Public Speaking Northwest, Club #9406
December 3, 2019
Officers’ meeting minutes
Present: Jim, Jean, Lynne, Nancy, Uliana.
February 11,2020 - international speech contest - motivate members to sign up.
Brainstorming ways to motivate members - benefits.
Officers are on their way to finishing training - Nancy and Giri are left to sign up.
Please comment on FB page minutes and photos!
Jim stepped up to be a treasurer. Jim will do 1/2 year report of spending.
Mara suggested continuing using meetups, she'll look into buying a sandwich sign.
Nancy and Uliana will take upon taking photos for FB.
Nancy will put her contact info on the FB page.
White elephant party on January 28. We want guests, but no food.
We need to educate people on what the white elephant is about.
Each member can bring 2 gifts so guests will be covered, the value between $5 and $15.
Lynne as a sergeant of arms opened a brainstorming about what can we do better.
Is Robert getting thumb drives back? Jean will remind people to return these to Robert.
Nancy offered to donate their own old drives. We can attach a lanyard to the drives.
Or each member can arrange their own drivers as they wish.
We discussed ways to improve the connection to the projector,
but came to the conclusion that we do now the best way possible.
Jim does mostly the keeping up with the technology, Lynne and Nancy back him up.
January 14, 10:45am - mentors meeting here. (changed to Jan 21, due to snow days)
String name tags people are not using anymore, but we still keep them.
Nik, Miho, and John still don't have these.
Sticker names are for guests only.
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