Thursday, December 17, 2020


Public Speaking Northwest Minutes – December 15, 2020


You CAN think clearly as you speak to groups – in Toastmasters

Mission Statement & Flag Salute: Lynne spoke clearly as she opened our meeting.


Our President: Nancy, cheerfully helped Barb, our President, by taking charge of the meeting.



We voted on our slate of officers. Barb Katz will remain our President. Nancy Carpenter will keep her office as Vice-President of Education. Kate Morris will remain our Vice-President of Membership. Mara Williams will replace Nancy Carpenter as Vice-President of Publicity. Lynn Connell will replace Jean Tracy as Secretary. Jim Tracy will retain his role as Treasurer. Lynne Dauenhauer will keep her Sergeant at Arms role. Their officer roles will be from January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021.


Announcements: Kate completed her level 3 of Pathways and landed us another DCP point. Thanks, Kate.


Our Meeting Toastmaster: Kate chose “Good News” as her theme for the day. She filled the meeting with heartwarming events that occurred this last year.


Grammarian and Word of the Day:  Jutta chose “Bibelot,” meaning ornament as our word for today.

Ah Counter:  Jean counted each member’s filler words. She heard only 4 which shows how wonderfully aware we are.

TimerLynne kept us within our time limits using her color-coded cards.

General Evaluator – Robert paid attention to the meeting from top to bottom noting each member’s role. He focused much of his time on the evaluators.


Our 1st Speaker: Mara’s title, “Mentoring is Like a Box of Chocolates” flowed throughout her talk in clever and curious ways. She compared her mentor, Jim, to an advent calendar with doors opening for her to explore ideas. She praised Jim for the times she felt the advice from an evaluator didn’t fit. Like her personal box of chocolates, Jim told her to take a bite and put it back in the box. Jim also helped her with a deeply felt eulogy. Mara intends to write a book and sees Jim as the right mentor for her since he’s already a published author.


Our 2nd Speaker: Giri’s title, “Reframe to Reclaim Your Power,” used stories to explain reframing. He reminded us that President Reagan was the oldest candidate for president at that time. He knew everyone wanted to hear candidate Mondale use it against him in their debate. Reagan’s reframe won the debate and the presidency. Giri also chose stories from his own life, when people told him not to be offended by what they were about to say. Giri knew it would be an insult and he was ready. He turned their negative words into his asset with an, “I don’t care” response. Both President Raegan and Giri reclaimed their power.


Our 1st Evaluator: Warren praised Mara for her well organized speech. He enjoyed her analogy regarding the advent calendar. He felt her talk flowed well and was conversational. He noted that she and Jim find humor difficult but are challenging themselves with the Humorous Pathway. He also commented on her interest in writing a book. He suggested she use some humor.  


Our 2nd Evaluator: Nancy complimented Giri on his well-crafted introduction. She said this was one of her favorite speeches by Giri. She loved the Raegan story, the dive bar and digging holes references. She suggested Giri slow down and pause more to give the audience time to enjoy the visuals he paints with his words.


Our Table Topics Master: Midori continued the theme, “Good News” by asking us to share our good news this past year.

Kameh, our guest, said her husband now works from home. She enjoys having lunch with him. She also has more freedom to explore new activities like toastmasters.

Jutta is establishing a new business entitled, Seattle Group Solutions. He’s excited about his new journey.

Lynn mentioned 2 things, her fun trip earlier to Cancun, Mexico, and camping. She has a wonderful new camper that she loves. “It’s like a second home,” she said.

Giri liked watching “Tiger King” on TV. He suggested we all watch it with a large bowl of ice cream.


General Evaluator: Robert thought “Good News” was an effective theme. He complimented Warren on his evaluation summary. He liked Nancy’s emphasis on the positive while also sharing some suggestions. He praised Midori for carrying through with the theme for the day.


Our Members in Attendance: Lynn, Kate, Nancy, Lynne, Warren, Midori, Mara, Robert, Jutta, Giri, Jean


Our Guests in Attendance: Janice, Simbu, and Kameh. Kameh said she’d like to join our club. Terrific!


Motion to Adjourn – Kate   Second – Robert


 Your Secretary,


Jean Tracy, DTM






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