Monday, November 30, 2020

Public Speaking Northwest Minutes 11.24.2020


To Practice Public Speaking and Become Comfortable Leading Groups – Join Toastmasters.

Mission Statement and Flag Salute: Lynne, Our Sergeant at Arms and Zoom host, skillfully opened the meeting.


Our President: Barb welcomed us along with our guest, Bharti, who came to us all the way from Connecticut.


Announcements: Barb reminded our officers to meet at 11 am next Tuesday on Zoom. She also mentioned that we need to elect officers soon.

Nancy, congratulated Jean on completing the Visionary Communication Pathway.


Our Meeting Toastmaster: Jean’s theme was ‘Gratitude.’


Grammarian and Word of the Day Midori chose ‘Satiate’ for increasing our vocabulary.

Ah Counter – Lynne kept track of our unnecessary  ahs, ums, and filler words.

Timer – Lynn kept us on time with our speeches, evaluations, and table topics.

General Evaluator – Kate, paid close attention to the whole meeting, especially the evaluators.


Our 1st Speaker Jinxin hunted for ways to reduce her pre-diabetic scores in “Numbers Count.” She felt compelled to bring the numbers down in her search for good health. She tried a healthy diet and exercised a lot, but they were not enough. Jinxin is a numbers person, a scientist and she is persistent. Now she is using a special fasting regimen and feels more energetic. Soon she will be tested again and hopes the ‘numbers count’ in her favor.

Let us know the results, Jinxin. We just might follow your path.


Our 2nd Speaker Giri gave us an easy secret in “Do & Drop -The Most Effective Way to Achieve Your Goals.” Giri got us to admit in his introductory quiz that  we all like ‘easy.’ All we need to “Do It” is connect to a compelling reason for achieving our goals, He used examples like learning to ride a bike, and dieting.

If we feel compelled like, Jinxin, in her search for good health by lowering her numbers, we’ll reach our goals. If we’re not compelled,” he said, “Drop it”  the goal is not compelling enough.


Let’s follow Giri’s advice, and like Jinxin, find our compelling reasons to achieving our goals.


Our 1st Evaluator – Jim praised Jinxin’s specifics about her goal, her great gestures, and the way she centered herself on Zoom. He suggested she use her facial expressions more because she has a resonant smile.


Our 2nd Evaluator Robert complimented Giri on his fine preparation, involvement of the audience, good examples, mention of Jinxin, facial expressions, and conversational manner. He suggested a call to action would add to a good summary.


Our Table Topics Master – Warren asked us to think of a time when we were satiated with thanks.

Nancy mentioned a beautiful shift inside her when she married Joe. So special!

Kate said she was overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and gifts from family and friends when she had her daughter. Beautiful!


General Evaluator – Kate complimented how well everyone did especially her evaluators, Jim and Robert.


Our Members in Attendance – Warren, Nancy, Jim, Giri, Kate, Jinxin, Midori, Robert, Lynne, Lynn, Barb, Mara, Jean


Our Guests in Attendance – Bharti said she liked the meeting and that she would return. We hope she does.

Motion to Adjourn – Nancy,  Second – Giri

 Your Secretary,

 Jean Tracy, DTM



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