Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Officer Meeting Minutes 08/13/24

PSN Officer Meeting Minutes

Aug 13, 2024


Action Items:

1.      Approved July Officer Minutes

2.      A motion was approved to provide a budget of $160 for both the in person and Zoom awards party for balloons, fruit tray, cake and prizes.

3.      Katie was given the go-ahead to donate our unused supplies, including officer pins, to other clubs.

4.      Deanna will add an appropriate convenience fee to all PayPal transactions to cover the PP service charge.

5.      There was much discussion around the last page of the member application. It asks for credit card information, but we use PayPal. Kelly marked the application form with yellow highlighter to not fill out the last page. It was decided to make it clear in emails that we instead use PayPal and also make some sort of marking on the page to keep people from completing the last page. Nancy will take a look at it.

6.      We still need a flag for our in-person meetings. The recently purchased flag stand is for our Toastmaster banner. Dustin has one he can bring in. However, Katie will purchase a small flag on a stand with club funds.

Deanna Move to adjourn Kelly second


President: Thank you all for your great support while I am gone!!   

To Nancy for serving as President pro tem with the added layer of responsibility as we secured our new meeting location. 

To Katie for the amazing and efficient way you found us our new home.  I am so excited to begin using our new space.   

To Kelly for standing in for Dustin during his travels and for serving as my proxy for the TMI meeting.  

To Deanna, Sonal and Dustin for supporting the club with your dedication to your officer positions, always serving as needed and more.   

Wishing you all a great rest of the summer!!  I'm excited to return in September!!

Webmaster: All is well

VPE: Attached is our DPR and our Calendar. We have 1 point so far. On the calendar is an optional membership drive and storytelling contest for September. I updated the New Member Flowchart.


Submitted By: Deanna Schroeder - Treasurer PSNW

Date: 8-12-24

1. Brightwater Room rental has been paid for: 9/3,10/1 and 11/5.

With booking fees, the monthly rate is $49.

Rental Fee Breakdown:

Tuesday, September 3, 11:30am-1:30pm, North Meeting Room

Tuesday, October 1, 11:30am-1:30pm, Conservation Classroom

Tuesday, November 5, 11:30am-1:30pm, North Meeting Room

Non-profit rental rate for North Meeting Room: $17/hour x 2 hours x 2 dates

= $68

Non-profit rental rate for Conservation Classroom: $17/hour x 2 hours x 1 date

= $34

Non-refundable service booking fee per date: $15 x 3 dates = $45

Refundable Damage Deposit: $100

TOTAL: $247

2. Reimbursement check sent to Nancy Carpenter (check 112 for

$104.56) for mailing expenses (2 pins to new members

completing ice breaker, 10 new pins, greeting cards)

3. Invoices for the next membership term (Oct ‘24-Mar ‘25) will be

sent out in early Sept. 2024. Confirm that PayPal fee will be added

to members paying via PayPal.

4. Deanna can order prizes/other in advance for upcoming meetings

if approved early enough.

5. A new flag stand was approved – is it still needed with switch to

Brightwater room?

6. PSNW club dues remaining at $12/term – I believe adequate at

this time. Can revisit in Feb 2025.

7. The PSNW bank account balance is $1011.67 as of 8/12/24.

Check 112 still outstanding.


Brightwater announcement was a grand success. Thank you, Katie for all your hard work.

 Social Media as of 8.8.2024

 September Award Parties

In Person – September 3rd

  • Lynne, can you confirm if you can be Toastmaster on the 3rd? If not, I would love another officer to take our first meeting at the Brightwater so I can focus on the party and videos.
  • I plan to bring my laptop with a speaker so we can play the awards video and any member spotlight videos we have.
  • I will also do extra PR to see if we can get more people there.

 Online September 10th

  • Nancy, is this the week you are traveling?  Shall we postpone the online party until later in September?

 Prizes. For the in-person meeting, I suggest we decide on the raffle prize now and Deanna can order it and ship it to my house. For the online party, we can wait until we have the meeting and Deanna can order the gift and ship directly to the winner. In addition, should we do a cake or little giveaways for everyone at the in-person party? Let’s decided the total party budget so I can backout the gifts.

 Gift Recommendations:

USB Lav Microphone $19.95

 Ringlight Kit $25.49

 Portable Green Screen $39.88 (this is for those who want to do virtual backgrounds better.)

 SAA Report

Public Speaking Northwest #9406– Sgt at Arms Report 

Submitted By: Katie Munoz – Sgt at Arms PSNW 

Date: 8-12-24 

  1. In person Meeting Room located and reserved through November. They have the room tentatively reserved for us on Tuesday to infinity. 
  1. The Sgt at Arms supplies have been sorted out. Old manuals, ribbons and a set of officer pins are ready to be donated to other clubs (with the other officers’ agreement) or put back into use.  
  1. We have a small supply of napkins; large and small paper plates, and cold cups. Shall I bring them to the September meeting? 
  1. There is no flag or flag stand at Brightwater. There was a flag in the Sgt at Arms supplies, but it was broken. 

VPM Report – Dustin

New Members:   Hyungjoon “Matthew” Yoo is a co-worker of Natalia Petrov.  He has decided to join.  He is in the process of making payment and has already completed application to my knowledge.  

We have 27 members, not including Hyungjoon.

TI Inquiries:  We had two TI inquiries in July

Devi Vam inquired 7/8, invited to 7/16 meeting, came to 7/30 meeting

Greg Sanders inquired 7/21, invited to 7/23 meeting.  My notes don’t say if he ever attended a meeting

Other Inquiries:

None that I am aware of.



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