Saturday, August 19, 2023

Meeting Minutes August 15 2023

 Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

Aug 15, 2023



  1. Registration for roles and speeches in September and October is open on the calendar.

Our Toastmaster was Nancy, with the theme of Relaxation (as it was National Relaxation Day)


Our Sergeant at Arms, Barb, called our meeting to order.


Our President Victor opened our meeting.


Our Education Minute 

  • Recently, Nancy and Kelly discovered Vinh Giang, an exceptional coach, insightful speaker, and magician. His content on various platforms captivated them, and they have learned much from him.
  • Nancy also defined relaxation as being free from tension and anxiety. The only time a person is genuinely free from tension and anxiety is at the time of death. Tension is an intrinsic part of human existence, even in everyday activities like eating and drinking. Despite acknowledging the continuous presence of stress in life, relaxing is still possible.
  • How to Make Stress Your Friend - Ted Talk
    • The perception of stress can significantly impact its effects on the body. Those who view stress as entirely negative may experience more harmful effects while understanding stress as a positive response can lead to constructive physical reactions. Recognizing that stress can be beneficial prepares the body to face challenges, highlighting the intricate connection between mindset and physiological well-being.
  • Nancy discovered something interesting called non-sleep deep rest (NSDR), similar to Yoga Nidra, a form of guided meditation for relaxation. NSDR takes only 10-15 minutes, and it trains your body to enter a state of relaxation. One can incorporate this practice during the day, and it helps you sleep better at night. It's like your body understands: Oh, relax, we're not stressing today". It's an excellent way to relax in your active life.

Our Gate Team was:


Grammarian  Marcus

Word of the day was Tranquil (free from disturbance and calm - An example: After the children go to bed, the house becomes tranquil, reflecting a state of calmness and peace.)

Ah Counter – Rahul

Timer - Maria

General Evaluator - Mara


Our 1st Speaker was Victor with “Disciplined Dreamer” - Presentation Mastery, Vocal Variety & Body Language (5-7 min)

  • Using the story of Hercules at a crossroads, Victor illustrates the daily choice between the easy, unfulfilling path and the difficult, rewarding one.
  • Discipline is defined not as a struggle against temptation but as adherence to principles, systems, and routines that lead to self-control, focus, and tranquillity.
  • Victor shares his transformation through discipline, achieved by reading "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" and setting clear goals, leading to educational and personal success.
  • Discipline is presented as vital in the professional world, helping to stay committed and overcome obstacles. An example of navigating the challenges of being furloughed during the pandemic is given, with discipline leading to personal growth and new success.
  • Strategies for cultivating discipline were discussed, including setting clear goals, creating structure, establishing daily routines, and connecting actions to personal "why" factors.
  • Discipline is the key to unlocking personal growth, turning dreams into reality. The speech returns to Hercules, who chose the path of discipline, inviting the audience to choose.

Our 2nd Speaker was Tian with “Happy Hiking: A Beginner's Guide” - Presentation Mastery Path, Speech with Purpose (5-7 min)

  • Hiking provides excellent exercise, helping you stay fit and healthy.
  • You can explore the incredible outdoors, taking in breathtaking views of mountains, waterfalls, beaches, lakes, and wildflowers.
  • Hiking helps improve mental health, allowing you to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
  • Whether with family, friends, or alone, hiking offers a chance for quality time in the peaceful tranquillity of nature.
  • Hiking helps develop determination, resilience, and perseverance, contributing to personal growth.

Victors’s Speech Evaluator was Kelly

Tian’s Speech Evaluator was Amy

Our Table Topics Master was Sonal.


Our Table Topic Speakers were Marcus, Jutta, Kelly, Barb, Rahul


Members in Attendance were Barb, Victor, Nancy, Marcus, Rahul, Mara, Tian, Kelly, Amy, Sonal, Jutta


Guest in Attendance None


Motion to Adjourn: Kelly  Second: Mara

Friday, August 11, 2023

Meeting Minutes August 8 2023

                                             Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

Aug 8, 2023


Our Toastmaster was Kelly with the theme True Lies


Our Sergeant at Arms, Barb, called our meeting to order.


Our President Victor opened our meeting.


Our Education Minute Importance of focussing and reinforcing the content of a speech: Nancy outlined a process that begins with determining the purpose of the speech, then concentrating on that purpose throughout. It was recommended to refer back to the purpose during the speech and to support the main point with stories and examples. Nancy also referred to an article (Build a Great Speech - Gain valuable construction on tips from start to finish) on building a great speech.


Our Gate Team was:


Grammarian  Deanna

Word of the day was embellish (to make a statement or story more interesting or entertaining by adding extra details including or especially ones that are not true)

Ah Counter – Deanna

Timer - Nitin


Our 1st Speaker was Sharon with “Optimize Your Youtube to Save You Time and Grow Your Reach”


Our 2nd Speaker was Sonal with “Unveilling My Journey: From Self-Limitation to Self-Discovery”


Sharon’s Speech Evaluator was Nancy


Sonal’s Speech Evaluator was Maria


Our Table Topics Master was Marcus.


Our Table Topic Speakers were Amy, Rahul, Hari, Deanna


Members in Attendance were Kelly, Barb, Victor, Nancy, Deanna, Nitin, Sharon, Sonal, Maria, Marcus, Amy, Rahul, Hari


Guest in Attendance Hari


Motion to Adjourn: Kelly  Second: Rahul