Monday, March 1, 2021

Officers’ Minutes - February 9, 2021

 Officers’ Minutes - February 9, 2021

Attendees: Barb, Kate, Jim, Lynne, Mara, Lynn

Barb had the minutes from January 2021 approved.

Officer Reports with Discussion:

Officer Reports:

  • President: Barb

  • VP Education (VPE): Nancy

  • VP Membership (VPM): Kate

  • VP Public Relations (VPPR): Mara

  • Secretary: Lynn C

  • Treasurer: Jim & Jinxin

  • Sergeant at Arms (SAA): Lynne D


  • Nancy is unable to join the meeting today because she’s in the middle of moving out of state. She’ll continue to join via Zoom. Most of the time during her transition to Texas, she will still be available to level up members, do Pathways consultations, do competition consultations, and will be available to her proteges.

    • Nancy sent out an email on hybrid meeting technical tips on how we can set up both Zoom and in-room meetings in the future when we are able to meet in person again.

  • Kate informed us that we currently have 18 members as of the last enrollment period. Kameh is our newest member. Jim will check with Adeline to see if she will renew again. Hannah has been a returning guest several times now but has not officially joined yet.

  • Mara talked about the competition we’re going to have on 2/23/2021.  Nancy has suggested having a target speaker for Warren to evaluate since he’ll be participating in the Evaluation part of the competition. A veteran Toastmaster and past guest Janice from California was brought up as a suggestion to be the guest speaker for Warren to evaluate. Mara volunteered to be our Toastmaster on the day of the competition.

    •  Mara met with Kate to discuss continued working relationships for PR and membership. Kate shared her template for replying to inquiries which can be adapted when replying to Facebook messages.

    • Mara attended MELE on January 22nd. Good interaction with other PR officers from local groups. Several of them are now following our Facebook page. Main takeaway from the group - better to find a basic PR strategy on social media than to try to get too much going (like adding Instagram).

    • Mara needs a list of events we have on the calendar for the year to proactively promote the events. Barb recalled Nancy sending events out, she will send it over to Mara.

    • Mara will continue posting regular content each week on Facebook.

    • Mara added an image on the website to visually enhance our online Zoom presence (see image below)

    • Facebook Live update - she hasn’t done anything. She’s thinking Jean’s speech on her Slippers would be a good one to post. Jim informed us that Jean will be using that speech for the competition. Midori said we can post her Ice-Breaker speech if we can find a way to remove her last name from the recording.

  • Lynn C attended the MELE on January 22nd. Most of the members were experienced Secretary except herself and one more person. Great informative meeting.

  • Jim reached out to the company regarding the fraudulent withdrawal. The company doesn’t know about the charge.  The bank credited back the $200.  We now have a new debit card.

    • End of December balance is $743.38. End of January is $948.01.

    • Jim motion for the Club to pay for the $1.50 PayPal fee when members pay via PayPal. All were in favor.

  • Lynne, nothing new to report. 

    • Lynne proposed that we record the Evaluator in addition to the Speaker because during Lynn C’s first Ice Breaker speech, she asked if the evaluations are recorded for her to rewatch and it is not. Jim mentioned encouraging the Evaluators to send their write-ups to the speaker. Mara mentioned the Host would be responsible for the additional step of recording the Evaluators.  

    • Jim suggests making it an option. The Host would reach out ahead of time to the Speaker and Evaluator.

    • Mara suggests making it a norm for our Toastmasters. Speakers and Evaluators will be recorded. Barb suggested the recording be sent out to BOTH the Evaluator and Speaker in 1 email. 

    • Mara motion to record the Evaluators. Both the Speaker and Evaluator will get a copy. This motion is passed as Officers. We will let the members know they are getting added values from having the evaluation recorded.  Everyone agrees.


Barb asked:

  • Did everyone get trained? Everyone has.

  • Member drive? Mara brought up the idea of having an event to promote members and friends (maybe a month from now). In this event, we can have the speech be on tips, etc. Maybe even have a guest speaker on zoom. 


Mara motion for the meeting to adjourn. 



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