Officers’ Minutes - March 2, 2021
Attendees: Barb, Kate, Jim, Lynne, Mara, Lynn, JinXin, Nancy
Barb had the minutes from February 2021 approved.
Officer Reports with Discussion:
Officer Reports:
President: Barb
VP Education (VPE): Nancy
VP Membership (VPM): Kate
VP Public Relations (VPPR): Mara
Secretary: Lynn C
Treasurer: Jim & Jinxin
Sergeant at Arms (SAA): Lynne D
Barb started our meeting by congratulating all of us. Our District 55 Caryn mentioned how well organized and professional we are at our club.
Nancy, we need 2 new members or completion of Level 1 by June 30th.
She spoke to Warren after the Evaluation competition and he thought it was cool to evaluate a new guest speaker that he was not comfortable with.
Mara, everything is moving along. She posts weekly on Facebook. Kate and Mara have a meeting set up for tomorrow to talk about how member drive and PR can work together.
It would be a good idea to put more faces on Facebook but will need approval first.
Kate, we have 1 new member since our last Officer meeting (Kristin Gulledge) making it 19 members total. Hannah requested an application but has not turned it in yet. Kate will reach out to Jutta to see if he’s planning to renew. Jim reached out to Adeline via email earlier this morning but has not heard back yet. If we exclude them, we have 17 members total.
Lynn C will be traveling out of the country for a month from 3/28 - 4/26 and plan to attend every meeting but cannot guarantee a good wifi connection. She asked if there’s a backup Secretary. There is no automatic backup Secretary, you simply ask if anyone is willing to volunteer when needed. Mara and Nancy volunteered to take on the role if needed.
She will try to do better at getting the Meeting Minutes out sooner.
Jim and JinXin are collaborating to try to get to the same page in the Treasurer role transition.
9 members paid already and they are good through September.
$200 fraud credit was received.
End of February balance is $1,222 with a lot in pending.
There is a $57 PayPal payment to the club with a name that he does not recognize. Jim will bring it up during our meeting. He can also walk people through how to check your profile on the site to see if you are covered thru September.
JinXin called Jim but could not get a hold of him. They will set up a time to meet.
Lynne reaches out to Shannon (Manager of ISO) via email every month to let her know we’re still here so we won’t lose the room. She heard back from Shannon and we are still good with the room.
Not sure why our Zoom link is set to expire in June and not August. Nancy will look into it.
Mara mentioned, per Zoom support, use the “No Fix Time” option to fix this issue.
Recordings are going well. Caryn (District 55) brought up in our last Toastmasters that she observed we were recording and suggested we let the members know ahead of time in the beginning. Barb or Lynne will announce it at the beginning of all our meetings from now on. Mara suggests putting the recording announcement in the Pledge of Allegiance Powerpoint deck slides to read at the start of all our meetings as an option. Lynne thinks that’s a great idea.
Lynne asked if anyone is interested in being the backup Zoom host and Mara volunteered.
Old Business - Jim, did we get an invoice from them?
Jim, no we did not.
Kate mentioned we are still getting inquiries on Meetup even though we are not a subscriber anymore. Kate will reach out to them and capture their email address for PR
Mara suggests sending a message through the Meetup site regarding the membership drive.
Facebook online project
Mara - not sure if Facebook Live is getting more traffic or Likes. She thinks a 1:1 interview-style might be a post. She is less inclined to put speakers on Facebook. Barb suggests maybe posting a recording of the whole Toastmasters meeting from beginning to end so that people can get an understanding and expectation of how joining our Toastmasters club would be like.
New Business
Additional Zoom Help
Mara volunteers
Membership Campaign
We will revisit this topic at our next Officers’ Meeting (Kate had a family emergency call).
Service award for a member of our club
Barb complimented how so many people go above and beyond in our club. There’s a Spark Plug Award available, but how do you give 1 award to so many members deserving of it? Nancy, Kate, Mara, Lynne, Jim, and Jean (the creator of our club). I say this is a good problem to have :-)
Barb reminded everyone to start thinking of whether or not they would like to continue in their current Officer role for the next election. As well as start thinking of who would be a good fit to take on your role if you decide to not do it anymore come June.
Motion to adjourn.
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