Monday, September 9, 2019

Robert Katz Live List Discussion Space

To all PSNW members,

This Blog entry is a mechanism and place holder for internet based questions, answers, and discussions of the Web Site called:
Robert Katz Live List ( .

This web site is the reference for Robert Katz's in-person Technical Presentation, which is designed to be enhanced by this Blog and E-mail communication.

You are encouraged to upload comments to this entry. If this is too daunting, please Email your comment to me at:
and I can insert the comment here for you.

Robert Katz,


  1. Robert, thank you for sharing your Live List site with the group! As you were showing us, I kept thinking, "if only I could do this with the unruly list of sites that I have bookmarked on my own computer!" And then, when Jean asked you what was your inspiration for starting the website, you answered by saying that it was a way to index and share all of your bookmarks. That made me smile.
    I appreciate that your site is text-only. I prefer sites without a lot of distracting and unnecessary graphics. But also, this is especially helpful for any readers who are using text-reader software for accessibility (low vision, etc.)
    Nice talk! Thank you!

  2. Hi Unknown writer also known as Kate,
    You're welcome! I'm glad you liked my site and my talk. I've had a long time to think about and implement a functional way to view, navigate and access particularly excellent Web sites, all designed for minimalism and sensory accessibility.

    Best regards,
