Officers Meeting Reports:
Previous meeting minutes
from 02/13/2024 approved with the change Lynn to Lynne.
March 12, 2024
- Webmaster:
- Free Toast Host email continues to have fleeting
sporadic issues.
- There was a recent phishing email that went through
the VPM email. Aren't you glad that we don't publish personal email
addresses, phone numbers, or our meeting link? Kelly was
briefly denied use of members. A confirmation of leaving group
email sent to one Maria. Both were benign.
- Kelly is doing a phenomenal job on our front page! I
love the testimonials.
- Vice President of Education (VPE):
- Kelly and Maria competed at the area
contest. They both did a beautiful job. Kelly came in
second. The winner was an adorable 83 (soon to be 84) year old
woman...who skydives
- I recently sent a personal progress report to each of
our members (except Barb and Robert who do theirs through their other
- Our DPR was shared. We are one level 3 or two level 2s
away from having enough points (9) to be
President's Distinguished at the end of June.
- A new but similar education program will be launched “at
the beginning of the year”. It will only affect people taking on new
paths, when it is implemented. Everyone already in Pathways will not
notice a difference. They
are likely many months out yet.
- Treasurer:
- TI membership renewal for April-Sept 2024 is underway.
As of 3-11-24, 12 members have paid for renewal. 2 current members (Rahul,
Sharon) will not be renewing for this period.
- A Reminder to members who have not yet responded to
dues renewal was sent on 3-10-24. Payment no later than 3-22-24 requested.
- The PSNW Concur is account is now fully set up and
working. D2 award dollars are sent to PSNW bank account via Concur.
- Concur payment of $100 received on 3/8/24 for D2
dollars earned Fall 2023.
- There are two new D2 dollar awards that PSNW has
earned. $75 for Membership Drive Incentive and $50 for Pathways Progress Incentive.
I am in the process of submitting qualified expenses to receive these
award dollars via Concur.
- The PSNW bank account balance is $1249.10 as of 3/11/24.
Membership dues are being processed through the account.
- Vice President of Public Relations (VPPR):
- Kelly got 2nd place in the D2 Area Speech Contest and was
invited to speak at the D2 Conference, on May 4th.
- Lot of views on our Leap Day Video.
- Vice President of Membership (VPM):
o Currently, our club boasts 31 paid members.
- President:
- None
.Officers in Attendance were Victor, Nancy, Kelly, Barb, Deanna, Lynne, and Sonal
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