Thursday, November 14, 2024

Officer's Meeting Minutes 11/12/2024


                                             PSNW Officer’s Meeting Minutes

                                                            November 12, 2024


Attendees: Deanna S, Katie M, Kelly F, Nancy C and Lynne D.  Guest: Bill H.

Action Items:

1.    Approved October Officer Meeting Minutes

2.   Brightwater Reservation: We will pay for our reservation on a six-month basis.  The current payment is $394.00 and will cover from December 2024 to May 2025.  Celina at Brightwater has us penciled in on the schedule through the end of 2025 and beyond.  

3.   Ice Breaker TM Pins.  In lieu of sending TM pins to members when they give their Ice Breaker, Kelly will create a festive virtual background for the president to use when we celebrate that a member has given their Ice Breaker.  It will also include the names of members who have recently given their Ice Breakers. 

4.   December Holiday Party: Kelly and Lynne will do the In Person party on December 3rd.  Katie will be Toastmaster for the online party December 10th.

5.   Card/Gift for Celina at Brightwater.  Kelly will create a Thank You card for Celina.  Members will sign it at the December and January In Person meetings and it will be given to Celina in January.  There will be further discussion about also giving her a gift. 


Ongoing/Old Business

Next Election: The election will be held December 10th.  Lynne will create a slate of officers for approval.  Bill H., who attended the meeting, expressed interest in the VP Membership position.   


 II. Officer Reports

VP Education/Webmaster: Nancy

Webmaster: All is well. No warning messages from Toast Host. Kelly is leading a Homepage Transformation workshop on Nov 20th for District 2! Yay!

VPE: We have 3 points. A member is about to submit for level 2 and level 3 completion, giving us one more point. 

New Base Camp launched and our path options for the future were pruned. I am still learning the ins/outs of the system. Mostly, it is more intuitive and informative than the old Base Camp. My favorite thing so far is the fact that you can log your speech and through that process, you can send your evaluation forms to your evaluator. 

Mentoring: I am always happy to help in any way I can. My own protege, Chelsea, got a big promotion at work and cannot attend meetings. She still wants to receive the emails and will return when her schedule permits. She does not need prompts from us/me.

Calendar: Nov/Dec is all about officer elections. 

I need to keep an educational Pocket Speech so I can jump in when a speaker drops out. Bonus - I only need one more speech to complete level 5, giving us another point. Please give me ideas. 


VP Membership: Dustin

·       No new members in October

·       We are 25 members strong.

·       Archer Plotz was referred to us by Maria and joined us on Oct 29

·       No TI or PSNW inquiries in Oct.




VP Public Relations: Kelly. 

Things are humming along wonderfully in PR land. Our in-person meetings have been amazing, and it seems we are averaging about 15 people on our Zoom calls. 😊

 Social Stats

        YouTube – 37 subscribers•296 videos

        Facebook - 376 likes • 404 followers

  • Christmas/Holiday Celebrations December 3rd and 10th
    • Lynne and I are producing the December 3rd meeting. It would be wonderful if one of you would like to lead the Zoom celebration on the 10th. If someone wants to be Toastmaster, I am happy to help with games, etc. if needed.
  • Outdoor Sign – Looks great. Thank you again Deanna, for placing the order.
  • Officer Replacements – Perhaps Theresa for VPM?  She works from home and has been attending most meetings. What about Bill for secretary? He attends most meetings. He is not technical, but he is a writer. We could always post for him if needed. As always, it is my pleasure to serve with all of you amazing people.😊

Treasurer: Deanna 

1.    Outdoor sign purchased 10/25/24 for $175.20

2.    One mailing expense ($9) awaiting reimbursement

3.    Next large expense – room rental – coming up.

4.    Party/prize/raffles expenses for meetings have been reasonable. However, with sign purchase and slightly higher room rental expenses, it may be prudent to limit extra spending for a few months.

5.    Idea – the cost of ordering pins for icebreaker speeches and then mailing them out ($9) gets to be high for a pin. It IS nice to have recognition after ice breaker speech – maybe a “texted” Starbucks card easier/better value but still meaningful(??)

6.    The PSNW bank account balance is $951.62 of 11/11/24. 

Secretary: Sonal 

Nothing new. Takes and send weekly meeting and monthly officers meeting minutes.


Sergeant at Arms: Katie

1.  I submitted the 2 forms for each meeting December 2024 through November 2025.

2.  We can pay in six-month increments and reapply in six months. Or we can pay for the whole year. Any meetings that we cancel with 60 days notice are refundable (except for the service booking fee.)

Non-profit rental rate for North Meeting Room: $17/hour x 2 hours x 6 dates = $204

Non-refundable service booking fee per date: $15 x 6 dates = $90

Refundable Damage Deposit: $100

TOTAL: $394

3.  I asked Celina why we would be charged the “Refundable Damage Deposit” again. They are refunding it, and we will pay it again with this reservation.

President: Lynne

All is going well!!  

·       As Nancy stated in her report, our primary focus for November and December is our officer elections.  Please bring your thoughts and suggestions for candidates for Secretary and VP Membership.  We have let members know about these opportunities but will most likely need to reach out to individuals to fill the positions.


Motion to Adjourn: Katie Second: Nancy


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