Officer Meeting Minutes
February 1, 2022
Meeting started approximately 1:10 p.m.
Officers in Attendance: Lynn C., Barb, Nancy, Lynne D., Kate, Mara
Minutes from the January meeting were approved.
Report from VPE Nancy:
· We only need one more point to become President’s Distinguished, and 2 points to complete all 10 goals (one Level 1 Award and one Level 2 Award.) If we have twenty members on June 30, 2022 we will be President’s Distinguished.
· Nancy will be our speech contest chair and Toastmaster on 2/15/22.
· Contestants so far are Barb & Jim.
· [Secretary comments: the holiday gift exchange was very innovative and meaningful, thanks to Mara.]
Report from VPM Kate:
· We have 2 new members (Amy and Maria). A former member, Jutta, has signed up again.
· We currently have 20 paid members, but may lose Kelly (new job) and Nevin (med school).
Report from VPPR Mara:
· Mara is continuing with social media.
· Mara and Lynne have continued to work on finding a venue for in-person meetings. (See DISCUSSION: VENUE later in the minutes.)
Report from SSA Lynne:
· We have a good supply of mentors for the new people
· (See DISCUSSION: VENUE later in the minutes.)
Report from Secretary Barb: Nothing to report
Report from Treasurer Jinxin (received after the meeting): Our checking account balance is $1,190.28. The “major” expense is the Zoom monthly charge. New members have boosted our balance, thanks to Kate’s work.
Lynne and Mara have explored many venues, but low-cost rooms, for example in churches, are not available yet because of the pandemic.
ISO is still interested in having us return, but they have no budget for it at this time.
Mara recently attended a weekly networking meeting that has one meeting each month in person, a “hybrid arrangement.” Mara said that this is working very well for them and she and Lynne recommended it to our club.
They have also explored renting one room a month from Country Inn and Suites for our in-person meeting. It would cost approximately $140 for the room each time. Mara and Lynne will view the room and decide if it is suitable for us, and they will email their findings ASAP.
After discussion we decided:
1. We have committed to having three in-person meetings, the first Tuesdays of April, May, and June, at the Country Inn and Suites if that room is suitable, or at another paid venue.
2. We will pay for these three meetings out of our checking account, but we won’t be able to continue paying this much for a venue.
3. The date for our first in-person meeting is April 5.
4. The time for our officer meetings will have to change during these months. We may want to continue having officer meetings online.
5. After the three-month trial period, we will decide whether or not to continue in-person meetings during the summer months when attendance is typically low.
6. Some officers expressed the belief that venues may be opening up soon.
7. We would like to start promoting the in-person meetings as soon as possible.
8. At our next officer meeting, we can plan the agenda and attractions (guest speakers?) for the “Grand Re-Opening” meeting in April.
So far we have two contestants, Jim and Barb
We may not have Table Topics at the contest meeting, 2/15/22. Instead we will have Round Robin evaluations for both speakers, and members can give feedback to the speakers in Chat.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 2:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Katz, Secretary
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