Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Leadership Quote for Public Speaking Northwest:

"Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal." - Vince Lombardi

The members of our club are not born leaders, they are made with the help of each other and our Toastmaster program. 

Barb, Ken, Prema, Jan, Emery, Yanhong, Pierce, Cary, Lynne, Jean, and guest, Kim, were ready to start the meeting.

Prema, our toastmaster of the meeting, came prepared with an agenda set   at each member's place. With a glance each member checked the agenda and confirmed their role. Prema's theme was "Green." Throughout the meeting she gave wonderful suggestions for recycling.

Our grammarian, Pierce, offered "Abhorrent" as the word of the day. When anyone had a chance to talk they needed to use the word or be fined. This helps build our vocabulary and our treasury. Pierce defined it, used it in a sentence, and posted it for all to see.

Emery, our first speaker, presented, "Evaluate to Motivate." With a power point presentation he educated us on how to make positive evaluations that motivate our speakers. He made the following points:
1. Talk to the presenter beforehand to find out the speech objectives.
2. Personalize comments with phrases like, "I suggest." and  "In my opinion."
3. Be positive.
4. Build the speaker's self-esteem by noting the good parts of his talk.
5. Evaluate the presentation truthfully and kindly so the speaker will say to himself, "That was fun. I want to speak again."

Like the pro that he is, when there was difficulty with the equipment, Emery calmly continued without it. 

Ken, as Emery's evaluator, gave at least 7 compliments. He praised Emery's style and his use of power point. Ken felt that Emery was quite successful in pointing out the importance of building the speaker's self-esteem.

Lynne gave her second speech entitled, "Fog, Fish Nets and Grace."  Lynne told us about her boating adventure from Friday Harbor to La Conner. She showed us the route with a large framed map. 

Lynne's gestures matched her words as she told us her story about fog and fish nets. As she and her husband Don were traveling through heavy fog and were anxiously avoiding other boats, Lynne called out, "Net!" The boat was caught up in a fishing net and, after much effort, they finally needed to cut the net. In the process Don cut his hand deeply. The open gash needed stitches. 

The rest of the journey was spent looking for a doctor. When they found one after walking for miles and waiting a long time, the Doctor said he couldn't help because of liability. On the way back to their boat, Don stopped to help a fellow having trouble with his truck. Lynne's only concern was for Don's hand. But Don went out of his way to help the stranger anyway. 

Lynne told the man's wife about Don's wound. As Grace would have it, the woman was an emergency room nurse. She sewed it together beautifully. To this day Don's scar is hard to see. In the end, Grace prevailed over fog, fish nets, and deep cuts. Lynne believes it's because Don turned outward in his moment of need to help others.

Yanhong gave her first evaluation ever and did a fine job. She showed how well she listened to Lynne's story by pointing out the many parts she enjoyed. Yanhong told Lynne that she  listened with anticipation throughout the adventure.

Jean, as table topics master, tricked Pierce. Since "abhorrent" was Pierce's word for the day, she asked, "If you won the lottery, what's the first abhorrent thing you would buy. Pierce didn't miss a beat. He picked up his Starbucks coffee cup and said he buy a franchise and drink coffee all day. 

By the end of the meeting, it was easy to see that Vince Lombardi was right. Our leaders did work hard to make our time together educational, fun, and rewarding. We supported each other and used our Toastmaster program successfully.

If you'd like to join us for polishing your presentations, developing leadership skills, and making friends, we welcome you. 

We meet every Tuesday from noon to 1:00 PM. You'll find us at the Seattle Times Building in Bothell ~ 19200 120th Avenue NE. Feel free to bring your lunch.

To find out more contact: Emery Jordan at: gejordan9@comcast.net  (206) 235-1356

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Tracy, DTM

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Public Speaking Northwest Helps Speakers Succeed!

Leadership Quote: “A good orator is pointed and impassioned.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero
President Barb turned the meeting over to our pointed and impassioned toastmaster, Pierce. His theme was PEACE. Pierce’s cast of characters included, Cary, Prema, Emery, Jan, Lynne, Barbara, Ken, and Jean.
With Pierce as head toastmaster, we knew he would promote kindness, peace, and generosity through his theme, stories, and quotes. He ran a focused meeting with attention to members, time, and detail.
Our first speaker, Ken, gave a dynamic presentation from the Successful Club Series ~ Finding New Members. His title “But…I Am Not a Salesperson,” exemplified enthusiasm, humor, and getting the audience involved with questions to answer. One question was, “Did you come here with a dream.” We all answered, “Yes!” Many wanted to become better speakers. Several wanted to get over the jitters and feel confident. Still others wanted the practice and support they needed to share their message.
Ken quoted the founder of Toastmasters, Ralph Smedley, who began developing our program in the basement of a YMCA during the 1920’s: “Let us share the benefits we have gained for ourselves with others.”
Ken encouraged us to share our benefits with potential members from our family, friends, and neighbors. Then we brainstormed even more ways to share our toastmaster benefits.
Emery evaluated Ken’s fine speech with high praise for Ken’s ability to “Sell.”
Our second speaker, Barb, gave an impressive speech starting from the present, going back in history to 1215, and coming back to the present. Her title ~ “Magna Carta” began with the question, “Do you remember how you felt after 9-11?” Then she made reference to historic dates like the first man standing on the moon, the first African American President, and the Emancipation Proclamation.
Barb took us in her Time Machine back to the time of Robin Hood and King James. Everyone hated his taxes which paid for his lavish lifestyle and "stupid" wars. Barb took us into the mindset of the serfs. Everyone was overtaxed and finally the Barons challenged the King. They took away his divine rights and had him sign a peace treaty, the Magna Carta. It became the first bill of rights. Government was to serve the people not the other way around.
Barb brought us forward 500+ years to our own Declaration of Independence which requires the consent of the governed.
Barb gave this amazing presentation in 9 minutes. She is an inspiring toastmaster and gifted speaker.
Jean evaluated Barb’s grand speech with praise and awe.
Jan our Table Topics Master ask Cary and Emery to talk off the cuff about our new toll bridge, and our sleeping giant, Totem Lake.

Prema, our General Evaluator, encouraged us with her creative evaluation of the meeting from top to bottom.
The Blue Ribbons and Trophies Went To:
Best Speaker ~ Barb
Best Evaluator ~ Jean
Best Table Topics ~ Tie between Cary and Emery.

We ended the meeting with several humorous puns from Lynne. For example, ‘What does BERNADETTE mean? Answer ~ the act of torching a mortgage. You should have been there to hear the rest.

We hope to see you next Tuesday!

Visitors are welcome. Bring your lunch!

Where: The Seattle Times Building
19200 120th Avenue NW
Bothell, WA 98011

When: Every Tuesday from Noon to 1 PM

Contact: Emery Jordan 206-235-1356 or gejordan9@comcast.net  

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Tracy, DTM

Friday, April 6, 2012

Public Speaking Northwest Leaders Meet ~ April 3, 2012

Leadership Quote: “Managers help people see themselves as they are; Leaders help people to see themselves better than they are.” — Jim Rohn

President Barbara Katz led the meeting with Ken, Emery, Jan, Prema, Pierce, and Jean in attendance.

Our treasurer, Jan, gave her report. She is currently taking inventory and will be presenting us with a budget.

Emery will be meeting with 4 HR directors as our Vice-President of Publicity.

Barb will be discussing membership with our Area Governor, Lesley Hobbs.

Both Ken and Barb are close to achieving more points toward our Distinguished Club Program (DCP). Emery’s striving to win the Triple Crown for giving 30 speeches this year.

So far we have achieved Select Distinguished toward our DCP. With Barb, Ken, and Emery’s achievements we could become President’s Distinguished by June 30th. The one thing we’re striving for is an increase in membership. Several ideas are on the table. One from Pierce is offering a scholarship fund.

As Jim Rohn said, “Leaders help people to see themselves better than they are.”  Our leaders are proving Jim Rohn right.

Respectfully submitted,
Jean Tracy, DTM

Public Speaking Northwest

Leadership Quote for Toastmasters:

"When an effective leader is finished with his work, the people say it happened naturally." - Lao Tzu

Toastmaster, Jan, made our backwards meeting fun and natural. Along with Barb, Ken, Emery, Pierce, Prema, Cary, Lynne, Ana, and Jean, Jan ran the meeting  celebrating April Fools Day.


Jan included the background for April Fools Day then opened the meeting with President Barb adjourning the meeting and presenting the awards. Yes, it was truly backwards.

Lynne won best speaker before she even spoke.

Lynne's title: Saddle Up

Lynne shared her Ice Breaker (First Speech) about para-sailing in Cozumel. She opened with a quote from John Wayne, "Courage is being scared to death...and saddling up anyway." 

Lynne found herself  saying, "I'll go with you," to a friend who couldn't para-sail with her husband due to a weight limit. Lynne chose to take this opportunity (risk) even though she was scared to death. The amazing photos of her experience brought her bravery to life. 

We laughed at Lynne's natural humor and applauded her as she compared her fear of para-sailing to public speaking and  joining toastmasters. She received rave reviews for overcoming her fear and presenting her award winning speech. Way to saddle up, Lynne!

Pierce evaluated Lynne's speech without hearing it first. This was a backwards evaluation to be sure. Pierce carried it off with gusto! We were awed by his dramatic gestures and how well they fit Lynne's actual speech. He told Lynne how inspired he felt by her presentation. 

Little did Pierce know how "right on" he was. Great job, Pierce!

Ken's title: The Touching Story "Lost" Part 2

Ken spoke from the Advanced Communications Series and showed his skills by arousing emotion while telling his true story.

Ken, badly dehydrated, while mountain climbing with his daughter and friends, knelt to pray and couldn't get up. He used his bright red kerchief to wipe his sweat while explaining to us that his group was completely lost. 

His prayers were answered when he remembered he had flour tortillas, peanut butter, and honey in his backpack. That little bit of food gave Ken and the group the energy they needed to find the path. 

This experience increased the bond he already had with his daughter. 

Thanks for sharing this inspiring story Ken. You are a master storyteller.

Prema evaluated Ken's presentation without hearing it. Like Pierce she did a masterful job in relating his excellent skills. It was as if she'd heard it before and knew what to say.

Prema won best evaluator with her special talent for finding the good in Ken's talk without even hearing it. We all wondered about her psychic abilities.

Super evaluation, Prema!

Ana, our Table Topic Master for the day, came up with fun questions to ask us.

We each received a slip of paper from Ana asking:

Have you ever been tricked on April Fools Day?

If yes, then share with us your most unforgettable experience.
If no, then tell us how you would like to play a prank on your friends or loved ones.

The room filled with laughter as we answered her question. 

Everyone loves table topics.

Thanks Ana. You're a super Table Topics Master!

A special thanks to Jan for creating and toast-mastering this fun meeting. Thanks for the corny and nutty snacks too.

See you all next Tuesday!

Visitors are welcome. Bring your lunch!
Where: The Seattle Times Building
19200 120th Avenue NW
Bothell, WA 98011 

When: Every Tuesday from Noon to 1 PM

Contact: Emery Jordan 206-235-1356 or gejordan9@comcast.net 

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Tracy, DTM