Welcome to the second meeting in October blog.
Linda was our toastmaster today.
Jim was our first speaker of the day. He completed his Speech #1 from the Storyteling Manual titled “The Pied Piper”. Duration of his speech - 7-9 mins.
Through his narration, Jim took us back in time to 19th century - to the city of Hamelin in Germany which was heavily pestulated with rats. When every effort to eardicate these pests failed, the city fathers called a meeting to find a solution. On that day, a skinny little man with a multicolor coat and flute around his neck showed up at the door of the building and said he could help them eradicate the rats for a price of 50,000 guilders.
The fathers reluctantly agreed, the pied piper took his flute, stepped out of the building and played his flute walking through the streets. The rats were attracted to this music, they came out of all nooks and corners of the city and the piper led them into Vaser river. Thus the city got rid of rats.
Now the time for payment came. The city fathers refused to pay the piper a huge amount for the simple job he had done. The piper got angry, stepped out of the building and played his flute again, this time children of the city followed him. These children were led towards a steep mountain, a door opened and the piper locked all children in the mountain never to be found again.

Jim was voted the best speaker.
Barb was his evaluator. She apprciated Jim on the vivid descriptions of the story, Jim's vocal variety, body gestures, facial expressions and all effort that Jim put towards his story, content and delivery.
Barb was voted the best evaluator.
Our second speaker was Anisha. She completed her Speech #4 from the Competent Communicator Manual - How to Say it. The title of her speech was “What's in your cup?” Duration – 5 to 7 mins.
Anisha shared with us one particular experience that she had while camping outdoors on a wet, damp and cold morning. Her friend with whom she was camping made her a warm magical concoction of tea. Her mind which was dull got charged instantaneously. She never knew a cup of tea could do such magic!!!

Naser was our third speaker. He gave his Speech #3 from the manual Interpretive Reading. Duration of his speech - 6 to 8 minutes.
Naser reflected upon his response to a sales representative who rang the door bell of his residence. neither him nor his wife was willing to take the call. This led his to think about the job of a salesman. He finds it one of the toughest jobs in the world. He posed his question to the audience - "Why is the job of a salesman the toughest?"
Naser then brought our attention to how every individual acts as a sales person in different phases of life - for example during job interviews, while proposing to a life partner etc. He advises us to try a hand at sales and not to get disappointed by rejections that might come across in the way.
Jessica D was his evaluator. She recognized how Naser persuasively and interstingly approached the world of sales. Naser's use of humor at the beginning was an added bonus for the audience.
Tobias was our table topics master.
Jan answered the question "What is my definition of integrity and do I have it?" For Jan, her definition of integrity is around the word trust. She believes that trust is the most important thing that we human beings can share with each other.

Amritha answered the question "When you have a bad day, what do you do to feel better?" Amritha tries to get some time for herself, refreshes with short naps, or better yet attend Public Speaking Northwest which instantly transforms her day.
Jan was voted the best table topics master.
We had 15 members 1 guest attend the meeting.
Members who attended were: Amritha, Anisha, Chizuko, Grace, Jan, Jean, Jessica D., Jim, Julie, Linda, Liz, Naser, Pauline, Robert, Tobias.
Our guest was: Jingly
Our active membership total currently is at 29.
Respectfully Submitted,
Amritha Imandi, Secretary
Public Speaking Northwest #9406
Amritha, thanks for your very thorough meeting minutes. It's almost as good as being there! Barb
ReplyDeleteAmritha, thanks for your very thorough meeting minutes. It's almost as good as being there! Barb
ReplyDeleteAmritha, you have such a good ear and clear mind. I'm constantly amazed at how much you remember and how well you capture it. Kudos to you!
ReplyDeleteI like the word "pestulated", so creative!!