Saturday, October 7, 2017

PSNW Board Meeting Minutes, May 2, 2017

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters
Board of Directors Meeting
May 2nd, 2017

Our president, Randy, presided over the meeting via Skype.

1.    It is time to begin recruiting officer candidates. We should invite our potentials to our June board meeting. Randy is considering staying on. Julie would like to be membership VP. Jung will help her learn the ropes. Jim may have other commitments as a Toastmaster area director. Hilary is interested in the secretary position. Nancy is considering staying on as secretary. The VP of Education and VP of Membership are critical to a highly functioning club.
2.    We had no interest by members in attending the district conference. We will drop the proposal of paying the registration of a member who has never gone.

1.    Amritha reports that Canyon Park gives rewards of certificates and candy. It was decided that we would give out certificates of appreciation on Table Topics Extravaganza meetings.
2.    The more points or awards above and beyond the 10 points the higher our ranking in our District. Jim’s High Performance Leadership put him on the track to DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster, the highest award) with a lot of talks needed in between. He’s hoping to achieve an ACS (Advanced Communication Silver) before June 30th. That would give us another point. Nancy will finish her CC next week. Jung will soon.  Amritha gave us the point we needed to become President’s Distinguished.
3.    Mentors should monitor their mentee’s manuals to make sure that they are being filled out and completed correctly.
4.    At beginning of the meeting when the president asks about the Competent Leadership manual, he/she should also remind everyone with a role to pass their manual to another member for completion.

Jung: We have 3 new members from April, Jack, Emery and Julie. Anju has completed and submitted her paperwork. All we need is her money. Emery needs a mentor who has completed the High Performance Leadership series. Jim is Jack’s mentor. Jung will approach new Julie to see if she would like to have Nancy be her mentor.

1.    We have 28 members.
2.    Our bank balance is $714.17.
3.    Hilary is interested in taking Jim’s Treasurer position.
4.    Jim completed the Club/IT proration spreadsheet for membership packets.
5.    We are running at a shortfall and we need to be cognizant of this when making purchases on the club’s behalf.
6.    Meetup costs $15 dollars a month and we need to explore piggybacking upon another club’s Meetup. We should utilize FaceBook more to bring in new members. It was decided that admins would also post non-toastmaster support documents about public speaking and confidence. Randy will ask Barb about potential Meetup piggyback groups.
7.    Jim is in the final testing phase of setting up PayPal. It will cost members about $1.50 to use the service. The money will be deposited into our bank account.

1.    The Open House went very well. Anju, who is not a member yet, did the decorations. Nancy did the flier and posted it in the North Wellington NextDoor Neighbors group of over 5,000 members.
2.    Randy posted with the Bothell Chamber of Commerce and may be able to post to the Woodinville one as well.
3.    We need to have at least 25 agendas and we should keep the extra ballots and agendas at the sign in station by the door.
4.    Our street sign is dirty and the tape is ugly. Julie will glue the poster to the sign.

Jim moved to adjourn the meeting and Julie seconded it.

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