Officers’ Meeting Minutes - September 13, 2022
Attendees: Barb, Nguyet, Mara, Lynn, Nancy, Lynne, and Kelly
Officer Reports with Discussion:
Approved lasted month’s officers’ meeting minutes.
Officer Reports:
President: Mara
VP Education (VPE): Nancy
VP Membership (VPM): Lynne
VP Public Relations (VPPR): Kelly
Secretary: Lynn C
Treasurer: Nguyet
Sergeant at Arms (SAA): Barb
President Report: Mara
What about the Bothell Church location (Kelly asked) - Per Mara, if there’s meeting space then that’s ok, but not the sanctuary area
Lynne reached out to Grazie Restaurant - members must order $17 each. $50 for the room.
UW Bothell - Per Mara, parking can be restrictive. She can reach out.
Mara will mention it to the members - to ask next week.
Lynn will let Mara know tomorrow morning if we hear anything from McMenamins
Nancy suggests Mara email the members and let them know that Nguyet will be sending out emails regarding dues.
Mara is away next week for Officer - Nancy is covering
DPR, VPE Written Report: Nancy
1. Attached is our club calendar. Dues are due at the end of this month. They can be processed now. Let's do what we can to support Nguyet. The end of the month will be a log jam at TI, so sooner is better than later.
2. Attached is our latest DPR.
3. Since Lynne will be nurturing prospective and new members, I will take the Mentor Matchmaker job. Technically, it is VPE responsibility, but Lynne has been doing this for years. I appreciate her so much.
4. Still having challenges getting my arms around the Learning Minute. A minute is a short time to transmit meaningful information. It is a work in progress.
5. All 7 of us got our training! Super 7 award comes our way, as does District dollars that we can use toward Zoom.
1. Lynne is up to speed with adding new members.
2. With Kelly's blessing, I changed the "Blog" tab to Meeting Minutes and edited the outdated "Meeting Video" tab in the public section of the site to include an embedded viable link to the latest TI meeting video.
VPPR Written Report: Kelly
As of 9/2/2022, we have 28 videos posted and 11 subscribers. People are commenting on videos; however, not subscribing to the channel.
Nancy got 21 views on “Mom’s Dream Trip.” Amazing. One short from the Celebrate Public Speaking Northwest video. Way to go!
Some people are being shy about posting speeches on video; however, Jim permitted me to post his last speech. Yippy!
Nancy. Perhaps a “Learning Minute” on the topic of video would be good. YouTube is the new “Google Search.” Video provides a medium to document growth and legacy. Video is not going anywhere.
I am posting more regularly, so our reach went up 183.4%. This is not impressions, people visiting the page, this number represents how many saw the content from Facebook. I believe this number will go up because I am trying to mention District 2 and TMI in posts.
Same as YouTube, people are watching us but not as many have subscribe as I had hoped. However, I just started the push. I will start posting educational information as well as our club’s information, to drive traffic for people searching “Public Speaking.”
I am taking deleting the old club’s FB page off my list. I have contacted FB through as many of their troubleshooting links as I can find with no success. I hope the more we post we move up in Google ranking.
I went to the online meeting for the Bothell Chamber of Commerce. Very active group. We might want to consider joining them if we get a location for free. Pricing information may be found at:
Due to the contributions to our club, an old friend of mind saw my post on LinkedIn. He is a professor for Westcliff university and invited me to create a presentation based around fear of public speaking and creating presentations with ease for their monthly speaking series. I will be slotted for early spring; however, I must be ready by December for a cancellation may be open. Very exciting!
Halloween. It is one of my favorite holidays. Do we want to have a costume party at the in-person meeting on October 25th? Shall we do a theme party?
How may I help any of you in accomplishing your goals?
VP Membership Written Report: Lynne
My transitioning into the VPM role is going well. Mara and Nancy have been wonderful in helping me learn the ropes!! I want to thank them both for their support while I was gone. Mara, for taking on the VPM duties and Nancy for handling the Mentor Matching. Going forward, Nancy will do the Mentor Matching. It's great to be back and I'm looking forward to working with potential and new members!!
In-Person Meetings: Country Inn. Country Inn did finally bill us for the room usage this spring, however, we are still waiting for the invoices. I contacted Gwen Boone at Country Inn to find out when we might expect to receive them.
Secretary Written Report: Lynn
I requested the Thorndike Room at Mc Menamins Anderson School for 10/4 and 11/1 last week but have not received confirmation that we will have it yet. I will keep everyone updated once I hear back.
Treasurer Written Report: Nguyet and previous Treasurer JinXin
We've earned the Super 7 Awards (Clubs with all seven officer positions trained at a District-sponsored training in June through August 2022 will receive $70 D2 Dollars)
I've submitted the Super 7 Awards incentive on Concur.
I'm still waiting for an invoice from Country Inn. Lynne D, can you please follow up with them
SAA Written Report: Barb
All supplies are up to date. I have created new name cards with Pathways levels on them.
In Meeting:
We no longer have Maria’s workplace as our possible In-Person meeting location
What about the Bothell Church location (Kelly asked) - Per Mara, if there’s meeting space then that’s ok, but not the sanctuary area
Lynne reached out to Grazie Restaurant - members must order $17 each. $50 for the room.
UW Bothell - Per Mara, parking can be restrictive. She can reach out.
Mara will mention it to the members - to ask next week.
Lynn will let Mara know tomorrow morning if we hear anything from McMenamins
Nancy suggests Mara email the members to let them know that Nguyet will be sending out emails regarding dues.
Mara is away next week for Officer - Nancy is covering
Everyone agrees on a costume party virtual on Zoom
The Bothell Chamber of Commerce is very active.
Nancy had the most viewed on YouTube
Toastmaster signed a deal with a software we can use to evaluate our speech
We have a Youtube playlist
She’s been tagging District 2 and Toastmaster International and getting some attention.
Our website going well
Nancy’s speech next week will have the club finish Level 1
Dues are due at the end of the month
Where do we keep the list of members' emails? Is it updated? Nevin is no longer with us but he’s still on there. Hence the question.
She’ll send out a renewal email starting today.
The dues deadline is the last day of this month
Nancy suggests working with Lynne D to see who’s still a member.
Will work with JinXin for help with the roster.
Club Balance $1,355.38
Nguyet just got access last week to our bank account.
Lynne asked Nguyet - Anna Vu (guest), did we receive any from her? Per Nguyet, she has reached out but has not heard back. Nguyet will ask again but if we don’t hear back we can assume she’s not interested. Anna submitted the application but didn’t pay her dues. Could be out of town (Mara mentioned)
Welcome new member Mark Perez - need to check if he’s on the email yet.
Was curious if Mara and Kelly are receiving emails from people that reached out interested in visiting our club.
Mara and Kelly will not respond and assume Lynne will handle it unless she’s out of town. Please reach out to Mara if out of town.
Nancy suggests putting Toastmasters in the subject line.
Lynn requested Oct and Nov last week at McMenamins. Have not heard back. Just emailed Wendy Woll this morning and have not heard back yet.
Kelly asked if the police station was a dead end. Mara has not reached out.
Per Nancy, we can get bumped regularly at the Bothell Police Station.
New Business
No new business.
Motion to adjourn by Nancy, Seconded by Lynne
Lynn Connell