Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Public Speaking Northwest Minutes 10-27-20


Increase Your Presentation Skills the Friendly, Fun and Easy Way – Join Toastmasters! Come zoom with us at 11:45.

Announcements:  Next week, November 3rd we’ll have an officers’ meeting at 11 am.

We’ll all receive a free Path from Toastmasters International. Wonderful!

 Our Meeting Toastmaster: Nancy created a fun agenda highlighting her theme, “The Origins of Halloween. Throughout the meeting she offered Halloween tidbits like black is for the death of the old year and bonfire was originally bone fire.

 Our President: Barb welcomed our guests from last week, Bob and Midori. We hope they’ll join.

 Grammarian and Word of the Day  Adilene chose ‘Other-Worldly’ to fit with our Halloween theme.

Ah Counter – Lynne volunteered to count our ahs, ums, and other speech distractions. This will help us avoid them when we talk and become better speakers.

 Timer – Kate used the green, yellow, and red cards to help us keep our talks on time.

 General Evaluator – Jean evaluated the meeting and found it to be excellent.

 Our 1st Speaker Robert entitled his talk, “Playing Games with Sheldon.” He shared 3 unique childhood games involving a silver dollar, a penny, and a broomstick. He told us about a salt-shaker game he and his friends played in college while they were waiting for food. We were eager to play his games but alas, we were on zoom.

Our 2nd Speaker Lucelly’s title, “Wish It, Plan It, Do It,” sparked our curiosity. Lucelly delivered. She left Puerto Rico with a master’s in Industrial Psychology. When she moved to the U.S., she knew the quote by Wittgenstein, “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world,” applied to her. She is now studying English to understand the questions for her boards as a Behavior Analyst Professional. She shared her proposal to study every day using the mock test for her exam. She has one year to pass it. We believe in you Lucelly.

 Our 1st Evaluator – Jim enjoyed Robert’s games and noted that Robert shared a “unique slice of history” when kids made up their own games and played them for hours.

 Our 2nd EvaluatorBarb admired Lucelly’s persistence and drive to learn English. She noted Lucelly’s wonderful gestures and vocal variety. Barb also marveled at Lucelly’s improvement in speaking English.

 Our Table Topics Master – Mara set the stage for an extended story about Halloween, a mom, and trick or treating. Everyone took turns in expanding the story. So fun!

 General Evaluator – Jean enjoyed many parts of the meeting including Nancy’s Halloween tidbits and agenda, the fabulous talks, and the fun table topics.

Our Members in Attendance – Lynne, Nancy, Jim, Barb, Lucelly, Kate Mara, Adilene, Robert, Jean

 Our Guests in Attendance – Bob and Midori

Motion to Adjourn – Nancy,  Second – Jean

Your Secretary,

Jean Tracy, DTM


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