Monday, May 13, 2019

Officers minutes, May 7, 2019

PSNW Officers meeting
May 7, 2019
Present: Jean, Lynne, Giri, Mara, Uliana, Nancy, Jim, Julia.

In an effort to induce variety to our monthly routine, Jean offered to have a funny contest this month inside our club. We discussed the possible format - all members would prepare a joke (from the internet is ok), 2-3 mins, also it'll leave time for 1-2 funny speeches. We could do round robin evaluations. We discussed the date - on May 21 Jean and Jim won't be here, and also we need time to promote the event to the club, so we decided to bump it to June 4. We need to ask people to be a chairman, food and decorations chairs.

Giri reported on our membership engagements, how he reached out to outstanding members, guests, and ghost members. Giri suggested that we promote our club to our friends, and Giri will contact the nearby businesses with club promotions because they are close. We discussed the possibility to offer gift cards for members who brought guests but didn't reach the action point. We need to let everyone know that we are on a hunting phase. Jean pointed out that our club have enough (10) points to earn president distinguished, but we won't get it if we have less than 20 members by June 30.

Julia said she won't be continuing, since she didn't like the competitiveness, and all the people are so good. We all tried to convince her to stay, but she remained convinced.

We went on to discuss who will take what role next term. No consensus was reached. We'll ask members to volunteer.

Jean offered for people to react to Uliana's minutes somehow, to let her know how she's doing. Thank you, Jean! I would gladly be in the know about how I'm doing! And thank you for your reaction emails! :) ) Email or FB is ok, any reaction is welcome.


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