Thursday, December 24, 2020


Public Speaking Northwest Minutes – December 22, 2020

Need Leadership Skills? Learn Them at Toastmasters. 


Mission Statement & Flag Salute: Lynne promptly opened the meeting on time.


Our President: Nancy, with vigor and warmth stepped in for Barb.


Announcements: Our next meeting will be on January 5, 2021.


Our Meeting Toastmaster: Mara’s theme was “Holiday Party.”


Grammarian and Word of the Day:  Kate’s word for us to use, in keeping with Mara’s theme, was “Festive.”


Ah Counter: Kate did the difficult task of listening well and counting our filler words.


TimerLynn kept each speaker on time with green, yellow, and red signs.


General Evaluator: Warren listened to the whole meeting to notice what went well and how we could improve.


Our 1st Speaker: Midori gave her very first talk called the ‘ice-breaker.’ Her personal goal was to speak clearly. She said she is, “very comfortable being uncomfortable speaking English.” (She spoke so well.) Midori moved from Tokyo, Japan to the United States several times due to her husband’s job.


“Learning a foreign language is very difficult,” she said. She studied English many times throughout her schooling even at the university level. She taught us a Japanese word at the end of her speech. It was her name, Midori, which means “green.”


Our 2nd Speaker: Nancy’s title, “Create an Opening,” used the wise saying for talks and essays:


1. Tell them what you’re going to tell them. (Introduction for the talk)

2. Then tell them.(Body of the talk)

3. Tell them what you told them. (Summary of the talk)


Nancy shared many examples with different openings that ‘hook’ the audience, like:


1.     State something important about the topic.

2.     Make a startling statement.

3.     Arouse curiosity.

4.     Tell a story or anecdote.

5.     Ask a question.

6.     Recite a quotation.

7.     Recognize a special occasion.

8.     Give a demonstration.

9.     Use an historical event.


Like the VP of Education, she is, Nancy is teaching us speaking skills from the Better Speaking Series. She ended her talk by saying, “The opening of a talk is the launch pad.” Nancy took off like a rocket and landed her talk perfectly.



Our Table Topics Master: Jean kept the theme by asking members about their favorite holidays. She asked our guests to speak and they all took the risk.


Sara loves attending her family’s Thanksgiving dinner and eating delicious deviled eggs. Her family lives in the Midwest.


Kameh is from Iran and described her family’s celebrations.


Simbu, from India, said they celebrate the new year somewhat like we celebrate Thanksgiving.


Angel, from Puerto Rico, described going from door to door singing and giving the young children presents. He is Lucelly’s brother.


Jutta, our member, loves summer holidays because he goes camping with his kids. While camping  they go biking, play sports, and everyone cooks together.


Our 1st Evaluator: Jim mentioned Midori’s name and liked knowing it meant, ‘green.’ He complimented her on her:

·       Gestures

·       Excellent pacing which made her talk “very clear.”

·       Her magnetic smile.

·       Her summary in which she mentioned living in the Evergreen State which matches her name.

He suggested she continue to practice pacing at the rate she did today because she was easily understood.


Our 2nd Evaluator: Robert enjoyed Nancy’s “Tell them” advice. He found her anecdotes helpful and good. He complimented her on the variety and amount of her openings. Robert suggested she adjust her camera. Overall, Robert liked Nancy’s holiday halo headdress and her hand gestures.


General Evaluator: Warren had praise for everyone. He liked Mara’s agenda and her preparation as toastmaster. He noted that Lynne always starts the meeting on time.


Warren liked how Nancy welcomed guests and how Mara explained the GATE team so our guests would understand. He appreciated that the ‘Chat’ feature was also discussed, and that Jean explained the purpose of Table Topics and chose those who didn’t have a speaking role.


Our Members in Attendance: Lynne, Lynn, Nancy, Kate, Jim, Glenn, Midori, Lucelly, Robert, Jutta, Warren, Mara, Jean


Our Guests in Attendance: Kameh, Simbu, Sara, Angel


Motion to Adjourn – Jim   Second – Robert



Your Secretary,




PS. Lynn will be our new secretary in the New Year. We know she will be a terrific officer and wish her the absolute best.

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