According to
Greek Mythology, humans were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head
with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts,
condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves. ~~ unknown
Welcome to our last
February meeting blog. On this day, we had the pleasure of becoming acquainted
with 2 guests. Our winning contestants, Naser and Linda from our club contest last week received their personally
engraved trophies.

Alice was our toastmaster who conducted a very full meeting. She
briefly talked about why the Greeks invented their multiple Gods and Goddesses
as a way of explaining the realities of the world like thunderstorms and the 4
seasons. Both Mythology via stories and Philosophy helped amplify the world as
it was known then, prior to Science getting a firm grip much later on.
The GAT(e) team was: Kimberley as Grammarian (Kudos), Jessica as the Ah Counter, and Jung as Timer.
was our first speaker of the afternoon. She completed the 8th
project (Get Comfortable With Visual
Aids) of the Competent Communicator Manual in 7:40 minutes. Her speech title
was "Beyond Fortissimo: Discovering
Mission" Her visual aid was a powerpoint presentation via her computer
and the club’s projector.
In her speech, Lynne first told about a U.S. marine,
who served in Iraq in 2004, who was very clear about his military mission. She
referred to a book by Donovan Campbell, called The Leader’s Code, which
concerns itself with a Leader’s mission, character, service and getting the job
She referred back to her previous speech #6, entitled: “From Pianissimo to Fortissimo, Living Out Loud.” given back on November 4,
2014, in which she reversed procrastination. Here, she is accepting the
challenge of focusing outward to offer service as the Chairperson of her Yacht
Club for 2015 that involves planning and organizing for Opening Day on May 2,
2015. (Her husband will be 1st mate in this new activity.)
was her evaluator. Jim was
impressed with her audio-visual skills with the power-point slides and admired
the flow of her talk. He recommended that she use more vocal variety, even to
the point of yelling to provide greater contrast and power that underlines her
determination to go beyond self-protection into leadership.
Our second speaker, Naser, completed his 10th project (Inspire Your Audience), from the Competent Communicators Manual in 8:29 minutes. The name
of his speech was "What Does Great Mean?" Naser introduced his talk by
managing to not impress his son
with the concept of greatness. This led him to entertain the title question,
“Am I great?” And “If so, why?” He
determined that he was not extraordinary nor a hero. His own heroes were his
Grandmother, who looked after him as a teenager and his best friend in College,
who stood with him and told him the truth. Both of these people touched his
life emotionally and repeatedly.
Naser has chosen this speech to be
streamlined and given at the Area 54 International Speech contest on March 25,
2015 (at the Seattle Times Building at 6PM).
Jean was his evaluator. She noticed
that he had excellent eye contact with individual audience members which has a
contagious effect. His voice was strong, although there was a tendency to
reduce volume at the end of a sentence or paragraph, making it hard to
understand what was said. By improving pronunciation of his words, this can be
overcome. (me: also deeper breathing?). She also encouraged him to reduce his
speech by 2 minutes to insure he doesn’t exceed the 5-7 minute contest speech
Jean was voted Best
Our third speaker, Amritha,
completed her 2nd project (Organize
Your Speech), from the Competent
Communicators Manual in 7:10 minutes. The name
of her speech was "Believe That All Things Are Possible". Amritha introduced her talk by relating a personal
story of healing. She was assisted by 2 women that helped her navigate through
a difficult time in her life. One was a friend of her husband who was a long
term cancer survivor. She demonstrated that a positive attitude affected
health, lifestyle, food choices.
The other was a naturopath
who was a huge contrast to her previous physician, who could only prescribe
tests and supplements. The Naturopath met with her for 90 minutes to understand
Amritha as a whole, not only her symptoms. After an expensive blood test,
recommended that she change her diet severely: i.e. Brown Rice, Quinoa, Apple
Cider Vinegar in Water before meals, Fruits and Vegetables. At the end of two
months she was healed; At the end of 5 months, she became pregnant!
Both Amritha and Naser were voted Best Speaker in a tie.
Linda was her Evaluator. Linda expressed how inspired she felt
after Amritha’s speech. She said the enumerated suggestions were valuable,
helpful and timely when she needed them. Linda recommended taking more space in
the U shaped area of the conference room. In fact, walking deep into the
audience area for a closer connection, using more vocal variety as well as
pauses in her story and refining her speech to enable more time for the
conclusion, which was impactful.
Due to time constraints,
Table Topics/ Humorist with Robert was skipped and will occur "elsewhen".
Attendees were: Linda, Lynne, Jean, Jim, Robert, Barb, Pauline, Alice, Jung, Grace, Amritha, Kimberley, Jessica, Naser, Dave, Diane, Kathy along with guests: David P. and Pam
R. Both of our guests, Dave P. and Pam
R. joined our club today. Our
membership total is now at 25.
Respectfully Submitted by Robert, the Secretary [Write or comment] ~~~~~
Both of our guests decided to join our club. You are so welcome! Alice did an excellent job as a Toastmaster. She was very well prepared, and she kept the meeting on time.
ReplyDeleteNice summary as usual Robert
ReplyDeleteWhat a pleasure to read, Robert! I don't know how you remember so much so well.
ReplyDeleteRobert, your attention to detail is amazing!!