Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
January 14, 2025 PSNW Officers Meeting Minutes
PSNW Officer’s Meeting Minutes
January 14,2025
Attendees: Deanna S, Katie M, Nancy C, Lynne D. Bill H. Theresa H
I. Opening
1. Welcome to 2025 meeting.
2. Approval of December 2024 minutes
II. Officer Reports
VP Education/Webmaster: Nancy
Webmaster: Looking good. Kelly does all the heavy lifting.
Officer Training: District 2 had not listed Bill's officer training, according to their spreadsheet. I followed up with Anu and we are good to go. Instead of the Jan 25th training, I did the recorded VPE training and quiz. It has been recorded with D2 and the DPR. Once Lynne and Deanna are trained on Wednesday, we will have our 7 officers trained and qualify for the $70 reimbursement from D2.
Distinguished Performance Report: We have 6 points, putting us in the Distinguished category. We need 2 more level 1s, 1 more level 2, and 1 new member to move into President's Distinguished. Report is appended and attached.
Speech Contest: Contest season starts in February with club level. We can have a contest (with all of the TI hoops & restrictions), a competition, or we can just ask for a volunteer. We should set a date, if we are going for a competition. Our deadline to submit contestant names is Feb 28.
Touching Base: Recently, I sent an email to each member, letting them know where they are in their path progress, encouraging them to continue. I like getting in touch with members who have not been to meetings lately to let them know that we are thinking of them and missing them.
Copy of Club Calendar is attached to this email.
VP Membership: Theresa:
New Members: No new members have joined since I began Jan 1.
TI Inquiries: We've had one TI inquiry. Michael: Invited and was interested in online meetings.
Meeting Visitors: Jan 7: Steven Yavanian, Kelvin
VP Public Relations: Kelly
Wow, what a year we had. I am filled with gratitude for how we have, and continue to, represent our club with bold elegance and humbling grace. Our members are thriving. As a whole, we are exponentially growing, learning new skills, and reaching new depths of personal insights.
2025 is off to a bang! I am in full-gear planning the marketing for the District 2 Toastmasters Conference. The logo and theme will be revealed once we get our artwork approved by Toastmasters International. Another giant thank you to Bill for being part of the conference marketing/Hype Squad. Great things are happening!
Social Media as of 1.10.2025. Facebook - 407 Followers YouTube–38 Followers and 318 videos!!!
PSNW 2025 Refresh. I am still waiting for headshots from Theresa and Deanna. I will have our website updated soon.
I decided to keep the ‘Sparkle and Shine’ sub-theme for the club. We are becoming well known for the slogan.
I will, however, freshen up the graphics and flip back to TM blue for the base color on our meeting notices and YouTube Channel. It is nice to change up the look slightly each year to modernize and to tell the years apart on our videos.
District 2. Our district is combining with two other districts and there will be even more growth and leadership opportunities in the future.
Call for Speakers for the May 2025 Annual Conference. If anyone is interested in being a conference trainer in May, the Call for Speakers is open and you may apply here: Call for Speakers, which will be open until February 28th. Note this is an in-person conference, no tele-speaking slots available.
Club Basket Volunteer. The Conference Chair is asking that each club donate a club basket of a $50 minimum. She will be advertising ideas and themes. We can add things like gift cards, build a theme basket, or even ask our members if they have written books, or produce artwork to contribute. I am asking for a volunteer to put ours together. I can make a card from the club to insert with everyone's signatures asking people to visit our club. If the club would like to make the donation, that would be great. If the budget does not permit, no problem, I will fill in the missing pieces.
Treasurer: Deanna
New format this year for treasurer report. Will show 2025 estimated income/expenses with Actuals updates as the year progresses.
In the officers’ meeting, we can take comments on the 2025 budget. Procedural vote to accept?? Copy of Budget is attached to this email.
Secretary: Bill 1st meeting nothing to report.
Sergeant at Arms: Katie
After the last meeting we experimented with piling all of the Sgt. at Arms supplies on one table at the back of the room. Then Katie could put it into the box neatly. It worked well.
I am submitting the invoice from Raul for the timing lights.
President: Lynne
Happy 2025!!!I’m looking forward to another great year in Public Speaking Northwest. An official welcome to our newest officers, VPM, Theresa and Secretary (Scribe) Bill! We’re excited you are part of our leadership team.
Our first In Person meeting of 2025 was great fun!! Bill did a marvelous job as Toastmaster. Kelly usually records speeches and evaluations at our In Person meetings. She was unable to be at the January meeting and we were scrambling a bit to find someone to do the recordings. I suggest we have members trained to be her backup and for the club to purchase a tripod that remains with the club supplies.
III. Ongoing/Old Business
1: NEW TI Membership tools: Lynne investigated tools on the TI website to invite and add new members. She learned that the reason people who inquire don’t become active members is they don’t get a response from the club. Since we’ve been consistently getting new members with the protocols we have in place, Lynne didn’t see any benefit to adopting these tools.
2. The card and box of candy PSNW presented to Celina, the staff member who helps us at the Brightwater Center, was well received and she shared the gift with her staff.
IV. New Business
Action Items:
1. We unanimously voted to adopt the new budget format that Deanna presented. (copy attached)
2. We agreed to spend up to $75 on the PSNW gift basket for the District 2 Conference in May. Bill will work on this with Kelly. Katie suggested we include EMP music tickets as part of our basket.
3. Our last meeting in January will include a White Elephant gift exchange. More to follow.V: Announcements: Kelly was selected as toastmaster of the week! A well deserved honor!
Adjourn; Motion to adjourn: Bill, 2nd, Katie.
January 14, 2025 Public Speaking Northwest (PSNW) Meeting Minutes
Lynne advised that we gave the thank you card and box of candy to Celina for all her help at our new meeting spot, Brightwater Center. This was done after the Jan. 7 meeting and she was very appreciative, sharing it with their staff.
Our Toastmaster was Nancy with the theme.” Birthdays”
Our Sergeant at Arms Katie called our meeting to order.
Our President Nancy opened our meeting.
Our Gate Team was:
Grammarian –Bill
Word of the day was “ Wish”
Ah Counter – Justin
Timer - Georgina
General Evaluator – Amy
Our 1sr Speaker was Maria with “Show you Care”
Our 2nd Speaker was Deanna with “Marching to the Beat of Your Own Drummer”
Our Evaluators were Theresa and Lynne
Our Table Topics Master was Katie with “ Birthdays and other Celebrations.”
Our Table Topic Speakers were Bill, Justin, Natalia, Amy
Our Humorist was Katie
Members in Attendance were Lynne, Katie, Nancy, Bill, Georgina, Amy, Maria, Nancy, Deanna, Theresa and Justin, Natalia
Guests in Attendance none
Motion to Adjourn: Bill Second: Nancy
January 7,2025 Meeting minutes
Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters
Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2025
Happy New Year!
Our Toastmaster was Bill with the theme. “Look Both Ways”
Our Sergeant at Arms Katie, called our meeting to order.
Our President Lynne opened our meeting.
Substituting for Our VPE was Lynne, who provided our education minute.
Lynne discussed the role of the grammarian. She also advised that there is a template in the member downloads, which can be used to present the Word of the Day at our
in person meetings. at Brightwater Center. Once the word and definition are typed in, they can be easily printed off, brought to a meeting and taped up.
Grammarian: Lynne with Word of the day: Resolve
Ah Counter – Lynne
Timer - Jin
General Evaluator – Barb
Our 1st Speaker was Kerry with “My Journey in Public Speaking: Lessons Learned and Lessons to Learn.”
Our 2nd speaker was Katie with “Do Trees Talk? Or is that only in Fairy Tales?”
Our Evaluators were Deanna and Robert
Our Table Topics Master was Theresa with New Year’s Resolutions
Our Table Topic Speakers were Natalia, Deanna and Kevin (Guest),
Our Humorist was Robert
Members in Attendance were Bill, Robert, Theresa, Katie, Deanna, Kerry, Jin, Natalia, Barb, Katie and Lynne
Guests in Attendance: Raul, Steve and Kelvin
Motion to Adjourn: Katie Second: Robert