Public Speaking Northwest, Club #9406
December 3, 2019
Officers’ meeting minutes
Present: Jim, Jean, Lynne, Nancy, Mara, Giri.
March membership drive - we'll talk about it in March when dues are due, people would know better if they are staying.
From this year’s membership drive, we saw that the most effective way is to walk around local businesses. We only need 2 people to bring cookies. We'll do the regular meeting next time.
Hilary's report - we have $775.54.
Holiday cards for ISO - we already bought the 'thank you' cards, the $20 gift cards, we'll sign them next time.
Lynne will organize the leap day party on February 25.
Adjust time regulations for GE - 2-3 minutes, just like the regular evaluation.
Nancy will give a talk on how our speech introductions are sales pitches and should be written as such. She will include how important it is that the Toastmaster of the meeting needs to read it with enthusiasm.
Nancy will give a talk on how our speech introductions are sales pitches and should be written as such. She will include how important it is that the Toastmaster of the meeting needs to read it with enthusiasm.
The white elephant party will be on January 28.
Mara will look for a deli board to buy to put outside. Amazon, Craigslist, Facebook.
The minutes are written with Jean’s active help since the secretary was absent.
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