Welcome to the third meeting in October blog.
Anisha was our toastmaster of the day.
The GAT(e) team comprised of: Grammarian – Kathy, Ah Counter – Dave A, Timer – Tobias.
Jessica D. was the first speaker of the day. She completed her Speech #6 from the CC Manual titled “A Temporarily Embarassed Millionaire”. Duration of her speech - 5-7 mins.
Through her speech, Jessica humorously spoke about how her view of reality changed since her childhood. As a kid, she dreamt of growing into a rich adult, owning a big house with a big green lawn. Few years later, her plan for adult life changed a bit - settle down either in a huge farmland and have 12 children or in a city with 1 child - she figured out early on raising children in city was expensive :-)
Today, at 25 years of age, after having lived independently for 2 years, her life is not what she had dreamt of as a child. Yet while looking back she feels blessed for having lived in a generation where there have been no major crisis or depression. She is grateful for having had the opportunity to travel to many places across the world and have the freedom to take her own decisions. Even after becoming an adult , Jessica says she is still growing.

Jim was her evaluator. He gave kudos to Jessica on her pleasant and friendly talk which met her speech objectives. He gave extra credit to her body language and humor which were neatly tucked throughout her talk. As a suggestion, he offered her to begin speaking with a louder voice.
Our second speaker was Jean. She completed her Speech #2 from the Competent Communicator Manual - Get to the Point. The title of her speech was “Self Pity Isn't Pretty” Duration – 5 to 7 mins.
Jean started her talk by sharing an advice that she received from her teacher when she was 19 - "Beware of self pity, it becomes a wedge and splits you into 2. Self Pity isn't pretty." Self pity is like a hook and people tend to take pleasure in it. Instead of getting hooked, Jean suggests catching those moments and try to come out of the self-pity situation.
She suggests shaking the body or saying no to physically move out of self-pity. Then she walked us through a mental activity which involved thinking positive thoughts and a breathing technique through which one can train their mind to come out of self pity.
Jean was voted the best speaker.

Naser was her evaluator. Naser thanked Jean for the inspiring and practical talk on self-pity which involved stories, hand outs, gestures and a self-help activity.
Naser was voted the best evaluator.
Robert was our table topics master - tabletopics with a twist. He prepared slides of cartoons and questions were spurred by those cartoons.
Tobias spoke about what he liked best about his nose, its shape, size etc.

Liz spoke about the hardest part of her last move - agreeing to a home and signing the contract for the home that she and her fiancee bought.
Jim spoke about his memorable diet "Cabbage Soup Diet" - As per Jim, this tasteless diet which he stuck to for 30 days is sure to peel off all the excess weight.

Andrew tried to guess a statue that was being hidden from the public by covering it using a sheet. Instead of the statue, Andrew's attention went to a small eyeball that was watching the public reaction from up in the sky.
Linda also gave a try to the above question. She was intrigued by the shape and size of the statue, and since halloween was soon arriving she thought it might be a hero to surprise the public.
Jim was voted best in this category.
We had 18 members in attendance: Amritha, Andrew, Anisha, Barb, Dave, Devi, Grace, Jan, Jean, Jessica D, Jim, Kathy, Linda, Liz, Lynne, Naser, Robert, and two Guests: Shelly P. and James C.
Our active membership total currently is at 29.
Respectfully Submitted,
Amritha Imandi, Secretary
Public Speaking Northwest #9406