PSNW Officer’s Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2024
Attendees: Deanna S, Katie M, Nancy C, Dustin U, Lynne D, Bill H, and
Theresa H.
I. Action Items:
1. Approved November Officer Meeting Minutes
2. Officer Training: Everyone has either completed or signed up for
3. Katie was given the go ahead to have Raul make us a new timing
light. The cost is $30.
4. New TI Membership Tools. Lynne will investigate further to see if the
tools will help our membership efforts.
Ongoing/Old Business
1. Card/Gift for Celina at Brightwater. Kelly created a card that we will
give to Celina in January. It was signed at the December meeting and
will be circulated at the January meeting. It was decided that we give
Celina a plant as a thank you.
II. Officer Reports
VP Education/Webmaster: Nancy
All is well. There is a new tab/page on the public portion of our website for
Kelly's PR training resources.
In November, Bill, Amy, Maria, and I leveled up in our paths. TI won't give
me credit for my level 5 completion until I finish the one more
speech to go. It is scheduled for Dec 17th. It works out well. With the
holidays, folks may not want to commit to a speech. We will get one more
point on our DPR when it is done and registered.
Over Thanksgiving weekend, our DPR on TI had a funny glitch and it
reflected that we had NO members. All of our members were still on the
roster. After a few days it cleared.
Shhhh. Don't tell anyone, but I submitted our 2025 officer list to TI a tad
early and we received our point.
New Base Camp sends a monthly report on who did what, if anything, for
the month. It is nice to be able to follow up with folks when I know they have
done a speech.
DPR: We are one point away from being Distinguished.
Please get trained! There are 4 online trainings in December/January. We
make $70 and receive the Super 7 award when we are all trained.
Kelly – Done
Theresa - Done Today, Dec 6
Bill - Done Today, Dec 6
Me - Scheduled for Jan 15
Lynne - Scheduled for Jan 15
Deanna - Scheduled for Jan 15
December Calendar
Mid-December Club Officer Election
End of December Club Officer List Deadline
No Meeting Between Christmas & New Year
VP Membership: Dustin
We currently have 25 members
TI Inquiries:
Mona Rajpal – inquired on 11/18, did not attend
PSNW Inquiries:
Donna Smith – Inquired on 11/16, did not attend
Daniela Potra – Inquired on 11/19. Daniela is president of Faithfully
Speaking and wanted to see how other clubs operate. Attended 11/19
Chang Choi – Inquired on 11/26. Chang attended the 11/26 meeting.
Other notable guests:
Nadine and Raul also joined us on 11/5 as guests.
VP Public Relations: Kelly.
All is well in the PR World.
For those of you who have not heard I accepted the marketing chair position
for our district conference in May. In addition, I am working on my DTM, so
there will be a lot of eyes on what I produce for the club, and I will have to
make some updates to our website so I am 100% brand compliant.
I still need officer photos from everyone but Nancy and Lynne.
Our in-person holiday party was a grand success! Thank you to everyone
who participated in making the magic happen.
I will not be at our meeting on Tuesday, and I may or may not make it in time
for our officer meeting, so please do not wait for me. I have several doctor
appointments in Seattle. All is well, but it will be a long day.
Have a fantastic meeting and please try to take a Zoom screenshot with
everyone looking to camera. If not, I can pull it from the recording.
Treasurer: Deanna
1. Return on security deposit ($100) on 2024 Brightwater Center room
rental received into PSNW bank account on 12/5/24.
2. $195 payment for Brightwater center room rental up through end of
2025 completed.
3. Two check donations were received in Dec 2024. $20 from Bill Hinrichs
and $100 from Deanna Schroeder. Deposited on 12/10/24.
4. Funds are sufficient for the requested $30 new timing device purchase.
5. Deanna (PSNW Treasurer) has registered for officer training on Jan 15,
2025. 12-1pm.
6. The PSNW bank account balance is $967.54 of 2/10/24.
Secretary: Sonal
Sergeant at Arms: Katie
1. Brightwater has refunded our security deposit for the first three
2. The timing light is a bit tattered. We can swap our existing light for a
nice one for $30.
President: Lynne
The past six months have been busy, and we accomplished a lot!! Our
biggest challenge was to find a new in-person meeting location. Hats off
and a huge thank you to Katie for her diligence and creativity in finding our
new home at the Brightwater Center. After four meetings there, we have
found it to be an excellent venue for us. AND!!! Our charge for using the
room was dramatically reduced to $195 for the whole year!!!
Welcome!! to Theresa, and Bill, our new VP Membership and Secretary.
Thank you for your willingness to serve as a club officer. We are excited
you will be part of our leadership team!!
Thank You to Dustin and Sonal for supporting and serving the club as our
VP Membership and as Secretary. We appreciate you and all you have
done for our club!!
III. Announcements
December 17 th is our last meeting in 2024. Our first 2025 meeting will be in
person on January 7 th at Brightwater. We will need a Toastmaster!!
Motion to Adjourn: Katie Second: Nancy