Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Meeting Minutes - June 15, 2021

 Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - June 15, 2021


Announcements:  Next week we will have a Guest Speaker, David H., talking about The 20 Things You Forgot About Meeting In-Person. 


Lynne reminds us that the existing zoom link we’ve been using will expire at the end of June. On our last meeting, June 29th, Lynne will provide us the new zoom link.


Jean and Jim, so wonderfully volunteered to host the Summer Gathering Potluck at their home on Saturday, July 24th, 2021 at noon. Everyone and their family are welcome! Thanks, Jean and Jim!



  • Lynn Connell was voted in as Club President, succeeding Barbara Katz

  • Nancy Carpenter was voted in to remain VP Education

  • Kate Morris was voted in to remain VP Membership

  • Mara William was voted in to remain VP Public Relations

  • Barb Katz was voted in as Secretary, succeeding Lynn Connell

  • Jinxin Hu was voted in as Club Treasurer, succeeding James Tracy

  • Lynne Dauenhauer was voted in to remain Sergeant at Arms


Our co-zoom host Mara, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement, flag salute, and reminded members and guests that the speech and evaluation part of our meeting are recorded. 


Our President Barb opened the meeting. Mara reviewed roles for the next meeting due to Nancy having internet issues.  Barb introduced the Toastmaster.


Our Toastmaster was Lynn.  Our theme was "I AM __(fill in the blank)__!". 

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Kristin

Word of the day - Vicariously  

Ah Counter - Kristin

Timer - Midori

General Evaluator - Warren


Our 1st speaker today was JeanHer speech is entitled “Hunting for the Good”. She is working on her Presentation Mastery Path, Understanding Her Communication Style, Level 3

(5-7 mins)


Our 2nd speaker Giri had a Wifi issue and could not join us today.


Our Evaluator was Nancy (evaluating Jean)

Our Table Topic Master was Mara


Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Warren, Julie, Nancy, Barb, Jim, Midori, and Marty all shared stories relating to the roles they play as a Grandfather, a Great Grandmother, a Physical and Spiritual Healer, a Friend, a Barber, a Mother, and a Brother/Brother-in-Law.


Members in Attendance were Lynne, Lynn, Mara, Warren, Barb, Jean, Jim, Midori, Nancy, Kristin, Julie, and Robert


Guest(s) in Attendance: Marty Mackenzie (Barb’s brother returned)


Motion to Adjourn,



Lynn Connell

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Meeting Minutes - June 8, 2021

 Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - June 8, 2021


Announcements:  July 1st will be the start of the NEW Officers’ role. We still need a secretary. THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO BUILD YOUR LISTENING AND NOTE-TAKING SKILLS. Please let Barb know if you’re interested. 


Barb will reach out this week regarding a Summer Gathering for those interested.


WELCOME JULIE back to the team!!!


Our co-zoom host Mara, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement, flag salute, and reminded members and guests that the speech and evaluation part of our meeting are recorded. 


Our President Barb opened the meeting. Mara reviewed roles for the next meeting in Nancy’s absence.  Barb introduced the Toastmaster.


Our Toastmaster was Lynne.  Our theme was "100 Years Ago!!". HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lynne’s mother-in-law turning 100 in July. 

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Hannah

Word of the day - Centennial  

Ah Counter - Kristin

Timer - Lynn C.

General Evaluator - Mara


Our 1st speaker today was KateHer speech is entitled “™ Meetings: Those Roles Have a Role to Play”. She is working on her Presentation Mastery Path, Managing a Difficult Audience (8-10 mins)


Our 2nd speaker today is Giri. His speech is entitled “The Greatest and Most Practical Secret”. He is working on his Motivational Strategies Path; Inspire Your Audience (5-7 mins)


Our Evaluators were Warren (evaluating Kate) and Barb (evaluating Giri)

Our Table Topic Master was Jim


Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Julie, Jean, and Hannah all shared stories related to the annual Jelly-Filled Donut Day, National Elephant in Zoo, and Bed bugs awareness week.


Members in Attendance were Lynne, Lynn C., Mara, Barb, Warren, Giri, Jim, Midori, Hannah, Kate, Julie, Robert, and Kristin.


Guest(s) in Attendance: Marty Mackenzie (Barb’s brother)


Motion to Adjourn,



Lynn Connell

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Meeting Minutes - June 1, 2021

 Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - June 1, 2021


Announcements:  We have an important decision to make. Everyone should think personally about in-person meetings. Barb will send out an email to get your thoughts. Also, for our Summer Social gathering, where should we meet and when?


July 1st will be the start of the NEW Officers’ role. We still need a secretary. In this role, you will need to attend every meeting for 6-month to take down the Meeting Minutes. There is already a template you can use that would help a lot. THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO BUILD YOUR LISTENING AND NOTE-TAKING SKILLS. Lynn C. will be happy to help train you.


I also want to welcome our NEWEST RETURNING MEMBER, JULIE back to the team!  :-) 


Our co-zoom host Mara, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement, flag salute, and reminded members and guests that the speech and evaluation part of our meeting are recorded. 


Our President Barb opened the meeting and introduced the VPE Nancy, to review roles for the next meeting.  Nancy introduced the Toastmaster.


Our Toastmaster was Lynn.  Our theme was "Memorial Day". 


Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Midori

Word of the day - steadfast 

Ah Counter - Midori

Timer - Lynne

General Evaluator - Nancy


Our 1st speaker today was Barb.  Her speech was entitled, "Monster at Large". (5-7 mins)


Our 2nd speaker today is Jim. His speech is entitled “Mentoring or Coaching”. He is 

working on his Humor Pathway, Project 3, Introduction to Mentoring (5-7 mins)


Our Evaluators were Jean (evaluating Barb) and Kate (evaluating Jim)

Our Table Topic Master was Robert


Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Warren, Julie, Mara, Jim, and Nancy all shared stories related to memories.


Members in Attendance were Warren, Lynn, Midori, Nancy, Mara, Jean, Jim, Lynne, Julie, Barb, Kate, and Robert 


Guest(s) in Attendance: None


Motion to Adjourn,



Lynn Connell

Officers' Minutes - June 1, 2021

 Officers’ Minutes - June 1, 2021

Attendees: Barb, Kate, Jim, Lynne, Mara, Lynn, Nancy

Barb had the minutes for May 2021 approved.

Officer Reports with Discussion:

Officer Reports:

  • President: Barb

  • VP Education (VPE): Nancy

  • VP Membership (VPM): Kate

  • VP Public Relations (VPPR): Mara

  • Secretary: Lynn C

  • Treasurer: Jim & Jinxin (in training)

  • Sergeant at Arms (SAA): Lynne D


  • Nancy, Julie (a former Toastmasters member) has officially joined us. We still need 2 more members to sign up to be rewarded.

  • Mara, her efforts in social media made an impact and was how Julie found us again.

    • Mara and Lynne had a discussion about having a Summer Social where we all get together somewhere outdoors to connect again in person.

    • Lynne, mentioned the Shannon, the ISO, said on July 1st the room is open for us to return in person. It is up to us to decide if we want to do that.  Also, the room is available on a different day now (Monday).

    • Mara was thinking of a hybrid of 1-day in-person and 3-days on zoom until we go back full-time next Spring 2022. 

    • Jim confirmed that April 1st is when the 6-month membership renewal is due in 2022 since Mara thinks it’ll be a good time around renewal time to make the transition to live full-time. Those that cannot make it in person can then opt-out if needed.

    • Barb is concern that we may never make the switch if we don’t switch sooner. 

    • Nancy, believe the faster we do in-person, the better. 

    • Lynne did not see any guidance about going back in person.

    • Barb mentioned that it might be hard for some of our members to go in person. She sees the benefits of zoom and how easy it is to attend by going into another room in your house. However, there is not the same connection as it is with live meetings. 

    • Mara’s question now is, 

      • July 1st we start in-person or hybrid?

      • Will members be affected by the day change (Monday)?

      • What’s the best way to ask members their thoughts?

      • Jim mentioned emailing members, Nancy mentioned during Table Topics and/or Mentors can work with their protege, Barb mentioned taking up a whole meeting (Nancy, reminded us that if we have Guests during the meeting, they might not get any good out of us talking about business-matter).

    • Mara thinks we should list the facts to the members and that should help.

      • TI wants us to go back in-person

      • We have a great room

      • In-person would be on a different day (Monday).

    • Barb loves the Summer Social idea get-together. Maybe it’ll help people feel the difference with connecting in person. The question is when should we schedule it? Mara says to bring it up as soon as possible and suggests bringing it up in today’s meeting so that members have a week to think about it and talk about it at the next meeting.

    • Jim knows of a park in Bothell. He’ll talk to his son to find out the name of the park and will let us know.

    • Barb asked Mara why she thought next year in-person was a good idea. Mara felt we should start with baby steps doing hybrid first before going full-time. 

    • Barb, mentioned looking into the Bothell Police Department to see if they have a room on Tuesday so we can keep the same day when we go live. They have a nice room. Nancy said the Bothell Police Department tends to bump people and may cost us. Our current location is free.

    • Jim has another club doing Hybrid and he will let us know how it goes. 

    • Barb appreciates Mara and Lynne bringing up this idea and doing the work to discuss this before we met. Let’s move forward on planning the Summer Social. Mara threw the idea of meeting at Bearsley Pub outdoor either on a Tuesday at noon or weekend. 

    • Barb mentioned that this hybrid or in-person decision will most likely land on the NEW President (Lynn C.) who will take over July 1st. 

  • Barb, do we have a new secretary? No. Barb is up for taking it on if no one does.

  • Jim, as of May 31st, 2021, we have $1,076.73 in our account. We received 2 zoom reimbursements. 

    • Incentive dollars evaporate by the end of every year.

    • Confirm JinXin is the new Treasurer and Midori is just the backup.

  • Lynne, announced that Nancy and Mara will co-zoom host when she’s away. 

    • The zoom voice that pops up when we start recording is Worldwide and everyone must opt-in. 

  • Lynn C, noticed she hasn’t been including who was evaluating the speakers in her Meeting Minutes starting April 13th.  This is because she normally copies the previous Meeting Minutes template and because April 6th was our Open House and had no evaluator that day, she took that template and used it going forward. She has corrected this by adding all the evaluators to the Meeting Minutes on our Blog posts. She did not resend anything out to the members because it’s wasn’t necessary. Lynn C.  is missing who the evaluator is for Kristin for the April 27th meeting. Lynne knows since she records the speakers and evaluators. She will let Lynn C. know later.

  • Kate, sent out her VPM report prior because she will be late. Here’s her email report:

    • Julie Hutton's membership became official this morning, so we have added one new member

    • Mercedes indicated an interest in returning but is not able to visit until next week.
      She will send her the link

    • There were no new inquiries this week


Motion to adjourn. 

