Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2022
Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters
1. We will have an Open House meeting on March 29. This is an IMPORTANT MEETING. BRING GUESTS.
2. First in-person meeting on April 5.
3. Dues are due by March 31. See emails from Jinxin and Nancy.
Members in Attendance: Amy, Barb, Jean, Jim, Jutta, Kate, Kelly, Kristin, Lynne D, Maria, Nancy, Nguyet, Robert
Guests in Attendance: Meera
Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened our meeting at 12:00 p.m.
Opening Comments by president pro temp, Nancy.
The meeting theme was: “Welcome Spring”
The word of the day was “Revive,” meaning come back to life
Our Toastmaster was Mara. She suggested that we “embrace the energy of spring,” prune our Pathways, and sign up for meeting roles in advance, so that our endeavors bear fruit.
Our Gate Team was:
Grammarian –Nancy
Ah Counter – Nancy
Timer – Kate
General Evaluator – Kelly
Speaker #1 was Barb, with her speech “A Special Place,” 6-8 minutes. Barb told us about a daytrip that she had taken about ten years ago, during which she discovered a special place called Toastmasters. This was a reminder to pay our dues.
Evaluator #1 was Maria, who said that she loved Barb’s story, the props, gestures, and sound of pennies dropping. Maria suggested that Barb watch the cursor position when she is sharing a screen and explain in the beginning that this is a fable. She also suggested asking a rhetorical question to involve the audience more.
Table Topics
Amy lead table topics, based on the Greek goddess of Persephone who returns to the earth from Hades in the spring.
Kristin talked about what is needed to tend her rose garden.
Kate planned a party to celebrate Persephone’s return, including flowers, music, and dance.
Meera talked about spring in Nepal, with bananas, pomegranates, grapes, pears and jack fruit.
Nguyet talked about taking Servus, Persephone’s huge 3-headed dog, on a walk.
Jim explained that Persephone should not change a goat back into the farmer that he was previously because of his “underlying pathology.”
Lynne suggested that someone be turned into basil, so that he could return to the “basics” rather than “peripheral ideas.”
General Evaluator was Kelly, who complimented many of the people in the meeting, including Barb, Amy, Nguyet, and Kristin. Kelly also had several helpful suggestions for members, including getting free photos from Creative Commons for our presentations, and putting wax paper over a light bulb to create diffused light.
Humorists were Nancy and Robert.
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Katz, Secretary