February 11,2025 PSNW Officer’s Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Deanna S, Katie M, Nancy C, Lynne D. Bill H. Theresa H,
1. Opening
1. Welcome
2. Approval of January 2025 minutes (unanimous)
II. Officer Reports see page 2
III. Ongoing Old Business: At the prior officer's meeting we decided to purchase a tripod and have another person, besides Kelly, be able to record our in person meetings. A tripod was purchased for $20.93 by Lynne and sent to Katie. A receipt for reimbursement has been submitted.
IV. New Business
1. Deanna, our Treasurer, presented an option to pay the Toastmasters International portion of the dues via the TI website. This will save the treasurer some time and work. After discussion about the feasibility of members using the TI site for international dues ($60.00) then an additional ($12) to our PSNW for our local club dues the board decided to try it out. Beginning with March dues we will try the new program. More information will follow from our treasurer.
2. Some clubs hold an open house to recruit new members. The board discussed this option, but consensus was that our outreach is strong with our website and the growth of our club. So we will not hold an open house at this time.
3. Officer elections are coming up in a few months so Lynne advised us to start thinking of candidates for the President and other openings.(The president can only serve one term.)
Officer Reports February 11, 2025
VP Education/Webmaster: Nancy
Webmaster: The scary Free Toast Host message has disappeared. Phew!
February is getting away from me, but I may yet send out emails to each member saying where they are in their path progress (and what they have recorded in Base Camp) and encourage them to make the next speech.
Speech Contest: None of our qualified (2 Pathways levels or more) members are interested in pursuing the area speech contest and beyond.
Table Topics Contest: I will send out an email asking if members are interested in representing us in the Table Topics contest at area and beyond. Contest dates are Area Mar 22, Division April 5th. All will be in person. If we have more than one member interested, we will pull a name out of a hat. Our contestant must be declared by Feb 28th.
See Nancy’s email for Club Calendar and DPR report.
Calendar Highlights.
February End of February Begin Club Dues Campaign
March Early March Consider Open House/Membership Drive
End of March Membership Dues Deadline
May Officers Meeting Discuss Officer Election
June Mid-June Officer Elections
VP Membership: Theresa
New Members: No new members have joined.
TI Inquiries: We've had 5 TI inquiries which I have responded to. One woman was interested in Toastmasters for her children, so I let her know that we are a speaking club for adults. For the other 4 people, I sent information and invitations to our meetings. Of those, Mukanda Raju and Ram Krishna attended a meeting.
Meeting Visitors
Jan 28: Bo Villacis, Mukanda Raju
Feb 4: Ram Krishna
VP Public Relations: Kelly
Pretty quiet on my end since I have been working on the conference.
Thank you for contributing by making a club basket!
Social Media
Facebook – 349 Likes, 409 Followers
YouTube - 37 subscribers•325 videos!
Photo shoot moved to the March 4th in person meeting.
PSNW Google My Business
I am trying to authenticate to get access since we do not have a physical location. I was sent a link to take a video of where we meet with our sign. I will do that on March 4th.
Treasurer: Deanna
1. I Received notification from D2 – we qualified for $70 Super 7 award (all officers trained!). I submitted an expense receipt for $70 reimbursement via Concur on 2/10/25
2. Per Officer training Jan 2025 – recommendation is to switch to Payments to TI being submitted directly to TI by each member and PSNW dues being paid to PSNW. I have enabled the self-pay tab on TI website and submitted my member payment for next period – it was super easy.
3. PSNW is now set up to send and receive no fee payments via Zelle. Whenever possible, reimbursements and other payments will be sent via Zelle. PSNW dues will be collected via Zelle whenever possible. (Checks still available for use and/or accepted as payment)
4. Next membership renewal period is April – Oct 2025. I will send out notifications on making renewal payments in first week of March 2025.
5. The PSNW bank account balance is $933.12 of 2/11/25.
Secretary/Scribe: Bill Nothing to report
Sergeant at Arms: Katie
1. All is well and nothing else to report.
President: Lynne
Things are running smoothly. Thank you to Nancy for sorting out our Contest participation.
Some things to be thinking about.
· Do we want to do a Club Open House/Membership Drive in March??
· It’s a bit early but we may want to start thinking about possible candidates for President and if current officers will need a replacement
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