Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Meeting Minutes 07/30/24


Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

July 30th,2024




We have a new location for our in-person meetings starting Sept 3rd. We will announce the new location at our August 6th meeting.

 Our Toastmaster Amy had the theme the Olympics.  

 Our Sergeant at Arms pro tem Barb called our meeting to order.

 Our President pro tem Nancy opened our meeting.

 Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian Jin

Word of the day was Victory

Ah Counter – Dustin

Timer - Kerry

General Evaluator Kelly

 Our Speaker was Georgina with The Passport Series: Bull Run!

 Our Evaluator was Bill.

 Our Table Topics Master was Lakita with Olympics as our theme

 Our Table Topic Speakers were Justin, Nadine, Georgina, Katey H, Kerry, Bill, Natalia, and Amy

 Our Humorist was Natalia.

 Members in Attendance were Amy, Nancy, Katey H, Jin, Justin, Kerry, Kelly, Georgina, Bill, Lakita, Dustin, Barb, and Natalia.  

 Guests in Attendance Devi and returning guest Nadine

 Motion to Adjourn: Kelly    Second: Bill

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Meeting Notes - July 23, 2024

                                          Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

July 23, 2024


Announcements: None


Our President Pro Tem Nancy Carpenter called our meeting to order.


Our Sergeant at Arms Katie Munoz articulated the Club’s Mission and led the Flag Salute


Education Minute by our VPE Nancy Carpenter:

https://www.toastmasters.org/magazine: You can read and search any article without needing to log in.  


Our Toastmaster was Barbara Katz with the theme “Memorable Trips”.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian Lakita Butler

Word of the day was Enthusiasm.

Ah Counter – Kelly Fallucca

Timer – Maria Cubacha

General Evaluator Ellen Liang


Our Speakers and Evaluators were:


Speech Titles


Natalia Petrov

“Seasoning of Life”

Robert Katz

William Hinrichs

“The Last Thanksgiving”

Sonal Suhane


Our Table Topics Master was Justin Humke.


Our Table Topic Speakers were Katie Munoz, Kerry Accola, Greg Sanders, and Nitin Kumar.


Our Humorist was Justin Humke.


Members in Attendance were Katie Munoz, Kelly Fallucca, Bill Hinrichs, Jin You, Natalia Petrov, Nancy Carpenter, Justin Humke, Maria Cubacha, Robert Katz, Barb Katz, Lakita Butler, Nitin Kumar, Kerry Accola, Amy Wilson, and Sonal Suhane


Guests in Attendance were Ellen Liang and Greg Sanders


Motion to Adjourn: Robert Katz      Second: Bill Hinrichs

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Meeting Notes - July 16, 2024

                                           Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

July 16, 2024


Announcements: None


Our President Pro Tem Nancy Carpenter called our meeting to order.


Our Sergeant at Arms Katie Munoz articulated the Club’s Mission and led the Flag Salute


Education Minute by our VPE Nancy Carpenter:

Shared and discussed about our club’s DPR and the progress we have made.


Our Toastmaster was Bill Hinrichs with the theme “Inspirational Voices”.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian –Justin Humke

Word of the day was Persistence.

Ah Counter – Jin You

Timer – Natalia Petrov

General Evaluator Sonal Suhane


Our Speakers and Evaluators were:


Speech Titles


Katey Hardesty

“My Realization”

Kelly Fallucca

Maria Cubacha

“Activation Energy”

Deanna Schroeder


Our Table Topics Master was Barb Katz.


Our Table Topic Speakers were Robert Katz, Katie Munoz, Jin You, and HyungJoon Yoo.


Our Humorist was None.


Members in Attendance were Katie Munoz, Kelly Fallucca, Katey Hardesty, Bill Hinrichs, Jin You, Deanna Schroeder, Natalia Petrov, Nancy Carpenter, Justin Humke, Maria Cubacha, Robert Katz, Barb Katz, and Sonal Suhane


Guests in Attendance were Chelsea Parkman and HyungJoon Yoo


Motion to Adjourn: Bill Hinrichs      Second: Robert Katz

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Officer Meeting Minutes 07/09/2024

 Officers Meeting Reports:

Previous meeting minutes from 06/11/2024 got approved.

 July 09, 2024

  • President:
    • New Room Search:  I am delighted to report that Mara Williams is assisting Katie with the search for a new meeting location.  For those who might not know, Mara has served as our president for several terms.  She was president during our last room search and was actively involved in the process.   The Brightwater option in Katie's report looks very interesting (Katie will view the Brightwater site and ask a list of questions we have. Can we reserve the room for the year? Is there a contract involved? If it works, we could rent the north or south rooms for $15/hour. Since our meeting needs setup and breakdown time, it would be optimal to rent from 11:30 to 1:30.)
    • August In Person Meeting: a possible discussion: Because meeting attendance can be low during the summer it was suggested we might want to NOT have an in person meeting in August.  Attendance at the July meeting could be an indicator as to what we do regarding the August meeting.  If we DONT meet in August it might be possible to apply the amount we've already paid for the room to a meeting in October, if needed. (This would have to be checked out).  Right now we are paid through September. (We voted for August In-Person meeting which was unanimously approved by all)
  • Webmaster:
    • New officer/officer roles are tagged so everyone receives the correct emails.
  • Vice President of Education (VPE):
    • I submitted the new officer list to TI in time for DPR credit.
    • We are a President's Distinguished Club with 9 of 10 points. Final report attached.
    • Mentors are in short supply with vacations and others of us covering for those vacationers. Ideas for who else we could recruit?
    • We should be hearing from TI for online officer training opportunities. If we can get all 7 of us trained, our club gets a $70 reimbursement for expenses. When they publish online opportunities, if you do not find anything that fits, let me know and we can get you training outside our district. Besides the fact that we are able to learn things and teach things, we make $70. The Super 7 deadline, in theory, is mid-August.
    • Kelly, I will email you the educational certificates for 2023/24 Toastmaster year.
  • Treasurer:
    • The current room rental rate at Woodcrest is $35.00/month – this rent has not placed a burden on our budget. Our Rental Agreement is through Dec 3, 2024. Re cancelation – Per #7 of Agreement: “This arrangement could be canceled by either party with 30 days’ notice.” The Agreement does not address skipping a month to apply payment to a future month.
    • Reimbursement check sent to Nancy Carpenter (check 111 for $8.38) for mailing expenses (pin to new member completing ice breaker)
    • Invoices for the next membership term (Oct-March) will be sent out in late August or early Sept.
    • The PSNW bank account balance is $1262.64 as of 7/9/24.
    • PayPal processing fee: It used to be that the member paid the PP processing fee. Somehow it got switched to the club paying the fee. It takes a bite out of what we collect from new members. Nancy wondered if it is a setting at PayPal that can be changed to add the fee up front with the payee. Deanna is looking into attaching a convenience fee for PP transactions to cover the fee. Since the amount changes with our prorated dues, it would need to be a flat amount. Katie suggested that we raise our dues to cover these charges.
  • Vice President of Public Relations (VPPR):

o   VPM: I am officially covering Dustin for his VPM role for the next 3 weeks. Nancy, if you have not done so, please switch the email.

o   New Flag Stand. Our stand is getting cumbersome, and it is hard to clip the flag to the top of the stand. I recommend a new one that does not come in separate pieces so Katie can simply pop it up (We voted for stand and was approved by all).

o   September Recognition Parties to be added to the club calendar.

o   September 3rd – Online recognition party.

    • September 10th – In person recognition party
    • Officer videos. If anyone would like to submit a short video, under a minute, about your experience from the past term, a recognition for a specific person, or anything else you might want to acknowledge, please send me a short video clip by the second week of August, the sooner the better, and I will do the edit.
    • Website Homepage. Nancy. I am testing the message from Dustin on our website  homepage to see if it is easier for prospective members to contact us. I noticed on the mobile version you have to click into the “menu” to reach the “contact us” button. Is there a way to make a duplicate button to the contact form on the homepage and I can simplify the current text?
    • Meeting Agenda. Someone in the District brought it to my attention that the meeting agenda is part of the TM brand. Nancy, I don’t think we need to use the formal template agenda, but we do need to add the TM logo to all the beautiful agenda templates you made. Also, I think the page boarder line is orange right now, and that needs to be a TM color. I will leave it to you if you want to edit ours or use the TM template for convenience. If you need help, I am happy to edit.
    • Officer Training. Katie and I attended the in person training

o   Facebook: 391 Followers

o   YouTube – 37 Subscribers – 241 videos posted. We are ranging between 30 and 101 views on our most popular videos.        

  • Vice President of Membership (VPM):
    • Chelsea Parkman is official member now.
    • Kelly will be officially covering Dustin for his VPM role for the next 3 weeeks.
  • SAA Report
    • I have found four possible meeting spots so far.
    • Shared spreadsheet related to meeting spots information with club officers.
  • Secretary Report
    • I send the Weekly Toastmasters Report to all members of the club.

.Officers in Attendance were, Kelly Fallucca, Deanna Schroeder, Nancy Carpenter, Katie Munoz, and Sonal Suhane.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Meeting Notes-July 09, 2024

                                            Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

July 09, 2024


Announcements: None


Our President Pro Tem Nancy called our meeting to order.


Our Sergeant at Arms Katie articulated the Club’s Mission and led the Flag Salute


Education Minute by Nancy:

The Link Between Listening and Speaking
Active Listening Tips
Are You Listening?
7 Ways Leaders Can Listen More Effectively


Our Toastmaster was Mara with the theme “Financial Independence”.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian –Kerry

Word of the day was Delayed Gratification.

Ah Counter – Justin

Timer - Sonal

General Evaluator Nitin


Our Speakers and Evaluators were:


Speech Titles



“Are you Listening?”



“Beyond Words: Crafting Visual Experiences”



Our Table Topics Master was Kerry.


Our Table Topic Speakers were Katey, Chelsea, Bill, and Katie


Our Humorist was None.


Members in Attendance were Katie, Kelly, Katey, Bill, Jin, Mara, Deanna, Natalia, Nancy, Justin, Maria, Nitin, Kerry, and Sonal


Guests in Attendance was Chelsea.


Motion to Adjourn: Kelly      Second: Katie

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Meeting Notes - July 02, 2024

                                          Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

July 02, 2024


Announcements: None


Our President Pro Tem Kelly called our meeting to order.


Our Sergeant at Arms Katie articulated the Club’s Mission and led the Flag Salute


Education Minute by Kelly: Reviewed in-person meeting protocols.



Our Toastmaster was Kelly with the theme “Happy Birthday America”.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian Bill

Word of the day was Surrender.

Ah Counter – Katey

Timer - Natalia

General Evaluator Kelly


Our Speakers and Evaluators were:


Speech Titles



“Invest in Kid’s Financial Futures”



Mentor or Coach



Our Table Topics Master was Sonal.


Our Table Topic Speakers were Katey, Jin, Bill, Katie, and Natalia


Our Humorist was None.


Members in Attendance were Katie, Kelly, Katey, Bill, Jin, Mara, Deanna, Natalia, and Sonal


Guests in Attendance was Diana.


Motion to Adjourn: Bill      Second: Mara