who read on holidays always have a better time because it’s total escapism,
both physically and mentally”~~ Jasmine Guiness
to the fifth and final meeting
in May.
the toastmaster of the day. She provided us with interesting celebrations and
traditions practiced throughout the month of May.
Her GAT(e) team comprised of : Grammarian
- Robert (mendacity), Ah-Counter – Jim and Timer
– Randy.
the 1st speaker of the day. She completed Project #9 from the CC
Manual – Persuade with Power. The title of her talk was “Tidying-Up” which she
completed within 7 minutes.
her talk, Chizuko persuaded us to think of tidying up and decluttering as a
holistic process based on the book - The Life Changing Art of Tidying Up by
Kondo Marie.
encouraged us to embrace the following points with a positive open mindset so
that one can truly enjoy the tidying up process -
1. Before
beginning the actual process of tidying up, it is very important and inspiring
to imagine the ideal lifestyle one wishes to have.
2. While
tidying up, one should keep only those things that spark joy within. Discard
all others with a sense of gratitude for having served you and make a promise
to take care of all things that you keep.
last, Chizuko encourages us to see tidying up as letting go of the past and
restarting our ideal future.
Chizuko was
voted the best speaker.
her evaluator. She commended Chizuko on her excellent choice of topic, which
was very informative and persuasive. With good volume, hand gestures and pauses,
Chizuko effectively delivered her talk. As a suggestion, Jean offered Chizuko
to provide handouts including main point of her talk.
was voted the best evaluator.

her talk, Anisha led us through common scenarios where we tend to get lost in
our thoughts, become mindless and start running on an auto pilot mode. When she
once caught herself exhibiting that behavior, she made a pledge. To be mindful
and aware for 30 mins per day – practicing mindfulness. The rest of the story
was about how she reacted to an unusual situation that she encountered at a
local park during those 30 mins duration.
personally experienced the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, Anisha
persuaded the audience to take 10 mins out of our busy schedule and start
practicing quiet time. Not only is it the perfect way to turn our mind into an
ally, it also energizes us and fills our heart with love and compassion.
her evaluator. She gave kudos to Anisha’s delightful talk filled with stories
and conversations. With excellent eye contact, body gestures and stage
presence; her talk was delivered effortlessly. As a suggestion, Amritha offered
Anisha to perhaps start the talk with a story to add more punch to the opening.
the 3rd speaker of the day. She completed Project #6 from the CC
Manual – Vocal Variety. Title of her talk was “Creating more success with
Vacation Carefree Energy” which she completed within 7 minutes.
the use of slideshows and many interactive questions, Julie encouraged the
audience to consider merging work with relaxation and money with carefree
energy. As a realtor, she experienced tough financial situations during the
recession of 2007. Though those years were hard, she learnt to master her
emotions. She taught herself to feel good no matter what the circumstances
led us through a visualization exercise which allowed us to experience
different emotions and showed us how to use the exercise to the best of our
advantage. She emphasized that by developing a relaxed carefree vacation
energy, one’s creative potential is enhanced allowing for greater productivity
and results.
her evaluator. She appreciated Julie’s well-structured talk filled with
emotions and gestures. As a suggestion, she offered Julie to incorporate a
little bit vocal variety to enhance the impact of her visualization exercise.
our general evaluator gave kudos to our Sergeant at Arms (Lynne) for making all
arrangements prior to the meeting and starting on time. The 3 well-prepared
speakers along with encouraging evaluations together made it a great meeting.
had 1 guest (Craig) and 15 members in attendance.
attendees were: Amritha, Anisha, Barb, Chizuko, Hadaya, Jan, Jean, Jim, Julie, Kathy,
Lynne, Nancy, Robert, Tobias and Warren.
Imandi, Secretary
Speaking Northwest #9406.
Another meeting captured by your excellent blog, Amritha!