Saturday, December 18, 2021


Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters



Our Vice President of Education (VPE), Nancy, announced that Mara has completed Level 4 of the Engaging Humor Path.


The meeting on December 21 will be our last meeting in December.


All officers have agreed to continue in their roles until June, 30, 2022, so there was no need for a vote.


Members in Attendance (in alphabetical order): Barb, Jessica, Jim, Kate, Kelly, Lynn C., Lynne D., Nancy, Nevin, Nguyet, Robert, Warren


Guests in Attendance: n/a


Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened our meeting at 12:00 p.m.


Opening Comments by our President, Lynn C.


The meeting theme was: Songs of the Season


The word of the day was “Molligrubs,” a noun that means grumpiness, as in, “The old man had the molligrubs.


Our Toastmaster was Lynne D, who had illustrated the agenda with pictures representing 5 songs: Jingle Bells, Silent Night, 12 Days of Christmas, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and White Christmas.  Throughout the meeting she asked questions about the history of each song.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Kelly

Ah Counter – Lynn C.

Timer – Warren

General Evaluator Barb


Our Speaker was Mara with her speech, “The NYC Streets and Me,” 8-10 minutes, Presentation Mastery Path, Level 1, Researching and Presenting. Mara talked about her recent trip to New York with a friend, to visit Mara’s youngest son who lives there now. She organized the speech around the methods of travel that she had experienced in exploring the city – Uber, double-decker bus, subway, and walking.  Her speech was enhanced with many photographs and descriptions.


Our Evaluator was Jim who praised Mara for making a potentially boring research speech into a very-well organized and entertaining story.  Jim suggested that Mara include more emotion in her speech.


Our Table Topics Master was Nguyet who asked questions about some Christmas songs and how they had been performed by certain musicians.


Jessica said that “all she wanted for Christmas” was that her kids could enjoy Christmas and family.


Nevin talked about his most bizarre Christmas, playing piano at a Christmas service at age 14.


Nancy gave us a story about her most comical Christmas.


Barb described the wacky ways that she had prevented Christmas trees from being knocked down by cats and little children.


In response to a question on the song, “Grandma Got Run Over with a Reindeer,” Lynne D described how when she was a girl in Seattle, Santa always arrived in a pick up truck.


In response to the song “Feliz Navidad,” Robert talked about a trip that he and his wife had made to Merida, Mexico at Christmas one year.


Kelly discussed the most memorable event that happened at her last Christmas – a woman falling in the airport and no one willing to help her, and another man yelling at the woman for lowering her face mask to say thank you.


Our General Evaluator, Barb, expressed what a wonderful meeting it had been, well-organized and filled with laughter and warmth.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary

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