Meeting Minutes
March 1, 2022
Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters
We will resume having in-person meetings on the first Tuesdays of April, May, and June. The first in-person meeting will be April 5, 2022. More information will be provided at future meetings.
With his speech today, Jutta completes his Level 1 in Pathways
Members in Attendance: Amy, Barb, Jim, Jutta, Lynn C, Lynne D, Mara, Maria, Nancy, Nguyet, Robert
Guests in Attendance: Meera Basnet, Divya Arisetty
Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened our meeting at 12:00 p.m.
Opening Comments by President Lynn C.
The meeting theme was: “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.”
The word of the day was “Imbue”
Our Toastmaster was Barb. She explained the meaning of the meeting theme, read the poem of that name, and talked about a Japanese manga TV series and film called “Comes in Like a Lion.”
Our Gate Team was:
Grammarian –Lynne D
Ah Counter – Lynne D
Timer – Amy
General Evaluator – Nancy
Speaker #1 was Jutta, who gave his ice breaker speech, describing his Masters in Computer Science, his family, and his entertainment with them. We really felt like we know Jutta much better after his speech. (By the way, his name is pronounced “Yutta.”)
Evaluator #1 was Robert . Robert started by congratulating Jutta on his upcoming marriage anniversary, March 3. He complimented Jutta’s in-depth description of his history, family, and especially his children. Robert also acknowledged Jutta’s effective use of head movements and eye contact. His suggestions included more vocal variety and centering himself top-to-bottom in the camera frame.
Table Topics Master was Mara
Mara asked us to deliver our table topics using the lion and lamb metaphor, loud and soft.
Meera was asked about the birds she sees returning in your yard in the spring. We were entertained with her description of the birds in her native Nepal, and also the live lion that she saw once.
Maria was asked about her favorite season. She started by saying that Seattle has only two seasons – rain and summer. Then she discussed the beauty of fall here.
Jim was asked about his spring cleaning. He responded that he would never be interested in spring cleaning. In then went on to discuss the considerable clutter on his desk and in his garage.
Lynn C talked about her spring eating habits: Ice cream, berries, and celery juice.
Divya focused on flowers, especially her favorite, roses.
Nguyet talked about her and her husband’s reaction to the time change in March. Her husband refused to change the time in his car and doesn’t like the time change. Nguyet changes the clocks in her house and has mixed feelings about “springing ahead.”
Lynne D talked about how much she likes rainbows, and she was very eloquent describing different types of rainbows and the situations in which they appear.
General Evaluator was Nancy. She complimented all roles on the excellent job that they did. Nancy talked about feeling happy and pleased with the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. exactly.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Katz, Secretary
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