Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Officers Meeting Minutes 05/14/2024

 Officers Meeting Reports:

Previous meeting minutes from 04/09/2024 approved.

 May 14, 2024

  • Webmaster:
    •  All is cool. Lynne received a spam email and, like a pro, put that person on the Black List.
  • Vice President of Education (VPE):
    • Current DPR was shared. When Nancy completes her next speech during our speech-a-thon and log it, it will bring us up to President's Distinguished.
    • We are not doing a humorous speech contest. We will have our speech-a-thon instead. We need to find replacement officers.
  • Treasurer:
    • Payment for meeting room rental at Woodcrest Estates completed 5/1/24 (for May-Aug 2024).
    • Concur payment of $50 received on 5/3/24 for D2 Pathways Incentive Award.
    • New member dues payments are being processed as new members join.
    • The PSNW bank account balance is $1269.08 as of 5/13/24.
  • Vice President of Public Relations (VPPR):
    • We have 387 followers on Facebook
    • 221 Videos on YouTubeo    
    • June 4th, Kelly will be the Toastmaster and hosting a Member Spotlight Event. Members are free to bring products they are selling, information sheets for their services, or charities they support.
    • We won the best website at the conference. Whoo-hoo.
  • Vice President of Membership (VPM):
    • Of the nine members who had not paid by March 22nd, we had one renewal...Marcus Bircher!!
    • Natalia Petrov has joined!!!  This brings our membership total to: 24!!!
    • I will continue as VPM for the next six months.  Kelly will fill in for me during July and August. 
  • President:
    •  None

.Officers in Attendance were Victor, Kelly, Deanna, Lynne, Nancy, Barb, and Sonal


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