Lynne advised that we gave the thank you card and box of candy to Celina for all her help at our new meeting spot, Brightwater Center. This was done after the Jan. 7 meeting and she was very appreciative, sharing it with their staff.
Our Toastmaster was Nancy with the theme.” Birthdays”
Our Sergeant at Arms Katie called our meeting to order.
Our President Nancy opened our meeting.
Our Gate Team was:
Grammarian –Bill
Word of the day was “ Wish”
Ah Counter – Justin
Timer - Georgina
General Evaluator – Amy
Our 1sr Speaker was Maria with “Show you Care”
Our 2nd Speaker was Deanna with “Marching to the Beat of Your Own Drummer”
Our Evaluators were Theresa and Lynne
Our Table Topics Master was Katie with “ Birthdays and other Celebrations.”
Our Table Topic Speakers were Bill, Justin, Natalia, Amy
Our Humorist was Katie
Members in Attendance were Lynne, Katie, Nancy, Bill, Georgina, Amy, Maria, Nancy, Deanna, Theresa and Justin, Natalia
Guests in Attendance none
Motion to Adjourn: Bill Second: Nancy
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