Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Public Speaking Northwest Minutes for 9-15-2020


Public Speaking Northwest Minutes for 9-15-2020


Want a fun, friendly, and inexpensive public speaking education? – Join Toastmasters!

Announcements: Glenn has officially joined our club. Welcome, Glenn!


Our Meeting Toastmaster: Lynne who had each member wear a fun hat for “Wear a Hat Day.”


Our President: Barb welcomed our guest Ray and asked him to share a little about himself. What an interesting person!


Our Gate Team:


Grammarian and Word of the Day  Jim chose “Shindig” to fit Lynne’s theme.


Ah Counter – Jim caught a few “Ahs” and “Ums” from several of us. Our goal is to avoid using them.


Timer –  Glenn, as our timer for the first time, kept our speeches, table topics and evaluations within their limits using his green, yellow and red cards. He did a super job.


General Evaluator – Barb’s role was to evaluate the meeting from top to bottom. Her evaluation is below.


Our 1st Speaker Kate entitled her talk, “How to Create a More Welcoming TM Club.”

She suggested 4 steps to having new members introduce themselves and she used them in her Table Topics below. Such a great technique!


Our 2nd Speaker Mara entitled her speech, “Mara, You’ve Got Some ‘Splaining To Do” We’ve missed Mara for over 6 months. During that time, she started a coaching business, moved to a new home, took on a full-time job, sold her previous home, and is starting her coaching business again. She will end her full-time job in a few weeks and be able to attend our meetings regularly again. We missed you, Mara, and feel so pleased to have you back.


Our 1st Evaluator – Jean praised Kate for speaking clearly, audibly, and with well-paced pauses. She complimented her for sharing a welcoming technique for introducing new members.


Our 2nd EvaluatorGiri enthusiastically praised Mara for speaking with such serene inner comfort. He also liked how she looked right into the Zoom camera which is hard to do.


Our Table Topics Master – Kate’s role was to choose members to speak for 2 minutes practicing her introduction technique.


Robert, Jinxin and Jim each introduced themselves using Kate’s 4 stems from her talk:


1.    My name is…

2.    It is pronounced…

3.    I prefer to be called…

4.    I prefer you not call me…


We learned new information from each table topic speaker about themselves. Thanks for this great technique, Kate.  


General Evaluator – Barb evaluated the meeting from beginning to end with special kudos to Lynne for her fun “Wear a Hat Day” theme, and to Giri for his comfortable style in evaluating. She also praised Kate for her talk and using it in her table topics too.


Our Guest, Ray, said he felt warmly welcomed and enjoyed the structure and organization of the meeting. We hope he joins us again.


Your Secretary,


Jean Tracy, DTM






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