Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Meeting Notes - June 25, 2024

                                           Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

June 25, 2024



We had our Club officers’ election, and below are the elected officers:

·  President: Lynne Dauenhauer 

·  VP Education: Nancy Carpenter 

·  VP Membership: Dustin Urlacher 

·  Public Relations: Kelly Fallucca 

·  Treasurer: Deanna Schroeder 

·  Secretary: Sonal Suhane 

·  Sergeant at Arms: Katie Munos

We officially welcomed Katey to our club with our Protégé/Mentor/Club Member’s Pledge and Nancy is her mentor.


Our President Victor called our meeting to order.


Our Sergeant at Arms Katie articulated the Club’s Mission and led the Flag Salute


Our VPE Nancy’s Education Minute:

Demonstrated how to Sign Up for Roles and a Brief Tour of our website.


Our Toastmaster was Lynne with the theme “National Just Because Day”.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian Dustin

Word of the day was Inspiring.

Ah Counter – Dustin

Timer - Justin

General Evaluator Bill

Our Speakers and Evaluators were:


Speech Titles



“My Dirty Job”



“Amy, Stand Up”



Our Table Topics Master was Maria.


Our Table Topic Speakers were Katie and Deanna


Our Humorist was None


Members in Attendance were Barb, Nancy, Amy, Dustin, Justin, Katie, Bill, Lynne, Maria, Deanna, Katey, Natalia, Victor, Kerry, and Sonal


Guests in Attendance were Tasha and Jin


Motion to Adjourn: Bill      Second: Nancy

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