Thursday, March 1, 2018

Officer's Meeting Minutes, February 27, 2018

9406 TM Officer's Meeting
February 27, 2018
The meeting with officers and mentors meant teaching mentors to use Pathways, so they could teach their mentees to use Pathways (PW from now on).

Jean suggested download instruction online, to avoid paying $25 for the books.

We as a district need to have at least 70% of clubs briefed on PW in order to roll PW on March 20.

Warren raised a question about 2 different definitions of mentors in PW.

Not all officers and mentors present at the meeting expresses readiness to use PW right away.

Lynne asked how to get credit from your old speeches in PW. Jim suggested to retool old speeches, and give them under PW structure. Discussed what personal situation is better for rolling over to PW – under 5 speeches – better stay in old structure. You can participate in both structures, but each speech will give you a credit for only one structure at a time.

Let’s not awfulize the situation.

Is there a requirement for % of a club to be on PW?

Lynne proposed to print PW booklets and put them in new member’s folder. Randy offered to distribute these for guests. Both ideas were accepted, but for visitors we need something more simple and attracting guests as members. Discussed whether we as a club should design these booklets advertizing PW to new members, or TI will provide a template.

Internet in our meeting room? Hot spot? So new guests could pick in PW, and see how it looks.

Hillary asked mentors to let her know if any of their mentees plan not to renew membership, for easier tracking.

Present: Lynne, Jim, Jean, Uliana, Janell, Hillary, Nancy, Randy, Warren.

After the meeting Lynne sent us the answers to questions that were raised:

Here are Pat Sultan's answers (in blue) to the questions from our meeting on Tuesday.   Thanks to all who were able to attend.  

1.  Will District 2 reach the 70% training completion goal by March 20th, our projected roll out date?? I hope so! 

2.  Can members work on projects in the Legacy and Pathways programs at the same time?? Yes, members can work on both legacy and Pathways at the same time. They have until June 2020 to complete their legacy goals.

3.  If a mentor delays their start in Pathways, will there be enough information available to them that they can help a mentee that is working in Pathways?  The club mentor program and the Pathways mentor program are independent. A club mentor helps with speech development, club culture, etc. It's possible the mentee may teach the mentor about something in Pathways! The Pathways mentor program is a commitment of at least 6 months and cannot be completed until a path (any path) is completed; the mentoring program is not tied to any path in any way. It will help someone become a better mentor in Toastmasters, at work, and more.

4.  We understand there is a Pathways Mentoring Path that requires members meet certain requirements to be a mentor. Does our current club mentoring program continue independent of the Pathways Mentoring Path?   See #3.

5.  What Toastmaster’s Pathway materials will be available to clubs for handouts to new members? And will there be information about Pathways that can be embedded/used on our club web-site? I need to find that out. Thank you for asking.

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