Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Meeting Minutes

April 26, 2022

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Announcements: Our next in-person meeting will be next week, in Room A at Country Inn.

Members in Attendance: Amy, Barb, Jean, Jim, Kate, Kelly, Lynn C, Lynne D, Mara, Maria, Meera, Nancy, Robert, Warren

Guests: No guests

Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened the meeting at 12:06 p.m.

Opening Comments were presented by our president Lynn C.

The meeting theme was: “Washington State Place Names.”

The word of the day was “Originate,” meaning start.

Our Toastmaster was Lynne D, who provided much information about place names in Washington State.  She said that most place names fall into the following four categories:  Native American names (words ending in “mish,” meaning people, or “chuck,” meaning water), Euro-based names, names of influential people (Bothell, Redmond), names reminiscent of former home.

Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Meera        

Ah Counter – Amy.

Timer – Kate

General Evaluator  Mara

Speaker #1 was Maria, with her speech, “The Red Conundrum,” 5-7 minutes.  In her speech she explained the five P’s of growing tomatoes: Planning, planting, patience, picking, and processing. Maria’s smile, enthusiasm and colorful slides made it very entertaining.

Speaker #2 was Robert with his speech, “What else can you do with 81 squares?”  6-8 minutes.  Robert showed some of the cartoons that he had drawn, demonstrating the many different ways to play Sudoku.  Go to the website: www.erasable games.com for more cartoons in the Blog there.

Table Topics

Warren asked questions related to the theme. 

Nancy talked about how the pronunciation of place names reveals people who are native to the area and those who are newcomers, using her city’s name, Llano, as an example.

Meera said that she would like to see the empire state building in New York.

Amy said she would like the roof of the Space Needle to be painted like a unicorn.

Evaluator #1, Barb, was profuse in her compliments of Maria’s speech, saying that it was very enjoyable and organized.

Evaluator #2, Kelly, complimented Robert on the subtle humor of his speech and the technical depth that he exhibited.

General Evaluator, Mara, mentioned that a toastmasters meeting is a safe place for technical problems and complimented our ability to adapt.

Despite the many technical difficulties, the meeting ended on time.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Officer Meeting Minutes


April 19, 2022


Meeting started approximately 1:10 p.m.


Officers in Attendance: Lynn C., Barb, Nancy, Lynne D., Kate, Mara, Jinxin


Minutes from the March meeting were approved.




Report from VPE Nancy: 

·      Excellent news: Meera became our 20th member. We only need one more Level 2 to be perfect, with 10 points!  Every member renewed! 

·      Sending out roster ahead of time worked well.


Report from VPM Kate:

·      EVERYONE renewed, including Nevin & Jessica who we expected to drop because of their busy schedules

·      At the in-person meeting, Giri said the he would like a meeting to be in-person and streaming at the same time.

Report from VPPR Mara:

·      The focus on the in-person meeting was tremendous, good turnout.

·      Ongoing promotion is good,

·      We got $50 for the open house.  Mara would not suggest having Open House and In-Person meeting so close together again.

·      Giri, Randy, Tobias, Julie were guests at the in-person meeting, invited by Mara. She had personally called some former members.


Discussion regarding in-person meetings:

·      Mara reported that she had personally recruited roles in advance of the meeting.

·      Warren wants to speak at an in-person meeting

·      Lynn C expressed kudos to Mara as Toastmaster of the meeting, providing guidance and making everyone feel safe.

·      Toastmaster for the May in-person meeting is not decided yet.

·      Diana (guest) liked the meeting a LOT, but may not join, even though Lynn C offered to pay her expenses to join.

·      In the future, the toastmaster should explain the amount of time that guests have for feedback. We were not able to get feedback from all guests because one guest took too long at the meeting

·      Mara posted photos of in person meeting in Facebook.

·      We may be able to have the in-person meeting in June at ISO.

 Report from SSA Lynne:

·      Lynne came early, did all the set-up, and solved problems with the room.

·      We got a larger room than expected.

·      There is a new contact at Country Inn and Suites and Lynne has established a relationship with the new person.

·      Next in-person meeting will be in the Country Inn conference room, with a large table, but not a lot of room to move around.

·      Being SSA at the meeting had been a large time commitment

·      It had been fun working with Mara, great input, reliable


Report from Secretary Barb: Nothing to report.


Report from Treasurer Jinxin.

·      We have $1402 in our bank account

·      Country Inn hasn’t charged us yet.

·      We will get money from D2 to offset Zoom costs

·      Trouble with PayPal – Jim is still the only one who can change things; makes Jinxin nervous.  Despite many attempts, we have not been able to solve this problem.




Kate agreed to check out the size of the table in the conference room of Country Inn, how many it seats.


Discussion of officers for the next term:

·      Maria would be good for some role

·      Kelly would be good for PR, and probably would accept it

·      Amy or Kristin could do the Zoom recording

·      Barb will replace Lynne as SAA, with Robert’s help

·      Nancy is willing to stay on as VPE


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary




Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2022

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Announcements: Our next in-person meeting will be in two weeks, in Room A at Country Inn.

Members in Attendance: Amy, Barb, Jean, Jim, Kate, Kristin, Lynne D, Mara, Maria, Meera, Nancy, Robert, Warren

Guests: Dan Sakaki, from Richmond, Canada, Unicorn Tribe Toastmasters Club

Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened the meeting at 12:00 p.m.

Opening Comments were presented by our President pro temp, Nancy, who welcomed our guest and talked a little about “Toastmaster Tourism.” At the end of the meeting, Nancy offered Kudos to Lynne for handling the recordings and always starting our meetings on time.

The meeting theme was: “Earth Day”

The word of the day was “Verdant,” meaning green, as in a verdant forest. A second meaning is naïve or new, as in verdant college students.

Our Toastmaster was Mara, who provided thoughts, ideas, and history about Earth Day, which was created in 1970 by a U.S. Senator.  Ever since, Earth Day has inspired events by people around the world. Earth Day is always celebrated on April 22nd.  

 Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian –Amy

Ah Counter – Warren.

Timer – Lynne D.

General Evaluator  Barb

 Speaker #1 was Kristin, with her speech, “Leadership and Personality Tests,” 5-7 minutes.  In her quest to increase her knowledge of leadership, Kristin recently took several personality tests and shared her results with us. She provided a chart which showed her strengths based on the Clifton tests, taken 8 years ago and recently. One of her strengths is WOO= Winning Others Over.  The Toastmaster leadership test said that she was bureaucratic, which surprised her at first.  In the Myers-Briggs test taken at work, she was revealed as ESFJ, (Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) particularly good for “teaching and preaching.”

Table Topics

Maria showed Memes and asked questions regarding Earth Day.

Meera talked about the things from earth that she would like to introduce to another planet.  She said “animals,” and she also mentioned all the coffee grown in Nepal. The meme said, “Save the earth – it’s the only planet that has coffee.”

Amy was asked to talk about how she manages with the rotating differences in daylight between summer and winter. Both she and her fiancé suffer from the SADD syndrome in winter, so they create very light spaces in their house to counteract that. In the spring and summer, they go outdoors as often as possible.

Jim said that if he was colonizing another planet, he would bring vegetables to one of the outer rings of Saturn.  He thinks that the Fountain of Youth might be found there, and he would welcome the chance to be verdant again.

Robert, when asked about an event that hadn’t had enough preparation, said that he enjoys doing events spontaneously. He mentioned his 45th birthday party as an example, in which none of his friends knew each other but still enjoyed themselves exploring their connections to him.

Warren was asked, “What would you want planted in your honor?” Warren’s immediate response was that he would like planted something that provided support and food, such as orange or apple trees.  He added, “Something with seeds, that continues to help society after I am gone.”

Dan responded to the meme, “Earth is the only planet that has cats,” and was asked which animal he would take to another planet.  He talked about his love/hate relationship with cats. He loves cats but they spark his allergies.  Dan concluded with his love/love relationship with dogs.

Jean was asked, “Do you remember your re-usable bags when you go shopping?” Jean responded that Jim remembers.  Jean forgets the bags, but not what goes into them. Because of her age, she doesn’t like talk about “old bags.”

Evaluator, Nancy, said that she loved the topic of Kristin’s speech.  Nancy said that Kristin is no longer a verdant speaker. She excelled at immersing herself in the topic, sharing joy, and leading with her heart.  Nancy commented on the good introduction and suggested using pauses as transitions between the tests.  Nancy said that using Power Point is challenging, and suggested minimizing use of words during set up. She called it a great speech with good delivery.

General Evaluator, Barb, commented on how enjoyable the meeting had been and suggested that members arrive 10-15 minutes early to join in the interesting discussions before the meeting.  Barb called out the great job done by Nancy in evaluating Kristin’s speech, including the sandwich method and specific suggestions.

Mara concluded her toastmaster duties by giving riddle jokes about Earth day.

Our guest Dan, said that he liked that we had presented the club Mission Statement, and he offered praise to Maria because she nodded and smiled to make Table Topics speakers feel comfortable, not intimidated.

Robert provided a great joke at the end of the meeting.

The meeting ended on time.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary

Monday, April 18, 2022


Meeting Minutes

April 12, 2022

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters 

Members in Attendance: Amy, Barb, Jean, Jim, , Kate, Kelly, Kristin, Lynn C, Lynne D, Mara, Maria, Meera, Warren

No Guests

Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened the meeting at 12:00 p.m.

Opening Comments by our President, Lynn C

The meeting theme was:  “April Showers”

The word of the day was “pluvious,” relating to or characterized by rainfall.

Our Toastmaster was Nancy, who gave us MANY interesting tidbits on humans showering, the largest group of people who showered, typical length of showers for men and women, in what countries people shower most frequently, etc.

Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian –Maria          

Ah Counter – Maria.

Timer – Lynne D

General Evaluator  Kate

Speaker #1 was Amy, with her speech, “A Universal Symbol of Hope,” 5-7 minutes.  Amy engaged us immediately with the picture she described of a one-horned, white animal, and then she surprised us by saying that the animal was a rhinoceros.  Then she gave us the history of unicorns, the symbolism, and how the unicorn has been spoken about over the years.

Speaker #2 was Jim , with his speech, “You Choose.”  Jim told us a brief history of Demosthenes and the evaluator who told him that he was a terrible speaker.  Jim told us that his toastmaster’s goal this year was keeping his speeches to 5-7 minutes. Then he explained the many ways that he had been working to attain that goal.  Then he challenged us, “What important difference do you want to make? How do you plan to do it? Choose to take it or leave it.”

Evaluator #1 was Warren, who complimented Amy on her word choice, use of adjectives, and the phenomenal pictures she created with description. He suggested that she not read her speech, but use bullet points to improve eye contact.  


Evaluator #2 was Mara, who said that Jim was a better speaker than most.  She added that she had not been able to suss out the structure of this speech, and that he had been relaxed and engaging. 

Table Topics

Kelly had apparently spent a lot of time creating pictures of famous people alongside club members wearing similar outfits. She asked members to comment on the fashions as if we were Joan Rivers. 

Maria was shown a picture of herself next to Diane Keaton in top hats. She commented on the appropriateness of the pose.

Kristin was asked to comment on the picture of Warren and President Bush.

Mara commented on the picture of Nancy and Diane Lane.

Barb talked about the picture of herself and Robert, back to back, wearing plaid.

Jean commented on the picture of Jim and Johnny Carson.General Evaluator, Kate, commented on Barb’s use of the phrase, “Let me see,” as a good way to avoid crutch words, said it had been a great topic, and appreciated seeing speeches from a relative newcomer and a veteran speaker.  Kate complimented the Evaluators on use of the sandwich method, and Kelly on the fantastic table topics.

Nancy provided some humorous riddles.

The meeting ended on time.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary

Thursday, April 7, 2022


Meeting Minutes

April 5, 2022

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

What a glorious meeting! It was so wonderful to see and hug each other, old friends, and past members.  There was so much energy and laughter throughout the meeting.  The room was a perfect size and nicely arranged.


1.    Kudos to Lynne D and Mara for all the work that they did making this happen!

2.    Next in-person meeting is May 3, 2022.

Members in Attendance: Barb, Jean, Jim, Jutta, Kate, Kelly, Lynn C, Lynne D, Mara, Maria, Warren

Guests in Attendance: Dianna (friend of Lynn C.), Giri, Julie Hutton, Randy Barber, and Tobias.

Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened the meeting at 12:00 p.m.

Opening Comments by our President, Lynn C

The meeting theme was:  “Welcome Back”

The word of the day was “Live,” rhyming with strive. The other pronunciation of the word, rhyming with give, was not allowed.

Our Toastmaster was Mara, who explained the conventions of an in-person meeting that differ from an online meeting.

Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian –Jean            

Ah Counter – Lynn C.

Timer – Jutta

General Evaluator  Warren

Speaker #1 was Kelly, with her speech, “BreakTHROUGH the Bondage,” 5-7 minutes.  Kelly had a very well-organized, well-delivered, and dynamic speech about body language. She described some of the standard poses, gave hilarious examples, and told us about her breakthrough: using the gestures that come naturally to us; gestures don’t have to be “orchestrated.”

Speaker #2 was Maria, with her speech, “My Pet Poops Breakfast.”  Maria explained how her husband wanted to have a homestead – while they were living in Anaheim, ½ mile from Disneyland.  In Washington, they now have chickens and she is known as the “crazy chicken lady.” Very humorously and vividly, Maria described the first steps in becoming a chicken owner, some of the ordinances, tips on coops, chicken predators, and the different types of chickens. She ended by telling us the advantages of being a chicken owner.

Evaluator #1 was Barb, who complimented Kelly on the organization of her speech, the energy she put into it, and her wonderful use of body language. Barb suggested that Kelly talk more slowly and ask the Toastmaster for 6-8 minutes so that she didn’t have to rush when delivering all her content.

Evaluator #2 was Jim, who complimented Maria on her well-organized and funny speech. He mentioned the many puns that Maria had in her speech and said it was very humorous.

Table Topics

Kate led Table Topics, and said that her questions were simple, like min-icebreakers. 

Julie Hutton volunteered, answering the question why she came to Toastmasters and why she came back.  Julie said that she came for big smiles and explained how much she is enjoying (addicted to) South Korean Ramkan, which I think is a TV series.

Tobias was unanimously “voluntold.” He talked about car commercials that he enjoyed and driving a ladder truck for the fire department.  He explained how he enjoys skirting around conventions, for example, wearing his hair in a mullet and a rat-tail, and wearing a half-mesh t-shirt instead of his uniform.

General Evaluator was Warren, who said that it had been an unbelievably good meeting to kick off in-person meetings. He praised the organization, the emails, how well the Toastmaster explained the in-person rituals, the Table Topics master for picking good people to respond, how both evaluators offered specific, concrete ways to improve, how Jim used the sandwich method and summary.  Warren concluded with calling this a very positive meeting.

Our guest Dianna said said that she had fun, liked the various roles which to her meant accountability, and asked a few questions.

Guest Randy said it had been fun and lively, with laughter and familiar faces. We ran out of time for feedback from the other guests, but stayed afterwards to chat.

The meeting adjourned at 1:04 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary