Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Meeting Minutes

April 26, 2022

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Announcements: Our next in-person meeting will be next week, in Room A at Country Inn.

Members in Attendance: Amy, Barb, Jean, Jim, Kate, Kelly, Lynn C, Lynne D, Mara, Maria, Meera, Nancy, Robert, Warren

Guests: No guests

Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened the meeting at 12:06 p.m.

Opening Comments were presented by our president Lynn C.

The meeting theme was: “Washington State Place Names.”

The word of the day was “Originate,” meaning start.

Our Toastmaster was Lynne D, who provided much information about place names in Washington State.  She said that most place names fall into the following four categories:  Native American names (words ending in “mish,” meaning people, or “chuck,” meaning water), Euro-based names, names of influential people (Bothell, Redmond), names reminiscent of former home.

Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Meera        

Ah Counter – Amy.

Timer – Kate

General Evaluator  Mara

Speaker #1 was Maria, with her speech, “The Red Conundrum,” 5-7 minutes.  In her speech she explained the five P’s of growing tomatoes: Planning, planting, patience, picking, and processing. Maria’s smile, enthusiasm and colorful slides made it very entertaining.

Speaker #2 was Robert with his speech, “What else can you do with 81 squares?”  6-8 minutes.  Robert showed some of the cartoons that he had drawn, demonstrating the many different ways to play Sudoku.  Go to the website: www.erasable games.com for more cartoons in the Blog there.

Table Topics

Warren asked questions related to the theme. 

Nancy talked about how the pronunciation of place names reveals people who are native to the area and those who are newcomers, using her city’s name, Llano, as an example.

Meera said that she would like to see the empire state building in New York.

Amy said she would like the roof of the Space Needle to be painted like a unicorn.

Evaluator #1, Barb, was profuse in her compliments of Maria’s speech, saying that it was very enjoyable and organized.

Evaluator #2, Kelly, complimented Robert on the subtle humor of his speech and the technical depth that he exhibited.

General Evaluator, Mara, mentioned that a toastmasters meeting is a safe place for technical problems and complimented our ability to adapt.

Despite the many technical difficulties, the meeting ended on time.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary

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