Leadership Quote for Toastmasters:
"When an effective leader is finished with his work, the people say it happened naturally." - Lao Tzu
Toastmaster, Jan, made our backwards meeting fun and natural. Along with Barb, Ken, Emery, Pierce, Prema, Cary, Lynne, Ana, and Jean, Jan ran the meeting celebrating April Fools Day.

Lynne won best speaker before she even spoke.
Lynne shared her Ice Breaker (First Speech) about para-sailing in Cozumel. She opened with a quote from John Wayne, "Courage is being scared to death...and saddling up anyway."
Lynne found herself saying, "I'll go with you," to a friend who couldn't para-sail with her husband due to a weight limit. Lynne chose to take this opportunity (risk) even though she was scared to death. The amazing photos of her experience brought her bravery to life.
We laughed at Lynne's natural humor and applauded her as she compared her fear of para-sailing to public speaking and joining toastmasters. She received rave reviews for overcoming her fear and presenting her award winning speech. Way to saddle up, Lynne!
Pierce evaluated Lynne's speech without hearing it first. This was a backwards evaluation to be sure. Pierce carried it off with gusto! We were awed by his dramatic gestures and how well they fit Lynne's actual speech. He told Lynne how inspired he felt by her presentation.
Little did Pierce know how "right on" he was. Great job, Pierce!
Ken's title: The Touching Story "Lost" Part 2
Ken spoke from the Advanced Communications Series and showed his skills by arousing emotion while telling his true story.
Ken, badly dehydrated, while mountain climbing with his daughter and friends, knelt to pray and couldn't get up. He used his bright red kerchief to wipe his sweat while explaining to us that his group was completely lost.
His prayers were answered when he remembered he had flour tortillas, peanut butter, and honey in his backpack. That little bit of food gave Ken and the group the energy they needed to find the path.
This experience increased the bond he already had with his daughter.
Thanks for sharing this inspiring story Ken. You are a master storyteller.
Prema evaluated Ken's presentation without hearing it. Like Pierce she did a masterful job in relating his excellent skills. It was as if she'd heard it before and knew what to say.
Prema won best evaluator with her special talent for finding the good in Ken's talk without even hearing it. We all wondered about her psychic abilities.
Super evaluation, Prema!
Ana, our Table Topic Master for the day, came up with fun questions to ask us.
We each received a slip of paper from Ana asking:
Have you ever been tricked on April Fools Day?
If yes, then share with us your most unforgettable experience.
If no, then tell us how you would like to play a prank on your friends or loved ones.
The room filled with laughter as we answered her question.
Everyone loves table topics.
Thanks Ana. You're a super Table Topics Master!
A special thanks to Jan for creating and toast-mastering this fun meeting. Thanks for the corny and nutty snacks too.
See you all next Tuesday!
Visitors are welcome. Bring your lunch!
Where: The Seattle Times Building
19200 120th Avenue NW
Bothell, WA 98011
When: Every Tuesday from Noon to 1 PM
Contact: Emery Jordan 206-235-1356 or gejordan9@comcast.net
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Tracy, DTM
Great meeting and lots of fun.