Saturday, October 7, 2017

PSNW Board Meeting, July 11, 2017

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters
Board of Directors Meeting
July 11, 2017

Our shiny new president, Janell, presided over the meeting.

MOTION: Julie/Nancy - Motion to approved revised meeting minutes from June 6, 2017. Motion was passed.

1.    Former board members are mentoring new board members.
2.    Hilary is standing in for Lynne as Sergeant at Arms for the next few weeks while Lynne is out of town.
3.    Jean, Hadaya, Janell and Hilary are all signed up for the MELE leadership training. Mercedes is about to sign up. An effort will be made to get Jack to attend. The club will receive $70 if all club officers attend…but Lynne is out of town….
4.    Awards Party 7/25. Jung is Toastmaster and Nancy will coordinate food. We need someone to do PR. We will need to shorten table topics to accommodate awards and food.
5.    August 29th will be our contest: Humorous Speech and Table Topics. We will move the folks signed up to speak to the 22nd.
6.    We have 32 members. No new ones in June.
7.    Feedback from visitors has been that we are friendly, the atmosphere is comfortable and the meeting runs smoothly.
8.    If you ever need to call TI, they are really nice and very helpful.
9.    Jim created a very nice spreadsheet for the membership packet. It shows a breakdown of our dues and prorates the fee, depending upon the month joined.
10. We are solvent.
11. Hilary, our incoming treasurer, requests that we let her know what/how to do anything that she should be doing as treasurer.
12. Treasurer sets up website access for new members.
13. Mercedes is hitting the ground running with PR, taking up the website, FaceBook and MeetUp.
14. Can anyone post on FaceBook?

MOTION: Jim made a motion that we adjourn and Nancy seconded it.

In attendance: Randy, Julie H, Jean, Jim, Jung, Hilary, Nancy, Mercedes, Hadaya, and Janell.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Nancy Hovan Carpenter, for PSNW Secretary Jack Burns

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