Wednesday, February 29, 2012

When Public Speaking Northwest Talks, Members Listen!!

Our Public Speaking Northwest members, Jan, Barb, Ken, Pierce, Prema, Emery, Jean, and guest, Cary listened well to our amazing presentations!

Public Speaking Quote:

"Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening." ~ Dorothy Sarnoff

Both public speaking presentations captivated our members today!

News Alert!  News Alert!  News Alert! News Alert!

Our president, Barbara Katz, received her engraved trophy for winning our club's Inspirational Speech Contest! She will now compete in our Area's Contest on March 21st at the Redmond Library.

Join us to receive help and praise for your presentations!

Our theme for today was "The Oscars." Emery Jordan, our toastmaster, picked the topic. Throughout the meeting he shared information about the winners and many of his fun opinions.

Barbara Katz, our first speaker, delivered a hilarious talk on, "The Amazing Microsoft Magical Mystery Meeting." She gave her account of searching for the correct building, Studio D. She had 20 minutes to find the building once she entered the campus. "The Microsoft campus is the size of the University of Washington and is very complicated," she said. 

Barb's mission was to practice giving her championship speech to a new audience in preparation for the Area Contest. Barb drove us through a maze of  twists, turns, and dead ends before she arrived at her destination 2 minutes late.

Barb's account of what happened next  as she stepped onto the stage, surprised us all. You should have heard what she said!

Ken Knuckey evaluated Barb's speech with confidence, praise, and elegance.

Jan Skoog, our second speaker, gave her best speech ever! Jan, an international traveler, presented, "A Brief Overview of Russian Miniature Boxes."

Jan brought 2 large trays of multi-sized and multi-shaped lacquered boxes. Her talk was art history appreciation in motion. We learned that artists used one bristle hair from a sable brush to paint these exquisite masterpieces. Such boxes were first created in China and then promoted by Peter the Great. Jan's  in depth information was amazing for a 7 minute speech.

Besides Jan's fabulous information and beautiful props, Jan exhibited so many toastmaster skills like eye contact with the audience, vocal variety, expansive gestures, and excellent organization of her material. 

Jean Tracy evaluated Jan's speech with the acronym, PEEPS.  

Barb and  Jan tied for best speaker.
Jean won best evaluator.

Good News! Guest, Cary, is planning to join our club!

Officers' Meeting

Next Tuesday, March 7th, there will be an officers' meeting at 11:00 AM. These meetings are open to all members.


Members of Public Speaking Northwest invite all from the community who wish to increase their leading and public speaking skills.

When:   Every Tuesday from Noon to 1:00 PM
Where:  Seattle Times Building
              19200 120th Avenue NE
                Bothell, WA 98011

For more information contact:
               Emery Jordan

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Tracy, DTM


  1. We love to share our fun and learning with members of the community!

  2. I'm not a fan of Hollywood's stars and starlets or their boasting but Emery's rescitation of the Ocars was "scintilating." Welcome to Cary...his comments indicate a thouhtful and intentional learner. Great to have you aboard Cary!!

  3. Jan's treasures were a pleasurable experience. My knowledge of the small black lacquered boxes have increased measurably.

  4. The meeting was great fun. My trip to Microsoft was so memorable that I had to do it again! I spoke today for another Microsoft Toastmasters club. Did you know that MIcrosoft has SIX toastmasters clubs on the Main Campus. I made one boo boo today -- i said the word "Google." Apologies to all who were offended. But when you think about it, BING is a four-letter word!
