Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Meeting Notes - June 25, 2024

                                           Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

June 25, 2024



We had our Club officers’ election, and below are the elected officers:

·  President: Lynne Dauenhauer 

·  VP Education: Nancy Carpenter 

·  VP Membership: Dustin Urlacher 

·  Public Relations: Kelly Fallucca 

·  Treasurer: Deanna Schroeder 

·  Secretary: Sonal Suhane 

·  Sergeant at Arms: Katie Munos

We officially welcomed Katey to our club with our Protégé/Mentor/Club Member’s Pledge and Nancy is her mentor.


Our President Victor called our meeting to order.


Our Sergeant at Arms Katie articulated the Club’s Mission and led the Flag Salute


Our VPE Nancy’s Education Minute:

Demonstrated how to Sign Up for Roles and a Brief Tour of our website.


Our Toastmaster was Lynne with the theme “National Just Because Day”.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian Dustin

Word of the day was Inspiring.

Ah Counter – Dustin

Timer - Justin

General Evaluator Bill

Our Speakers and Evaluators were:


Speech Titles



“My Dirty Job”



“Amy, Stand Up”



Our Table Topics Master was Maria.


Our Table Topic Speakers were Katie and Deanna


Our Humorist was None


Members in Attendance were Barb, Nancy, Amy, Dustin, Justin, Katie, Bill, Lynne, Maria, Deanna, Katey, Natalia, Victor, Kerry, and Sonal


Guests in Attendance were Tasha and Jin


Motion to Adjourn: Bill      Second: Nancy

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Meeting Notes - June 18, 2024

                                           Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

June 18, 2024


Announcements: None


Our President Pro Tem Nancy called our meeting to order.


Our Sergeant at Arms Barb articulated the Club’s Mission and led the Flag Salute


Our VPE Nancy’s Education Minute:

VPM Roles

1.    Attend to guests and follow up with them.
2.    Walk incoming members through application and gather dues.
3.    Follow up with members who are slow to pay or unpaid.
4.    Add new member to PSNW website
5.    Send email to membership announcing/greeting new member
6.    Reconcile TI membership list with PSNW membership list after dues period.
7.    Follow up with members who have not been attending meetings
8.    Ensure adequate hardcopies of applications and new member documents
9. Email to become our VP of Membership


Our Toastmaster was Barb with the theme “Favorite Verses”.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian Katie

Word of the day was Metrical.

Ah Counter – Amy

Timer - Dustin

General Evaluator Sonal


Our Speakers and Evaluators were:


Speech Titles



“50th Anniversary Toast”



Our Table Topics Master was Lynne.


Our Table Topic Speakers were Dustin, Sonal, Katie, Nancy, Justin, Brian, Amy, Katey, and Jin.


Our Humorist was Brian.


Members in Attendance were Barb, Nancy, Amy, Dustin, Justin, Robert, Katie, Bill, Brian, Lynne, and Sonal


Guests in Attendance were Katey and Jin


Motion to Adjourn: Robert      Second: Bill

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Officer Meeting Minutes 06/11/2024

Officers Meeting Reports:

Previous meeting minutes from 05/14/2024 approved.

 June 11, 2024

  • Webmaster:
    • I may have fixed the Spam kickback of our emails. Remember, the Not A Member was glitchy and caused problems. I think it may be the same with the Spam notice too.  I turned off the Report Spam notice from the bottom of our emails. Please let me know if it occurs again.
    • TI only allows one person to be the contact. We have VPM@ as our contact.
    • Our own website allows for 3 emails to receive our contact emails. They are President, VPM, and VPPR.
  • Vice President of Education (VPE):
    • At the end of this Toastmaster year (July 1) we will be officially President's Distinguished.
    • We need to have our officer elections before the end of the month. I tried to find where officers can serve dual roles but ended up making an inquiry to the TI Facebook group. The response is that it happens all the time. It would be kinder to Kelly to have a different person fill that role.
  • Treasurer:
    • Next payment for room rental will be sent in late August (for Sept-Dec 2024). Lease for room rental goes through the end of 2024.
    • Reimbursement check sent to Nancy Carpenter (check 110 for
    • $18.90) for mailing expenses (pins to new members completing
    • ice breaker)
    • New member dues payments are being processed as new members join.
    • The PSNW bank account balance is $1250.18 as of 6/11/24.
  • Vice President of Public Relations (VPPR):
    • Our Member Spotlight Meeting was a grand success. I propose we do another soon. Perhaps we do one online during the slower summer months where everyone who signs up gets a 2-minute commercial? We could maybe skip Table Topics or have one speech and shorten the GATE Team reports?221 Videos on YouTube.

o    At our last meeting, we mentioned that September might be a better month for attendance for a club-sponsored party. I am not sure if we voted on it?

o    I have been asked to give a version of the talk I gave at the District 2 Conference on Saturday, June 29th, for the officer training event. Promotions will be forthcoming.

o    Facebook: 397 Followers - 25 Page Views

o    YouTube: 37 Subscribers and 129 video views. We currently have 234 posted videos.

o    I propose we keep the theme until December and just update the president’s video and officer photos on the website.

  • Vice President of Membership (VPM):
    • No new members have joined.  Chelsea Parkman has requested an application but has not yet signed up.  Total membership is 24.
    • We had one inquiry since the last report.
  • President:
    •  None

.Officers in Attendance were Victor, Kelly, Deanna, Lynne, Nancy, and Barb.





Saturday, June 15, 2024

Meeting Notes - June 11, 2024

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2024


Our Toastmaster was Katie with the theme Eureka.

Our Sergeant at Arms Barb called our meeting to order.

Our President Victor opened our meeting.

Education Minute was Nancy’s speech. Toastmasters article

Our Gate Team was:
Grammarian – Amy
Word of the day Instigate
Ah Counter – Justin
Timer - Lynne
General Evaluator – Kelly

Our Speaker was Nancy with Slow Down and Let Them Smell the Roses.
Our Evaluators was Barb

Our Table Topics Master was Robert with Goals
Our Table Topic Speakers were Victor, Dustin, Bill, Jin, Natalia, Justin, Katie (guest),
and Kelly.

Our Humorist was …out of time.

Members in Attendance were Katie, Amy, Justin, Lynne, Nancy, Robert, Kelly, Dustin,
Victor, Bill, Natalia

Guests in Attendance Jin, Lydia, Katie,

Motion to Adjourn: Dustin Second: Nancy

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Meeting Notes - June 04, 2024

                                            Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

June 04, 2024


Announcements: None


Our President Pro Tem Lakita called our meeting to order.


Our Sergeant at Arms Robert articulated the Club’s Mission and led the Flag Salute


Education Minute by Robert: Reviewed in-person meeting protocols.



Our Toastmaster was Kelly with the theme “Member Spotlight”.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian Lynne

Word of the day was Accentuate.

Ah Counter – Lynne

Timer - Kerry

General Evaluator Deanna


Our Speakers and Evaluators were:


Speech Titles



“Moderation is the Key”



Our Table Topics Master was Nitin.


Our Table Topic Speakers were Dustin, Lynne, Katie, and Raul


Our Humorist was None.


Members in Attendance were Dustin, Robert, Katie, Kelly, Nitin, Lynne, Kerry, Lakita, Deanna, and Sonal


Guests in Attendance was Raul.


Motion to Adjourn: Lynne      Second: Deanna