Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14,2014 Theme: Gift Game Happiness

Today we veered away from our standard meeting format to have a white elephant party.  This is where everyone brings a wrapped gift (white elephant) that they already received, but no longer wanted. The gifts are put in the middle of the table and numbers are randomly handed out. When a person's number is called they can choose an unopened gift or steal one from somebody else who has something they want. The goal is to go home with a better gift than the one you brought.

Robert was the Toastmaster/host of the party. Instead of talks everyone participated in Table Topics.  Each person took 1-2 minutes to explain why they had the best present ever.  Every good party needs food so we had a pot luck as well.

Pat Sultan our Area Governor was our special guest today. She inducted the 2014 officers and participated in all the festivities.  Guests are encouraged to join us because they always enrich our meetings.  Hope you will be joining us next week.

1 comment:

  1. Jerry, the biggest sports fan ever just happened to select a Seattle Seahawks gift. We suspect he picked the gift he brought. A crystal Cinderella horse and carriage was the most stolen. A silk scarf was the next.
    Our Area Governor, Pat couldn't get rid of her comedy DVD.
    Robert did a fine job as toastmaster.

    Jean Tracy, DTM
