Thursday, December 6, 2012

Public Speaking Northwest Teaches General Colin Powell's Leadership Quote!

“Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.”

At Public Speaking Northwest, we teach members to speak clearly, make their ideas easy to understand, and offer a call to action at the end. These skills help them become leaders in their own fields.

Our President, Barb, welcomed John, Lynne, Tracy, Ken, Jerry, Joanne, Abe, Casey, and Jean.

Barb introduced our Toastmaster for the meeting, Jean. Her theme was leadership.

Our first speaker, Jerry, entitled his talk, “Kick Start My Heart.” Jerry, a 26-year-career fireman, shared how our world class first responders save the lives of those who experience “sudden cardiac arrest.” Jerry diagramed what happens to the heart and what the first responders do to save lives. We learned with awe and appreciation for Jerry and feel safer with him in our midst. Thank you, Jerry.

Ken complimented Jerry for his excellent diagram. He praised Jerry as a natural born teacher and appreciated how Jerry used the floor space and good eye contact.

Joanne, our second speaker, is a terrific writer and entitled her talk, “Drinking Coffee on the Journey.” She shared her distaste of coffee until she added lots of milk, mocha, and whipped cream. Coffee took her from coffee house to coffee house where she met new friends and joined their organizations. When she met our Jan at Starbucks, they became friends. Jan invited Joanne to our Toastmaster Club. We are thankful to coffee and, especially, to Jan for bringing Joanne to us.

Ken evaluated Joanne’s speech with compliments on how she used her facial expressions, smiles, gestures, and organization. He noted that her voice was strong and audible.

Barb, our third speaker, opened her talk with a startling statistic, “All 50 states signed a petition to withdraw from the Union after the election.” She asked us what we felt.  Some of the petitions included, upset about government spending, genetically modified food, human rights, and immigration. She summarized by telling us the number of people who signed those petitions equaled 3/10 of 1%. Her call to action advised us to be skeptical of sound bites, get more information, and listen respectfully to both sides.


Lynne evaluated Barb’s talk with praise for opening with such a startling fact and walking us through her speech step by step. She liked how Barb got the audience involved with questions and complimented her for showing us how our perspective can change with more information. This was Lynne’s first evaluation and she was awesome.

The Blue Ribbon Winners Are:

Best Speaker: Jerry
Best Evaluator: Ken and Lynne tied.

Today's photographer was Abe. Thank you Abe!

Picture of the Day!

Friends Helping Friends Succeed!

 Lynne is Showing John the Timing System.
News You Can Use:
1. We will have an Open House White Elephant Party on January 15th. Jerry will organize it. Thank you, Jerry. We will help you.

2. Joanne will be both our Treasurer and Secretary. Joanne we love your enthusiasm. You are a real trooper! 

 If you'd like to join us for polishing your presentations, developing leadership skills, and making friends, we welcome you.
We meet every Tuesday from noon to 1:00 PM. You'll find us at the Seattle Times Building in Bothell, Washington ~ 19200 120th Avenue NE. Feel free to bring your lunch.
To find out more contact: Jean Tracy,, 425.745.0022.

Respectfully submitted,


Jean Tracy, DTM


  1. Jean, I love the pictures you add to the blog...they make the minutes come alive!!

  2. Congratulations Jerry on your second speech. While I was not there it sounds like you had the audience in the palm of your hand.

  3. Lynne did a fantastic job on her first ever evaluation!! Way to go Lynne

  4. I'm in awe of everyone's ability to step in and assist in a pinch. This was another meeting where some absences might have caused a standstill. Instead, Ken took on two evaluations, and Lynne jumped into her first ever evaluation and it was fabulous! Speaking of jumping in with both feet . . . John volunteered to take over the Timer job to free Lynne to evaluate, and it was his first time on the clock. You guys rock!

  5. I am so sorry I missed again a great meeting! So nice to have these online updates! Mihaela
