening Comments by our President, Lynn C.


Our Toastmaster was Lynne D.


The meeting theme was: Stormy Weather


The word of the day was “whirlwind”


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Nevin

Ah Counter – Nguyet

Timer – Jessica

General Evaluator Warren


Speaker #1 was Kate with her speech, “The Amazing Pacific Octopus.” This was her Presentation Mastery path, Level 4 Elective, with Q&A Session.  15-20 minutes

Her speech, which took 18:02 minutes, Kate enthralled us with information and insights of the Pacific Octopus.


Evaluator #1 was Nancy with a very cogent evaluation, recognizing Kate’s warmth of presentation and suggesting how to combine the presentation and Kate into the same rectangle.


Our Table Topics Master was Lynn C. with lots of stormy questions. 

Robert told of his 1st and last rented sailboat experience on Long Island Sound.

Kelly talked her wish to meet favorite celebrity, RuPaul, for fashion tips.

Jinxin let us know that her favorite extreme weather was Snow.

Nevin outlined his favorite activities inside his home, while a snow storm was outside.

Nguyet talked about her fortunate missed cruise to the Caribbean, which encountered a storm and was stranded for two weeks.


General Evaluator was Warren who commented on agenda preparation, overlooked General Evaluator introduction, and complemented the toastmaster on her most memorable Seattle Area storms. He also cited excellent Table Topic speakers, the Evaluator, Nancy, and Gate Team reporters. 


Meeting adjourned at 12:58 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Robert Katz, On behalf of

Barbara Katz, Secretary

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Officer Meeting Minutes


October 5, 2021


Meeting started approximately 1:00 p.m.


Officers in Attendance: Lynn C., Barb, Nancy, Mara, Jinxin, Lynne D.

Members in Attendance: Kelly, Caryn


Announcement:  Our club has won the Super Seven award and a $75 gift certificate because all seven of our officers attended officer training during July or August.


Minutes from the September meeting were approved.


Officer Reports

Report from VPE Nancy: 

·      We have earned one point toward our Distinguished Club award, and are well on the way toward earning several more points


Report from VPM Kate:

·      When Kate receives inquiries about our club, she copies her responses to the VPPR and President. When a guest has filled out an application, she copies the Treasurer.

·      We lost 5 or 6 members and now have 16 paid members


Report from Treasurer Jinxin:

·      The mysterious $30 payment has been identified as membership dues from Mercedes.

·      Jinxin reported that we have $1,236.58 in our checking account.

·      Jinxin has received the letter from Barb and has uploaded all documents to PayPal so that she can be the owner of our account.  No response from PayPal yet.


Report from VPPR Mara:

·      Mara suggested that we have a virtual Halloween party at our October 26th meeting, with costumes and spooky stories. All agreed. She will begin promoting this event.

·      Mara and Lynne D continue to look for a location for in-person meetings.

·      Mara is signing up our club for “Google My Business.”


Report from SSA Lynne:

·      Lynne picked up supplies at our former meeting room in ISO, and the supplies are stored in her basement.  While at ISO, Lynne happened to see Karl, our former member who arranged for that meeting room.  Karl said that ISO would like to offer us a meeting room again, but it is not feasible at this time.  No budget.


New Business


Caryn told us about her other club’s experience doing hybrid meetings.  Their conclusion was that they could make it work, but it was not as satisfying as a virtual meeting or an in-person meeting.  Therefore, they are not doing hybrid anymore.


Caryn talked about how her other club explains the outline of the meeting at the beginning of each meeting.  Guests say that they appreciate this a lot. Their meeting is divided into three parts:

1)    Prepared speeches, hosted by the Toastmaster

2)    Impromptu speeches, led by the Table Topics Master

3)    Evaluations, led by the General Evaluator, including the evaluators and GATE team reports.

Caryn also talked about how much energy there is in their in-person meetings, how uplifting they are, and their Covid protection procedures.




There followed an open-ended discussion on various topics.


Lynn C had several ideas on making our virtual meetings more fun:

·      Inviting a special person to our meeting,

·      Having a special themed meeting every month. 

·      She suggested a brainstorm to find out how/if the club is meeting the needs of the members, to restore the “spark.”  Kate suggested that we use the higher level projects to accomplish this; for example, a panel discussion or a Q&A session.

·      Celebrating accomplishments. Kate suggested maybe sending cards via snail-mail.


Jinxin said that she had followed-up with her company to see if they have a meeting room that we could use, but the company does not have one.


Kelly suggested using library rooms for our meetings, but this is not feasible because of library rules. Kelly also suggested doing Facebook advertising, and Mara agreed.


The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary


Meeting Minutes

October 5, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters




WELCOME to our new members, Nguyet Ly and Neven Kalaf


CONGRATULATIONS to Mara who has completed Level 3 of Presentation Mastery. 


KUDOS to Nancy for the very nice presentation of Mara’s Level 3 award.


Members in Attendance (in alphabetical order): Barb, Caryn, Jessica, Kate, Kelly, Kristin, Lynn C., Lynne D., Mara, Nancy, Warren


Guests in Attendance: Nguyet Ly and Nevin Kalaf


Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened our meeting at 12:00 p.m.


Opening Comments by our President, Lynn C.


Our Toastmaster was Barb.


The meeting theme was: Dragons


The word of the day was “slay”


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Jessica

Ah Counter – Jessica

Timer – Kate

General Evaluator Lynn C.


Speaker #1 was Mara with her speech, “Turning Paper into Real Money – Legally.” This was her ice-breaker speech for Presentation Mastery path.  5-7 minutes

In her speech, Mara talked about her book series, Little Books of Big Business


Evaluator #1 was Warren with a very complimentary evaluation, recognizing that Mara’s speech was impromptu.


Our Table Topics Master was Kristen with lots of dragon-related questions. 

Kelly told of her Elvira costume that won 3rd place in a contest.

Jessica talked about her favorite fairy tale, Rapunzel, that was updated and re-imagined by Disney in their movie “Tangled.”

Nguyet related a story about her past when she was cooking soup but forgot the water and started a fire in the kitchen.

Nevin described trips to Thailand with his family.

Caryn talked about Shrek, the movie about a dragon and ogres

Nancy said that she treasured freedom more than anything.

Kate talked about how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed and enhanced the teamwork in her agency.

Lynne was asked about her good luck charm, and she responded by talking about the things that make her feel blessed.


General Evaluator was Lynn C who recognized the toastmaster for contacting Kristin before the meeting so that Kristin would have lots of TT questions ready.  Lynn also recognized Warren and Kristin.


Meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary