Wednesday, February 29, 2012

When Public Speaking Northwest Talks, Members Listen!!

Our Public Speaking Northwest members, Jan, Barb, Ken, Pierce, Prema, Emery, Jean, and guest, Cary listened well to our amazing presentations!

Public Speaking Quote:

"Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening." ~ Dorothy Sarnoff

Both public speaking presentations captivated our members today!

News Alert!  News Alert!  News Alert! News Alert!

Our president, Barbara Katz, received her engraved trophy for winning our club's Inspirational Speech Contest! She will now compete in our Area's Contest on March 21st at the Redmond Library.

Join us to receive help and praise for your presentations!

Our theme for today was "The Oscars." Emery Jordan, our toastmaster, picked the topic. Throughout the meeting he shared information about the winners and many of his fun opinions.

Barbara Katz, our first speaker, delivered a hilarious talk on, "The Amazing Microsoft Magical Mystery Meeting." She gave her account of searching for the correct building, Studio D. She had 20 minutes to find the building once she entered the campus. "The Microsoft campus is the size of the University of Washington and is very complicated," she said. 

Barb's mission was to practice giving her championship speech to a new audience in preparation for the Area Contest. Barb drove us through a maze of  twists, turns, and dead ends before she arrived at her destination 2 minutes late.

Barb's account of what happened next  as she stepped onto the stage, surprised us all. You should have heard what she said!

Ken Knuckey evaluated Barb's speech with confidence, praise, and elegance.

Jan Skoog, our second speaker, gave her best speech ever! Jan, an international traveler, presented, "A Brief Overview of Russian Miniature Boxes."

Jan brought 2 large trays of multi-sized and multi-shaped lacquered boxes. Her talk was art history appreciation in motion. We learned that artists used one bristle hair from a sable brush to paint these exquisite masterpieces. Such boxes were first created in China and then promoted by Peter the Great. Jan's  in depth information was amazing for a 7 minute speech.

Besides Jan's fabulous information and beautiful props, Jan exhibited so many toastmaster skills like eye contact with the audience, vocal variety, expansive gestures, and excellent organization of her material. 

Jean Tracy evaluated Jan's speech with the acronym, PEEPS.  

Barb and  Jan tied for best speaker.
Jean won best evaluator.

Good News! Guest, Cary, is planning to join our club!

Officers' Meeting

Next Tuesday, March 7th, there will be an officers' meeting at 11:00 AM. These meetings are open to all members.


Members of Public Speaking Northwest invite all from the community who wish to increase their leading and public speaking skills.

When:   Every Tuesday from Noon to 1:00 PM
Where:  Seattle Times Building
              19200 120th Avenue NE
                Bothell, WA 98011

For more information contact:
               Emery Jordan

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Tracy, DTM

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Public Speaking Northwest Honors Champions

Public Speaking Is Fun with Friends like Prema, Ken, Emery, Jan,. and Jean at Your Side.

News Alert!
Today our champion evaluator, Ken Knuckey, received his engraved trophy for winning our club’s evaluation contest.

Public Speaking Quote for today:
“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot.” –D.H. Lawrence

These words glowed throughout the speech of Toastmaster’s International Champion, Ian Humphrey. His hot title, “It’s not about the Knockdown,” stirred our interest. 

Ian Humphrey used Muhammad Ali’s knockdown as a metaphor for his own life. The GLOW shone throughout with his:

Gestures – Ian pointed to the floor for Ali’s countdown. He smiled as he mimicked Ali’s words about being pretty. He smacked his head for the headache Ali’s opponent felt when he fell to the canvas after Ali gave his famous punch. Ian's grand use of gestures throughout his talk showed us exactly what he meant.

Language – Ian used simple straightforward language that was clear, clean, and clever. Every sentence said exactly what he meant without an ah, um, or unnecessary word.

Organization – Ian opened dramatically with Muhammad’s knockdown, rising from the canvas, and winning. Then Ian shared how he almost died as boy, was taken from his mother, got into drugs, prison, and then cleaned up his life. Like Muhammad Ali, he rose from the canvas. Now Ian Humphrey is a world champion in public speaking!

Wow! – Ian Humphrey wowed us throughout his speech. He wowed us in his call to action at the end, telling us to repeat to ourselves “I believe in you.” Why? Because only Muhammad Ali knew he wasn’t out for the count. Only Muhammad Ali knew he would rise from the canvas. Ian Humphrey told us to, “Fight and you too can win because life is what you do after the knockdown. This is what defines you.”

Each member evaluated Ian’s speech sharing their positive ideas, struggling to offer a suggestions, and telling what they learned about this amazing man.

Jean won best evaluator. 

Emery, as table topic master, told the members to pick a number for their question. Everyone qualified for the ribbon.

Prema won as best table topic speaker.

Next week Emery with be our Toastmaster.

We welcome guests!

Come on Tuesdays from Noon to 1:00 PM.
Seattle Times Building in Bothell
19200 120th Avenue NE
Bothell, WA 98011 

Bring your lunch!

For more information contact Emery Jordan

Respectfully submitted,
Jean Tracy, DTM

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Public Speaking Northwest Club #9406: Public Speaking Northwest Announces Winners!

Public Speaking Northwest Club #9406: Public Speaking Northwest Announces Winners!: Public Speaking Northwest held its Inspirational and Evaluation Contests. Toastmaster Tracy led the meeting with a tribute to compet...

Public Speaking Northwest Announces Winners!

Public Speaking Northwest held its Inspirational and Evaluation Contests. Toastmaster Tracy led the meeting with a tribute to competition and the contest participants.

Public Speaking Quote:
“A good orator is pointed and impassioned.” Cicero

Our speakers and evaluators were both pointed and impassioned.
Inspirational speaker, Barbara Katz, shared a personal story about the need for forgiveness. Its surprise ending proved how important forgiveness is. Her call to action enhanced her presentation.

Pierce Loftin evaluated her talk with many positive remarks. Pierce’s enthusiasm, clear thinking, and direct manner made him a great contender.
Inspirational speaker, Emery Jordan, gave an inspirational and humorous talk about the romantic relationships in his life. It was a perfect topic since the contest was held on Valentine’s Day. His message invited all of us to embrace our relationships.

Ken Knuckey gave a dramatic evaluation pointing out the strong points in Emery’s presentation. He used gestures, facial expressions, and direct eye contact with Emery which highlighted Ken’s kind and awesome skills in evaluating.
With a drum roll, Toastmaster Tracy, announced the winners. Barbara Katz will be our inspirational representative and Ken Knuckey will be our evaluation representative in the Area Contest on March 21st at the Redmond Library.

Engraved Trophies!

Next week both winners will receive a trophy from our club with their names engraved.

Our Toastmaster next week will be Prema D’sa. Everyone is welcome to attend at:

Seattle Times Building in Bothell
19200 120th Avenue NE
Bothell, WA 98011
Time: 12 Noon to 1:00 ~ Every Tuesday
Bring your lunch!

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Tracy, DTM

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Club Inspiration and Evaluation Contest winners -2/14/2012

Barb Katz wins her club inspiration Contest and moves on to the Area 54 event soon. Barb presented an emotional and inspiring speech title, "Don't Cry over Spilled Milk".  Her speech contained strong elements of forgiveness, motivation, perseverance and triumph over adversity. Way to go Barb.

Ken Knuckey wins the Evaluation contest and moves on to the Area 54. Ken evaluated Emery Jordan speech who came in second place with speech titled, "Relationships". Ken acknowledged Emery's subtle and contrast of strong negative messages about relationships tempered with softening humor. And a conclusion that highlighted the message for nurturing relationships and the impact our lives has on others.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Public Speaking Northwest Where Speakers and Leaders Are Made!

Public Speaking Northwest ~
The Place Where Friends Help Friends Succeed!
Public Speaking Northwest Where Speakers and Leaders Are Made 

Presentation Quote:

“The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. ~ Mark Twain

Our toastmaster meeting included greetings from Prema our Sgt. at Arms, our President, Barbara, and our Toastmaster of the Day, Ken.

Our guest, Jerry Hughes, chose to become a member by the end of the meeting. Welcome Jerry!

Jan Zhao gave a stunning presentation on the Chinese New Year. She spoke of a Variety TV Show which her family watched when she was a little girl in China. On the eve of the New Year her family turned on their TV and  then took turns to hold the antenna up because of poor reception. Her mother said, "Looks like we should hang a piece of meat on it!" Jan ended her presentation with a poem that touched her heart because it reminded her of what the Chinese New Year reallys means. Beautifully done, Jan!

Jean gave an impromptu speech entitled, "Help! I'm Not Funny!" She showed how a humorous story told in the beginning can lead into a presentation with a point from the story. Jean included the audience by asking, "What point from the story I just told can you weave into a speech you might give?" Many members shared their ideas. They realized you don't have to be a comedian to catch the audience's attention right from the beginning and delight them too.

Emery evaluated Jan's talk and Pierce evaluated Jean's.

Prema got us thinking with her impromtu table topics question: What significant challenge in your life did you learn and grow from?

Blue ribbons went to Jan, Emery, and our new member, Jerry.

Our next meeting on February 7th will welcome our Area Governor, Lesley Hobbs, who will present on being a Distinguished Club. Guests are always welcome!

One more thing, don't forget ~


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

12 Noon to 1:00 PM

Seattle Times Building in Bothell

19200 120th Avenue N.E.

Bothell, WA 98011

Tasty Snacks Provided!

With warm wishes to all,

Jean Tracy, DTM

Public Speaking Northwest Club #9406: Public Speaking Northwest Presents Officers' Meeti...

Public Speaking Northwest Club #9406: Public Speaking Northwest Presents Officers' Meeti...: Public Speaking Northwest Presents ~ Public Speaking Quote: "Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel." Ralph Waldo...

Public Speaking Northwest Presents Officers' Meeting!

Public Speaking Northwest Presents ~

Public Speaking Quote:
"Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel." Ralph Waldo Emerson

To further our members' speech presentation skills, President Barbara Katz welcomed Ken Knuckey, VP of Education, Emery Jordan, VP of Public Relations, Pierce Loftin, VP of Membership, Prema D'sa, Sergeant at  Arms, and Jean Tracy, Secretary to our officers' meeting on January 31st.

Emery Jordan laid out plans to expand our public relations. His plans included:

. Contacting nearby employers to invite them to send employees to increase their public speaking skills. This will enhance their businesses.

. Posting flyers of our special events at our city hall, chamber of commerce, nearby colleges, Starbucks, QFC's, and Safeways

. Sending press releases to nearby newspapers like the Bothell-Kenmore Reporter regarding our special events

. Pitching to Career Days with talks and brochures

. Looking into the QC graphic scanner for our promotion materials, website, and blog

. Sharing the above tasks with our officer team

Pierce Offered to Design Our Open House Flyer and send it to Emery.

Ken Emphasized Promoting Interview Skills with Our Impromptu Table Topics.

   He shared this Table Topics example:
       "Give me your 5 best qualities and how they'll benefit our company."

   Ken will increase member recognition for their many achievements.

Barbara Will Send Emails to Guests

Jean Will Write Blogs and Encourage Members to Sign Up and Promote the Blog to Our Social Media Sites.

Prema Will Set Up the Room and Welcome Guests with Her Warm Style.

Looks like our officer team is eager to show that Public Speaking Northwest is the place where speakers and leaders are made.

Jean Tracy, DTM