“Unemployment is capitalism’s way of getting you to plant
a garden”. ~~ Orson Scott Card
Welcome to the fourth meeting in June blog. Today, we had 3 guests attend our meeting.
Pauline was our toastmaster and offered a quote by Joseph Addison:
“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.
These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's
pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.”
“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.
These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's
pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.”
The GAT(e) team
was: Amritha as Grammarian (Prolific), Alice as the
Ah Counter, and Jung as the Timer.
Robert was
our first speaker today. He gave a
talk from the Advanced Manual, The Entertaining Speaker, Project 3 [Make Them
Laugh]. It was entitled “Obsolete” and was delivered 8:45 minutes.
talk centered around the obsolete things, institutions, vocations and people
that may be part of our collective memories depending on our age.
first described a dream he had where he was seated on a train facing the back
of the train, watching the scenery recede and disappear. This was a metaphor
for considering everyday life as history and as a passing parade.
offered five humorous jokes and stories that once were funny but now obsolete.
handout had quotes from Anna Jane Grossman’s book entitled Obsolete.
the second page, it also had trends that influence how items become obsolete in
favor of improved replacements. Such trends include:
Increasing Capacity
Increasing Strength
Decreasing Size
Increasing Speed
Jean was his evaluator. Jean appreciated Robert’s dramatic opening picture of his train dream as well as the
closing improved train dream. She thought that he told the obsolete jokes well.
She recommended that the book display and notes be put on a side table rather
than the lectern.
Our second speaker was Chizuko.
She offered her 1st
Speech from the Competent Communicator’s Manual (Project #1 – The Ice Breaker).
Her speech was called: “My
Journey” and was
completed within 6
Chizuko was born in Japan. In high school, she became an
exchange student studying in England. She wanted to learn English and go to America. She
realized this is 1994, when she arrived in Baltimore, Maryland, followed shortly by moving to
Boulder, Colorado. By then, she was married and had a 3 year old son and baby
daughter. She soon relocated to Japan again only to return to the Pacific Northwest
last year.
She prefers the Seattle area as a place of diversity and
since joining our club, she has blossomed beyond shopping and the school activities of
her children.
was voted best speaker (tied with Anisha).
Naser was her evaluator. Naser felt that Chizuko
was very humble in telling about her world travels here, England and Japan. He
was glad she chose to be a member of our Toastmaster club. He was reminded of
the book/film “Memoirs of a Geisha” where he linked the courageous
accomplishments of the character with that of Chizuko. He suggested that she reduce the details of the cities she
has lived in and increase the more interesting situations that she found
herself experiencing.
was voted best evaluator.
Our third speaker was Anisha.
She gave her 2nd
Speech from the Competent Communicator’s Manual (Project #2 – Organize Your
Speech). Her speech was called: “Down
Time” and was
completed within 7
Anisha explained that Down Time is more important than ever in our
increasingly busy lives. It allows you to look beyond the details of your
personal or work life and get the bigger picture. It allows you to connect with
and listen to your subconscious mind. It allows you to weed out non-essential
activities that do not further your life goals.
She suggested letting Down Time into your life by spending time outdoors and appreciating
nature. Down Time can be inserted by scheduling such intervals in your
maximized calendar of activities. During these intervals, eat and/or drink
outdoors, such as at picnics; engage all of your senses. Stay present and savor
each moment.
was voted best speaker (tied with Chizuko).
Jim was her evaluator. Jim complimented Anisha about her soft smile, which she uses quite effectively to
underscore her words. He recommended that her low, soft voice could be replaced
by a louder, more confident tone. At the end, he was pleased that she offered
the “how” of Down Time: two ways to engage all the senses by staying present
and savoring the moment.
Sep, a
new member, was the Table Topics Master for today. Her theme was board games. She asked for a
volunteer to choose a paper that had a board game name and talk about
themselves in relation to that game.

Nicki was voted best table topics

Sue was
our humorist for today. She asked that we not tell her sister about Sue
divulging an embarrassing episode.
story occurred near Medford, Oregon. Her sister decided to avoid highway
traffic and take a back road to her destination. A farmer is moving his herd across
this road. A bull, part of the herd, takes great dislike to her sister’s Ford
Pinto automobile and charges it, and went up and over.
Farmer, holding the bull down, needed the car to move from his leg. Ultimately an accident
report was written and the Farmer paid for the car’s damages. This is a
cautionary tale. You may be safer on heavily trafficked, more predictable
were: Jean, Jim, Naser, Sue, Robert, Barb, Pauline, Amritha,
Anisha, Chizuko, Alice, Nicki, Sepidah, Jung as well as 3 guests: Andrew H., Rance, and Kyle.
Our active
membership total remains at 26.
~~~~~ Respectfully Submitted by Robert, the
[A comment means to me that you read some part of this] ~~~~~
[A comment means to me that you read some part of this] ~~~~~
I felt like I was going down a recent memory road. It felt good because the sun was out and each member shone. Thanks for this terrific account Robert.
ReplyDeleteKudos to you as you've come to the end of your role as Secretary. Your shoes are big and will be hard to fill. Thanks for being so generous, clever, and creative.
Nice garden quotes collection.