Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Officers' Meeting - July 19, 2022

Officers’ Meeting Minutes - July 19, 2022

Attendees: Robert (SAA temp for Barb), Nguyet, Mara, Lynn, Nancy, JinXin, and Kelly

Officer Reports with Discussion:

  • Approved lasted month’s officers’ meeting minutes.

  • 1pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month for our officers’ meeting still works for everyone.

Officer Reports:

  • President: Mara

  • VP Education (VPE): Nancy

  • VP Membership (VPM): Mara (covering for Kate)

  • VP Public Relations (VPPR): Kelly

  • Secretary: Lynn C

  • Treasurer: Nguyet

  • Sergeant at Arms (SAA): Robert (covering for Barb)


  • Nancy, the new role sheets are good to go. The issue has been fixed.

DPR, VPE Written Report:

1. Attached is our final Distinguished Performance Report for the 2021-2022 Toastmasters year. Mara, you may want to share this at the beginning of a meeting. Bragging rights and education for members. If you would prefer that I do it, I can.

2. We are a President's Distinguished club again. WooHoo!

3. We have a shiny new Level 2 completed, courtesy of Kelly.

4. We should already have 1 point from the completion of my level 5/path that I was holding for this purpose. 

5. The Meeting Role schedules have been oddly altered by either a hacker or a confused member. I suspect the latter. Our 3 sheets were open to anyone on the internet to edit. I had to rebuild the July schedule. Thank goodness the role info was still there.  

6. Meeting Role documents will require that editors use our site link to reach them. 

7. When I became Webmaster years ago, I developed a workaround so it was quick and easy for me to update the pages month to month...rather than reading directions and altering source code. This meant, however, that  I did not have ownership of the Google document and the pages did not have the latest security, leaving them open to anyone on the internet as they were originally created. Yesterday, I actually read (most of) the directions that Warren gave me years ago and created a new July.  I hope to address Aug and Sept as soon as my work schedule allows. 


  • Kelly, in a meeting with Jean, we talked about having Learning Minute, instead of the Humorist slot on the agenda since we have new members with questions. This can be a slot where Nancy delivers a 2-minute training and provide a resource in the Chat or we can open it up to the Officers. 

    • Everyone seems to like the Learning Minute idea.

    • Robert suggests that we do Learning Minute on days we have 1 speech and 1 evaluation scheduled and to keep Humorist and not eliminate humorist moments.

    • Do we have a formal email list? Kelly suggests using the MailChimp service. Mara mentioned that Kate has the formal email list but that was not handed over to her. Nguyet thinks it’s a good idea. Mara, would like to put this on the agenda for next month’s discussion.

    • Public Speaking Northwest Toastmaster 9406 is how we are being distinguished now in social media.


Per VPPR Written Report:

Completed Projects


Current Projects

  • Draft a PR and Content Calendar.

  • Create a media list.

  • Develop a promotional campaign for the local Chamber of Commerce, colleges, and local businesses. My plan is to use the Information Sheet to book meetings to speak online or in-person about our club. All the Officers are welcome to participate. If you have an interest, please let me know and I will forward opportunities to the Board.

  • Batching social posts a month ahead... if possible.

  • Joining dates. I asked Nancy if we tracked birthdays. Since we do not, she suggested tracking joining dates. I have not looked them up at TMI yet.


Waiting On

  • Requested speeches from the group to post on YouTube. Have not gotten any new ones yet.

  • Asked Maria to do a Member Spotlight video to share her experience with Toastmasters.

  • Requested important dates for the Content Calendar from Mara. She suggested asking the group at this meeting.

Recommendations | Considerations

  • In a meeting with Jean Tracy, we talked about having a Learning Minute, instead of the Humorist slot on the agenda for a while since we have new members with questions. This can be a slot where Nancy delivers a 2-minute training and provides a resource in the Chat, or we can open it up to the Officers? For example, we could share a TMI resource with a direct link or YouTube video for members to watch. The content does not need to be original. Repurposing TMI content is an easy way to start.

  • Legacy. YouTube is our chance to leave our legacy. I ask that everyone participates in YouTube content. In addition to past speeches and Member Moments, if any of you would like to do a learning video on one topic at a time, under 5 minutes, I will edit it for you.

    • Requirements. A clean selfie video with the highest resolution your phone or camera will shoot. 2k or 4k is recommended; however, not necessary if the video is easy to watch at a lower resolution. I am not asking that everyone produce content; however, I am asking for you all to consider at least providing your good speeches. Note, I only edit the beginning and end of videos. I believe it is important to show the speech "as is" with flaws and all for learning purposes and to show how members get better over time.

  • Mara, suggest having the Open House in October instead of September for our July End Achievement event.

    • Mara asked Kelly if the Public Speaking NW Facebook notification is on. There is someone asking a question on there now. 

    • Mara doesn’t think the 1st week of September Maria’s office will be ready for us to use.

    • It was suggested to have the In-Person for September be on 9/13 due to the Labor Day weekend prior and make 9/6 be on Zoom. 


President Written Report:

  • Mara took officer training on 7/14/22

  • One idea taken from officer training: Some clubs have "Pathway Partners." This is when members of a club, who are at a similar level or on a similar path, agree to be "buddies" or "partners." This partnership is meant to help each other go through a Pathway together, encourage each other to sign up for speaking roles to move through the path, etc.

  • Location planning: Lynn Connell has secured McMenamins for the first Tuesday in August. Maria is confirming her company's (Bristol Meyers Squibb) meeting room for our September meeting and the first Tuesday of each month after that. We may start in the 12-person board room if their event room is still under remodel. We also have the potential to stream the live meeting to our out-of-area members.

VP Membership Written Report:

  • Mara took over membership in May for Kate and is continuing as temporary VP Membership for Lynne D until September when she returns.

  • Tobias Burns & Julie Hutton are both past members who have renewed their membership. Nitin Agarwal is a brand new member.

  • We continue to have guests at our meetings. Giri M (past member) attended our July in-person meeting. Other guests include Jeevana (currently out of town & plans to join upon her return), Atul (attended 3 or 4 times but has not joined), Michelle, Sravya, Andrea, Erin (all 4 continued to receive emails with reminders & agendas but none have attended a second time). Dan also invited two members of his Canadian Toastmasters group. One may be interested in a second club. The main purpose was to see how great we are :)

  • Google continues to be the main place for new members to find us and Facebook continues to reinforce membership (and I believe brought back Julie)

  • Current member count 7/17/22 = 24 (woohoo!) 


  • Robert, Barb is working on the speaker and evaluation recordings and sending them to people. She had some trouble.

  • Lynn, looks like the blogspot verification phone number ending in XX94 is Nancy’s. By end of the meeting, Lynn was about to log into blogspot thanks to Nancy.


Secretary Written Report:

* I have not taken my Officer Training yet. I plan to take the Secretary Training on August 10th but I may do an earlier one to fulfill my training requirement. 


* I have an issue with the verification code being sent to a phone number ending in "XX94" when trying to post our Meeting Minutes on blogspot. Do we know who's number this is so I can coordinate because there is a time limit once the verification code is sent? 


* Once I'm able to log in, I will see if I can change the verification method so that it's not attached to a certain person. I'll see if I can change it so the verification code can be sent to the Secretary's email address instead. 


  • Nguyet, has no access to any of the accounts yet. Waiting for JinXin

    • Mara asked Nguyet to take note of the process to make the transition quicker and easier in the future.

    • The problem seems to lay in PayPal. Maybe Nugyet and Jim should get on the phone with PayPal. Mara suggests getting a fresh start and re-creating it.

  • JinXin, awards only last 1-year, June - July. 

    • TI sales tax is $2.10 for new joining members. From now on, we need to add it in. No form change is needed (there’s a section on the form to add it).

Treasurer Report from JinXin:

1). District 2 reimbursed $231.6 to our club.  This is a significant income for our club.  Thank you all who took officer's training, organized the open house, recruited new members, etc.   Altogether, we earned $245 D2 money. $13.40 is what is left and not reimbursed. (I submitted ALL ZOOM payment receipts with a total of $280 for reimbursement.  A few of the payments did not qualify and were not approved for reimbursement. 

 2). The Country Inn has not placed charges for the room rentals.  I gave them the credit card number once in April and again about two weeks ago.

 3). The current balance in our bank account is $1623.70. So far the only expenditures are the payments for ZOOM online meetings.



New Business

No new business.


Motion to adjourn. 



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