“Cinco de Mayo makes me long for a world in which all holidays are
conveniently named after the dates on which they fall.”. ~~ Author Unknown
Welcome to the first meeting in May blog. Today, we had 2 guests and an infant with us.
Dave A. was our toastmaster and offered information about the origin of
the Cinco de Mayo Mexican holiday. It is a celebration of the Mexican
Army's victory over France during the Franco-Mexican War on May 5, 1862.
The battle was fought at Puebla and is considered a minor holiday inside
Mexico. In the U.S. however, Cinco de Mayo not only celebrates the victory
at the Battle of Puebla, but is a celebration of the culture and heritage of
the Mexican people (along with an abundance of drinking).
The GAT(e) team was: Sue as Grammarian (Convivial), Grace as the Ah Counter, and Diana as the Timer.
Naser was our first speaker today. He completed
his 1st speech (A Folk Tale)
from the advanced Storytelling Manual, Project 1. The speech was entitled
“A Folk Tale” and
was completed in 6:20 minutes.
Naser interpreted a story about a
Donkey who wanted respect from the members of the village he lived in. He
didn’t get any, so he got fed up and left the village and went into the forest.
He finds a dead lion and decides to wear the lion skin to frighten the village
people. In the end, the people realized that the donkey was behind the lion
skin and they laughed. The moral of the story was: Be yourself; if you want to
be someone else, keep your mouth shut.
Naser was voted best speaker.
was his evaluator. Jean liked the
extent of audience participation in the opening of the speech as well as the
traveling segments (involving rhythmic clapping). She said that stories are the
best way to let an audience learn something new. She was pleased that Naser used all the features of the
Competent Communicator’s manual in this speech. She appreciated the suggested
moral action of the story to get respect while being ourselves.

Nate S. talked about his upcoming birthday on May 12,
how he got a scar on each of his forearms, his difficult family life and a
lament of the lack of leaders in the world today.
was his evaluator. Jim complimented
Nate S. on his courage in speaking
impromptu and taking a personal risk to do so. He also noticed his self-effacing attitude and some
confidence in expressing his spoken messages. He suggested that as he speaks
more in the future, do so with increased confidence so it builds and brings out that there is something important to say.
Jim was voted best evaluator.
Pauline was the Table Topics Master for today's meeting. She offered famous quotes for speakers to expand upon.
Jim spoke about the Stephen Hawking quote offered
to his children. Jim admired the surmounting of his ALS
chronic illness and his extraordinary longevity to persevere and contribute to
mankind’s knowledge of the Universe.

Linda discussed the Yin and Yang in her
life. Yin represents the night, down, darkness and calm; Yang represents the
day, the sun, happiness and excitement. She thought that BioRhythms
(now a calculator app) is a good way to show the balance in your life among the
Intellectual, Physical and Emotional spheres of our lives.
Linda was voted best
Table Topics Speaker.

Nate S. was given the Winston Churchill quote: “You have enemies? Good! That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” He agreed with the sentiment and noted that the world around us has evil or challenges to be overcome.
Some Announcements:
• Naser announced that he will be
distributing the next meeting’s party announcement electronically to members and guests.
• Barb announced that there is now Wifi
(password protected) in the Seattle Times Meeting Room that is available to us.
• She also announced that we have won a ribbon (for the club banner) for getting
6 new members in February and March 2015.
• Finally, she mentioned that we have
been recognized as a distinguished club as of April 29, 2015, and there will be
a Dinner at Renton Technical College on May 29, 2015 to celebrate.
Attendees were:
Linda, Jean, Jim, Robert, Barb, Lynne, Naser, Sue, Pauline, Grace, Chizuko, David A., Diana as well as 2 guests: Nate S. and Jing L. + her infant as shown above. Our membership total remains at 27.
Linda, Jean, Jim, Robert, Barb, Lynne, Naser, Sue, Pauline, Grace, Chizuko, David A., Diana as well as 2 guests: Nate S. and Jing L. + her infant as shown above. Our membership total remains at 27.
Respectfully Submitted by Robert, the Secretary [Let your fingers do the typing
and comment] ~~~~~
I love reading your blog/minutes, Robert, because you always share some things I missed. You're very thorough. I like the fact that you include so many pictures of our members and guests.
Brilliant job! We are very fortunate to have such an accomplished blogger.