Officers’ Meeting Minutes - October 11, 2022
Attendees: Barb, Nguyet, Lynn, Nancy, and Kelly
Officer Reports with Discussion:
Approved last month’s officers’ meeting minutes.
Officer Reports:
President: Mara
VP Education (VPE): Nancy
VP Membership (VPM): Lynne
VP Public Relations (VPPR): Kelly
Secretary: Lynn C
Treasurer: Nguyet
Sergeant at Arms (SAA): Barb
DPR, VPE Written Report: Nancy
Mara is out of town this week. We will still have an officers’ meeting after our regular meeting.
My Reports:
Webmaster: Still waiting for Mark Perez to opt-in
VPE: DPR is below...but does not reflect our new members. If my calculations are correct, we should have another point with our 3 new members.
Attached is our club calendar. October is our Halloween Party meeting and November is when we discuss our next club officer election...I know! Didn't we just have those?
I need to send an email to mentors, letting them know that the new paths are different than the ones they went through. TI reconfigured the first 2 levels.
VPPR Written Report: Kelly
VP PR Report | October 2022
Slow time for me. I had house guests and then a cold. Thankfully, I am now back to full capacity.
I need to upload the latest speeches to YouTube this week.
Jean’s Founder Video. I extended the date if anyone wants to send me a short video or quote about Jean.
Moved our document to the top of the page.
Added a reminder for our next in-person meeting with a map and link to Google directions.
Officer Elections. If no one else wants the VPPR role, I am happy to extend the appointment for another term.
Jim. Can someone please do a second reach out to Jim? He did not respond to my email regarding Jean’s video; I think he would like to participate. Lynne D.?
Halloween Meeting. Ideas for your consideration.
We could all dress in the same theme as officers. One idea is that we could tie it to the Learning Minute. One person could dress as inspiration, one as fear, one as courage, etc., and we could each give a quick tip if there is time.
Treats. Mara, as Toastmaster, if you would like to weave in treats, I am happy to contribute small things like a gift card to Starbucks for a coffee.
Comment. My Mentee, Leya is giving her Ice Breaker Speech this month! Way to go.
Thank you, Nancy. The Pathways Link you sent is much easier to navigate.
VP Membership Written Report: Lynne
We have two new members!! Leya Hsu and Art Krull joined effective October 1st.
Potential members: During September and October we received several inquiries about our club. All received info about the club, the meeting link, and the weekly agenda.
The three potential members below were sent the zoom link and today's agenda.
Marcus has attended one online meeting (9/27) and our in-person meeting last week (10/4).
Raven T. attended on 9/20. She has our information.
Fatima requested the info on 9/20. I sent her the agenda and link, but she did not come to the meeting.
Secretary Written Report: Lynn
We are approved to use the Thorndike Room at McMenamins on 10/4 and 11/1.
Treasurer Written Report: Nguyet
We've received the $70 D2 Dollar for our Super 7 Awards
In Meeting:
Would Lynne contact Jim?
Lynne will give him a call. Get a quote from him for Jean.
Nancy is changing her pathways. She’s dropping Engaging Humor.
Nothing in addition to Written Report
Lynne will reach out to Kristin, Nevin, Tobulis, Roster, and JinXin. Kelly will reach out to Mark Perez.
Lynne has sent Marcus the agendas
What do we do to generate more business?
Kelly said Mara said to keep a lid on it when we reach 20-25 - Will talk to Mara to see if we still want to do that.
Nancy and Barb don’t think there should be a limit but Mara needs to be in that discussion.
We’ll see where we’re at next month
Nothing in addition to Written Report
Nancy complimented how detailed the meeting minute are.
Made minor changes to the name badges for the In-Person meeting - thinking of adding levels
Nancy brought up that Meera needs to be muted. Barb can mute those not muted during the speech portion.
New Business
Halloween Party - Kelly will wait for Mara to talk about and plan this.
Motion to adjourn,
Lynn Connell
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